The Tenney Gate House & Castle Spirits Investigation, gave me fantastic evidence for myself! I had so much fun with people and Spirit in doing investigations in the Tenney Gate House. Also more was done up on the Hill at Greycourt Castle ruins, along with the wooded area was amazing! The Tenney Castle Gatehouse is a historic gatehouse at 37 Pleasant Street in Methuen, Massachusetts, United States. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places on January 20, 1984. It is the only surviving element of the large estate of Charles H. Tenney, a leading local industrialist.

The gatehouse was originally a two-story rough stone farm house built by Richard Whittier between August and November 1830. In April 1882, it was purchased by Charles H. Tenney. It was redesigned in 1883 by architects Damon Brothers into a gatehouse for the 76-acre Tenney estate known as Grey Court.

When first built, it was a two-story stone structure with five bays on its front facade and a central entry. The modifications by Damon gave the building a distinctive Queen Anne Victorian character, changing the roof to be hipped, and adding an ornately decorated tower with weathervane on one corner. A porch was added to shelter the entry, whose gable has rows of decorative shingles. The interior features Anglo-Japanese wallpaper that was replicated in 1999. 

In 1951, the Tenney family gave 26 acre to the town for Tenney High School (now Tenney Grammar School). The family offered the castle and the 80-acre estate to the town of Methuen which rejected the generous gift. It was later sold to the Basilian Salvatorian Order. In the 1970s, after the Basilian Salvatorian Order vacated the property, the castle was used as a substance abuse treatment center and was then abandoned, boarded-up, looted and vandalized.

A series of fires over a number of years heavily damaged the mansion. A major fire, intentionally set, destroyed the roof and most of the interior. Instead of preserving the still-impressive ruins of this Carrere and Hastings Beaux-Arts mansion, which despite the fire, still featured original exterior terracotta details, brickwork, and granite walls, the remains were almost completely demolished by approval of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management.

The town government of Methuen did not act to prevent the demolition either. Of the mansion, only a very small corner and a section of the interior courtyard arcade exist. The ruins are currently in poor condition and continue to be vandalized. The Gatehouse, is now home to the Methuen Museum of History and maintained by the Methuen Historical Society. The Stock House or Stables remain standing as part of the original estate. The Tenney estate is currently a Massachusetts state park, known as Greycourt Park.

I met Audrey Hewins at the Tenney Gate House in Methuen Massachusetts at a Paranormal fundraiser event held by Nightfall Paranormal and Mass Paranormal. UFO abductee and Researcher and Founder of Starborn Support shown here with back to me in the woods at the event. Shown is the Males head looking in my direction next to her left side of her head. Also merged next to his head is an animal face with snout and eyes.


I had a wonderful opportunity to attend my very first Paranormal Investigation with members of Nightfall Paranormal and Mass Paranormal and meet many wonderful people in the process. Little did i know i would end up with taking a photo of a figure in white that would end up on tv and also reside in the evidence book at this Historical building in Methuen Massachusetts. This was the group i was in and we first investigated one of the rooms downstairs.

Tenney Gate House Methuen Massachusetts Master Image


The construction of Grey Court also known as the Tenney Castle started in 1890 and completed in 1892. The mansion stood on the hilltop until it was destroyed by fire in 1978. A small portion survived when the majority of the ruins were razed in 1985. The Tenney Castle Gatehouse, which is associated with the property, is listed on the National Register Of Historic Places and is home to the Methuen Historical Society.


I had seen that there was a Fundraiser Paranormal Investigation being held at this property and something just pulled me in to do this and it turned out to be so much fun that I ever experienced, in meeting people and making new friends. Most of all I would receive some really awesome Evp’s and and a few images of Spirits during my visits there.

Here are some photos, EVP and videos I made back in 2009 & 2010 when I first visited the property. One in particular a Robed figure in white which was at one time displayed in the Tenney Gate House Historical Society Building. The first video was shown on Animal Planet’s Tales of The Haunted where you will see the photo I captured at the Nightfall Paranormal fundraiser event in Methuen Massachusetts.


I had a wonderful opportunity to attend my very first Paranormal Investigation with members of Nightfall Paranormal and Mass Paranormal. I had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people in the process. Little did i know i would end up taking a photo of a figure in white that would end up on tv and also reside in the evidence book at this Historical building in Methuen Massachusetts. This was the group i was in and we first investigated one of the rooms downstairs.


Tenney Gate House Para Event Master Image


Tenney Gate House Upstairs Master Image

Here are some EVP that I received upstairs in the Tenney Gate House.

00:04 “I like him” 

00:07 “Drank a little bit”

00:09 “Cider”


00:07 “I did”

00:15 “Jamar Brown”


00:07 “By force we fight”

shh tenney shhh
K2 Meter at Tenney Gate House


00:15 “Tenney”


00:07 “They want me to love Paul”


00:06 “Ghost Dog Bark” & “By force we fight”


00:05 “Some went over Al’s”]


00:16 “Don’t thank Jenny Hanchett”



We next headed to the woods adjacent to the Grey Court Castle ruins as I believe I heard that people were doing animal sacrifices years ago. We were in the circle just inside the woods themselves. It would be in this area that some really amazing things happened.

