The Experiences here are part of my Spirit Entity Interactions which started in 2007 and continued for quite a few years.

6/9/2007- I was upstairs and it was dark outside as I was at my computer, when something in my thoughts told me to take my camera and go downstairs to the bedroom, shut the light off and lay on the bed. Aim my digital camera at the window which at the time we had no curtains. I did my wife thought this was weird when she saw the flash and wondered what i was doing?

This isn’t something I would ever do in my life. When i looked at the viewfinder window i saw a face there, but my sister would see the main face looking in at the top right of the window. It actually took me 3 minutes to focus in on seeing this…then it popped in and it is as clear as anything to me along with many other images that appeared on that photo. I firmly believe this would be the first time i would actually listen to a spirit using telepathy.


Entity In The Bedroom Window


3/4/2008 Sometimes people experience events with Spirit Entity interactions that will change them forever, and in those events they sometimes ask themselves or question the experience of being real or not? These events that have taken place in my life are 100% real and are told in the exact facts of how they were experienced.

 it was early in the a.m. When i heard my name being called “todd” then a second time “todd” then a third time louder “todd”. I remember my hands were clasped together on my chest and when I first heard my name being called i remember my body was in this state.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to the left side of the bed where theresa was laying and i saw a dark cloud coming over the bed. Immediately i tried to yell “who are you”? But i was paralyzed.

I saw the dark cloud resting over the upper half of theresa’s body. I grabbed my spiritual card and must of thought to use it like a protection object against evil. When i swung my arm up to strike it my arm stopped dead in it’s tracks. The dark cloud i could see was about a inch away from my hand and i felt the force completely move my arm back down towards the bed and i dropped the card.

The intense feeling of being helpless against this was like a child arm wrestling a grown up person. I felt this and in any dream i have ever had to this point i have never felt anything like that. I want to note that there was no pain involved with this…only force of putting my left arm back down over my right side. When i swung my arm back up i sat up and it was gone.

At this point theresa was watching me and would tell me after this event that she couldn’t breath and it felt like there was a 200 pound man sitting on her chest and she tried to yell for me but couldn’t. She looked at me while I was sitting up with my elbows resting on the bed and wondered why i was looking in the corner of the bedroom.

Another note is i dream all the time and in all the dreams i have experienced my whole life…never had i dreamt a dream where my surrounding in my real life bedroom or anywhere real had been to the exact tee of what was shown to me in the dream.

This time everything was laid out precisely as the room would look if i wasn’t sleeping. So in looking at the corner of the room where the window had no curtains the dark cloud appeared vertically about 5 feet high and within the cloud i saw lights flashing like lightening in the clouds, just flashing. Then a woman’s head appeared out of the cloud, only about 3/4 of her head. She was blonde and beautiful about 30.

She smiled at me and a hand came out of the cloud directly above her head and waved to me. I smiled at her and then i remember coming out of the experience and theresa and i discussed the event and how it both affected us knowing if it was a dream it was def a psychic attack, but theresa said my eyes were open sitting on the bed. Maybe this was a extremely lucid dream where my eyes were open.

We were afraid to sleep the next 3 nights fearing this would come back again to attack us. It never did but our crucifix is still under our bed as a reminder of that early morning, and how one man’s voice warned us of the oncoming attack on my wife. Whoever it was we will never forget the help that was given us in just by the warning.

1/2/2011 Many times i had mentioned the dark cloud attack on Theresa in 2008. I never got any confirmation that i had ever seen in a book until today, my friend showed me a sentence in a book called THE DEMONOLOGIST THE EXTRAORDINARY CAREER OF ED AND LORRAINE WARREN.
“As a physical phenomena though the black mass is the spirit, and as such it is perfectly dangerous. When it corners a person the individual then reports a critical lack of air, incredible coldness on his body, and a pressure like a weight of a boulder bearing down on him”.

**This was a intense experience and was no dream as this affected two people very profoundly during and after this event happened. My wife had stated plainly to me that my eyes were open but i wonder if i was in a state where my eyes were open but i was seeing in the spirit world in my bedroom? Again to this date in my whole life i have never had a dream where the items in the room matched to the real room as if i was awake to the letter.


