Spiritual Reading Testimonial Thank You Master Image

I wanted to add this section of Testimonials because I worked very hard over the few years to give people readings. Not playing games as Skeptics have said to others before. I worked very hard to learn how to quiet my mind and to hear Spirit within give me information or show me images or mini movies to then share with people.

Even though my method of giving readings was kind of Unorthodox it worked for me and at times was really amazing with the information that Spirit relayed to me for the person. Understand I would go into meditation and gather up everything I could while recording with a digital recorder and i would mention back what I saw, heard and felt. Some days i would connect and receive a few things over 20 minutes and some days depending on my frame of mind I would get nothing.

Still I found that sometimes it gave them peace, or we had fun trying to figure out the puzzle that spirit shared with me. I always mentioned what I received, then had them say yes or no first. Then If i felt I didn’t get anything else pertaining to what I got they could share. 

Thank you to those who gave honest Testimonials to me and while now I don’t do readings any longer it was fun. Over time I gave over 90 free readings to people for my learnings and without them I would of never known just how amazing and real this truly is in that I could do this. Working with Spirit in this way was truly an amazing and loving part of my life.

Barb L Testimonial Master Image
Bridget S Testimonial Master Image
Danielle Testimonial Master Image
Donna H Testimonial Master Image
Jann Testimonial Master Image
Jenni Testimonial Master Image
Linda Testimonial Master Image
Lori Testimonial Master Image
Maureen Testimonial Master Image
Raina Testimonial
Rhonda T. Testimonial Master Image