Grey Court Castle Woods Master Image

00:02 “Maybe”



00:01 “Evoke”

00:04 “Burn”

00:05 “Little Maniac”

00:10 Person saying flash

00:16 “What is South Boston”

00:21 “Pembroke”



Many times I have been guided to take a photo and many times strange images appear. Sometimes nothing shows up, but other times such as this a Man’s head appeared in one photo taken next to Audrey Hewins head. The other photo showed nothing next to her head. 

paranormal event 2010 audrey 2
Tenney Castle Woods No Spirit In Present Pic Master Image

Audio of my finding the Spirit next to Audrey’s head.



Constant run of EVP voices



00:01 “She can’t grab her”

00:03 “Lose it”



This would be my second day of Investigating and by far the best in terms of fun and Evidence that I received from this Historic place in Methuen Massachusetts. We started inside the Home and then it was trips up to the Grey Court Castle ruins area where I captured a photo of a figure in a white robe standing in the ruins area. We later went into the woods adjacent to the ruins and 9 of us had an amazing time doing EVP work and using K2 meters and experiencing all kinds of Spirit activity.


00:03 “Doggie”

00:12 “Heathen”



00:15 “I’m a long faced Ghost”


00:19 “Jeeper Creeper”


We are headed back up to the Grey Court Castle and the woods adjacent to it where it was said that animal sacrifices were done there years ago. This would be the most intense night i ever had doing E.V.P.’s.

Late afternoon about dark for the first of two trips up to the woods area.

After a bit of EVP sessions we were around the Grey Court Castle ruins area when I was guided to take a photo, then I took another. Something told me to check the photos and there it was, A figure in white. I asked a woman to please stand in the spot where the Figure showed up. There are 3 photos in the following link showing just the people, then the people and the robed figure and then the last one with just the woman and no figure any more.

Grey Court Ruins Figure In White CLICK- HERE

My photo of the figure on the TV show The Haunted  CLICK HERE


We had visuals in the woods, some of us heard Spirit talking audibly and others heard music playing which both of those audibles were captured on EVP. The 9 of us that were there had a very unique intense experience in the woods adjacent to the Grey Court Castle. I am not sure if there if many years ago the circle in the woods was used for Sacrificing animals, but it sure had some negative vibe in that area for us.

00:06 “Jerry Racoach”

00:10 “No”


00:02 Child Says something

00:06 Dog Bark EVP


00:01 “Braid with granite??”

00:10 “Yes”


00:05 “No one loves me”

00:08 “Attack them”

00:10 “No ones F……”


00:11 “Your happy too, not yet”


00:11 “Just sick of this group”

00:13 “Mother’s sick”

00:16 “Your not special”


A young boy says something at the beginning

00:14 “Shove off”


Fantastic disembodied voice in the woods, also captured on EVP saying Hell or help.

00:03 “Help” or “Help It”


00:12 “The circle I can’t”


00:06 “It attacks people”


00:13 “Wish the Devil walk over”


00:40 “Burn I wanna burn it”


00:02 “Your a medium please”

00:04 “Please help me Please”

00:06 “Your dead sugar”

00:12 “Benjy Jackson”


00:02 “Envy you Haraba”

00:05 ” Strange Music”

00:11 “Andy Schumach”


00:011 “Did it like I said”


00:15 “I know their fake we know their weak”

Music starts playing



00:10 “He is so lost”


00:14  “Shove off”


00:09 “British are coming”



I decided to go back to Methuen Massachusetts for another year of Paranormal fun with the people there I had met previously. Here are a few EVP’s I captured on the only night I was there.

00:09 “Your body were drugged”


00:06 “All Can”

00:07 “Death and Coffin”


00:08 “My name is Dexter”


00:15 “In our home”


00:01 “We have so much love”


00:20 “I need the sun”


00:10 “Ooh let us serve”


00:01 “She can’t grab her” “Lose it”



We were investigating in the wooded area next to the Greycourt castle ruins area and the shutter speed on my camera produced a double image as you can see of the lead investigator. But what I see to the left and I circled it looks like a females head standing near a tree.

There wasn’t any woman standing in that spot and her head looks smaller than everyone else. Even though she is just a few feet one would think her head would be larger? Unless it a child in Spirit who has been known to communicate in this area, I believe her name is Abagail?

GreyCourt Castle Woods Spirit Female Master Image


00:06 “Taft”

William Howard Taft Master Image

1908 Presidential Campaign – William Howard Taft

by Gabriele Conti

1908 Presidential Campaign. Poster of William Howard Taft (R)

Public Domain Mark 1.0