3/72008 The Spirit Entity interactions this time happened In the early a.m. I woke up to go to the bathroom, i asked my wife if she seen anything? She said a child said “mommy mommy”. When i went into the bathroom i sat down and heard a child talking and a very loud buzzing sound like a giant bee was in there. I was not expecting it and it scared the crap out of me.


5/22/2008 Theresa had felt like the bad spirit is back, she said her voice was paralyzed, i woke up and it felt like i was drugged and i had just enough power to lift my head off the pillow. A black shadow form was standing over me just swaying a little right and left over me. About 8 seconds later after seeing this next to me, my head just fell back on the pillow. When i woke up my cell phone and charger were stretched across the rug to the point of no slack left in the cord. I placed this directly below the bed where i was sleeping.


11/16/2008 I was in a house and a man pulled into the driveway and he got out. I ran to the window and I banged on it! I pointed at him and he looked right at me, then the scene changed and I was in bed. The room was dark and the man came through the door, I knew he was going to stab me! He came close and I was waiting to try and block the attacks. Then he got closer, I jerked my head and woke up.


1/23/2009 Theresa and i were eating dinner and i saw a small sparkle light the size of a quarter in the sun room, then it moved to the right and stopped, then left.


6/1/2009 Theresa and i felt the spirits pressing under the sheets again on our backs and legs.


I had a horrible day today as my friend and I had a battle, then after we talked it out, that negative aspect was done. Later that night Theresa woke up and saw a Spirit standing next to me, and he was dressed in a military outfit. He was cheering up and down and celebrating!

I told my female friend the next day after we patched things up that Theresa had seen this male spirit dress in Military clothes and celebrating. She said she believed 100% that is was her ex boyfriend who loved her and died after a car hit him while he was walking one night. She said the patching up on our friendship must of made him very happy.

Chan was born in Southbridge son of the late M. Wayne Colby, Jr who died in 1997. He graduated from Shepherd Hill Regional H.S. in 1984 and was employed at Verizon. He served 4yrs. in the United States Marine Corps.


5/7/2010 My wife was away for the weekend and when i went to bed i sat up and made it known to the spirits in the bedroom that theresa was not here. It was at that point i saw a slow moving shadow go along the window drapes and i yelled “i see you!”

6/17/2010 (Sleeping Hours) Like in the past when the Bug being was doing arm sweep motions over my body when i was asleep..last night a spirit man was standing over me..with long hair..and she said he had hair all over his face…maybe a thick beard. He had both arms over me and moving them back and forth also…i wonder?


10/30/2010 I was at my friends halloween party and i slept in the spare bedroom. I woke up and heard footsteps in the bedroom and asked the spirit if it could hear me to knock on the wall. I got up a minute later and went into the bathroom and i heard this loud smash sound come from that room. I went back in and nothing was out of place. When i went to lay back down i had a vision of a blue print at work and it lasted about 10 seconds.


5/12/2011 Theresa just told me i was sleeping last night and i had my elbow on the bed and hand up in the air and a woman spirit was kissing my hand, then later she woke up to see me lying on my stomach and she noticed boobs and saw a woman spirit lying on my back…she looked at her and the woman looked a little surprised Theresa saw her.


4/4/2012 I woke up and as i looked at the ceiling i saw extremely fast strobe lighting just flashing fast, along with that there were sparkle lights mixed in within all that. Now this all took place up on my bedroom ceiling in a 2 X 3 foot approx rectangle shape, and within that was a being that i could only make out the profile of the head and neck and shoulder…but understand with all the lights going on and off and the was hard to figure out what exactly is was?

When i saw wife sat up on the bed and proceeded to walk under it and headed towards the bathroom. I had about 12 seconds in which i sat up and tried to figure out exactly what it was as it was moving behind all those lights? I don’t think it was human..but i cannot say def it was a ET.

When my wife came out of the bathroom i asked her if she saw it and she said no, and there have been quite a few times my wife has seen Ethereal ET’s in our bedroom so this isn’t anything new here. Kathleen Marden niece of Betty and Barney Hill told me last year that it might be a exit or entry point of how they enter or exit our bedroom when they come.

6/1/2012 You know its time again to sage the house when…..A possible repeat Spirit offender comes back and theresa wakes up and his wang is hanging out while he is looking at her. Then his friend sticks his long tongue out like Gene Simmons of Kiss. She told them to leave…then moments later a loud bang was heard in the other room. Funny I wonder if the bangs i heard yesterday after meditation in our bedroom was them??? Damn Flashers!!!

2/14/2013 What a morning!! My wife just texted me and said she saw a partial spirit body of our Nanday conure on her pillow this morning. Yesterday morning a spirit had come close to her and he lifted his arms up to block something coming st him from the air. She saw a small blurry image near him and we assume the bird might of tried to protect my wife cause that is how he was when he was alive in the dying months before death. Beautiful valentines morning to hear that and have my friend confirm a dream i had about her family and a mouse


6/2/2013– I went to bed at 11:30 p.m. And started praying and then set a intention for a person who asked me to ask my guides a question for her. What happened is something that has never happened to this degree with seeing with my eyes closed, then open and then feeling the energy over my whole body all within the same set of experiences.

I closed my eyes and started praying and at 11:45 p.m. My clairvoyance started, as my eyes will start to get brighter with them totally shut and its dark in the room. Then the energy that starts from my feet and goes all the way up to my head came and i could feel this small vibration all around me. This has been a aspect sometimes of the clairvoyance coming but this does not happen very often this way.

I saw a head of a being briefly come in and go out, as i asked are you who is doing this? Then the moving visions started to show up as i saw in a dark setting and not 100% clear but about 70%. I saw a man jump off a building, then i was looking down and saw a roof of a house and there was a hole in it. A head peeked out of it, then it switched to a night scene where i saw a figure in a dark robe and he held up both his hands as to hail something.

I never got to really see his face here, then after i saw this dark image with wings behind it and the wings went down and rested. The next vision was strange as i was looking at a image of what looked like a cockpit of a plane or fighter jet and i heard millenium falcon told to me.

At that point a small bright light was in the left corner of my left eye as i was looking at the glass over the instruments in this plane or whatever as i only say a partial of this. I then opened my eyes to see if i could see with my eyes open as i do occasionally when i receive these clairvoyant images.

I saw partially the ceiling but it was more black than white and covering the whole ceiling was all these white squiggle lines that were just slowly moving there were tons of them. I knew at this point something big was here as the last time i got to see a being within strobe lights and sparkle lights on the ceiling was on 4-4-2012. Also the last time i would see something so intense with my eyes wide open and during this approximate 60 second experience i really thought something big was going to happen in the room.

Theresa is the one who has been seeing almost everything imaginable since 2008. Something told me to lift my arms outward and i said “i am ready to see with eyes open” and i also stated “who is doing this?”

I pulled my arms back in and saw the white of my arms still there for a few seconds in the dark as sometimes you can stare at a object then turn away and still see the image there but almost invisible. It left and theresa asked me what i was doing? I told her what happened and i closed my eyes again and repeated the same process again.

The energy came first this time and it really felt like a light shield over my body the energy or vibration. I could of moved but chose not to and i wanted to just silence my mind hoping it would help me see more as i do in meditations.

I then saw a rams head but most of the head image never showed mostly the curled horns, then a mans head came in fast then left. Then another faint lit image came in and i opened my eyes and i saw partial of it floating in the air. What i then noticed is something that i have seen before and theresa has mentioned before, the faint black blob.

This was not very dark but i saw it up there like a cloud and wondered if this was the source of what happens to me at night sometimes when the energy comes over me and i see these sometimes amazing and sometimes blurry images shown to me. Then it was gone and i went to bed back a few years ago theresa said a black blob was in the room near the ceiling and was shining a faint light down on my chest, could this whatever it is be the source of most of my visions i receive?

I thought this amazing visual on the ceiling was going to do something but never did just all the white squiggle images moving slowly. It had taken me one year and some days to finally see another intense experience up on the ceiling of our room. I do believe there is a portal in the home and theresa even said the shadows were in the room and ducking when she looked at them.


1/6/2013 Dream– I saw this hairy ape bear looking creature sitting in a chair with corn braids and hairy face. Then i saw snakes snapping at his groin area, one after the other while it laughed and then then it morphed into a penis and it was gross.he looked right at me and laughed then i woke up.

This was my response on facebook the next day

Last nights dream..i just got home from work and asked Theresa what she had seen last night and she described to me exactly what i saw in my dream last night. She saw it standing near me as i was sleeping and she said it also looked like a another ethereal version of it was over my body while i slept, then that vanished in a blink of a eye.

I have often wondered if when we have dreams that things from the other dimensions or wherever can get into our dreams?? Having a sort of doppelganger ethereal double merging with my body as i sleep really makes me wonder? Is that how if possible…they enter our dream state?


10/4/2013 am dream…. I was in a room with my wife and coming out of another room i saw a white flash image briefly and knew it was spirit. Then a female in her 20′s appeared in front of us wearing a t shirt and she was tall it seemed like she was six foot one inch with long hair down to her shoulders. She only lasted in front of us for a few seconds.

Then a third time here she came and appeared again though this time she stayed longer and as she was in front of us she was doing all kinds of hand motion gestures and did not speak at all. I could see her lips moving and then she put two of her fingers in her mouth in and out and i had no idea what was going on here? I grabbed her hand and i could feel the solidness to it in the dream, then i woke up.

10/4/2013 CONFIRMED i got up from the bed and told theresa about it and she said a tall girl was here recently standing near the bed and i told her that she looked like my niece jennifer who died a few years back. This really touched me today and when i left for work i got a text from the night before and my sister told me on the text she saw her deceased daughter in her home yesterday and she was stunned.

Yesterday was her daughters birthday who died from a od a few years back and people believe the boyfriend did it to her. I was also told by my facebook friend who is friends with my sisters family that my oldest niece now has experienced some dreams where her deceased sister is putting her fingers in my nieces mouth and trying to gag her with them.

This is to me a total confirm as i have not been speaking to my sister’s family of late and i feel this is a wonderful healing for me in the sense where i feel my niece knows this and even more greater for my sister who really had the confirm of her girl showing herself to her yesterday on her birthday.

5/15/2014 Theresa just tells me last night a Spirit guy with both fists was pounding on my body while i slept. I slept good with no issues…now she wakes up to a sore neck and she said she could partially feel being hit coming out of her sleep as that was what woke her up and there he was again…pounding on her head area…That is strange


7/22/2016 Just had a new one happen to me..i was talking to my guides and asked my dad to come and let me see him as its been awhile. I fell asleep then woke up 30 mins later opened my eyes and saw a spirit right next to me in bed.

I thought it was Theresa but it was illuminated and quickly left as i got slightly startled when i opened my eyes. I went downstairs and Theresa was still watching tv.. That experience was cool and hopefully its a start to what my wife sees all the time at night. i have no idea who it was?


3/12/2017 Its 1:19 am wow did spirit just get me good lol!!! Some dark figure stood near my clothes armoire and was going “Arrghhh” in a very scary voice in my ear. At first i thought my wife was standing there but she has been sleeping downstairs since her knee surgery.I started kicking at it but my foot was going through it….I woke up from that very realistic dream experience
And i think i yelled coming!!!. They got me good. The reason i know that it was a real visitation is because in my dream the side of my bed that area is exactly the same as in the dream and in my dreams there has only been one dream in my entire life that the scenery was perfectly matched to my dream.

Yes that dark cloud incident on my wife where I saw the Spirit as well and that incident was nuts for both of us. So yes as i lay alone in the dark i said out loud to them…”yup you got me good and smiled”

Spirit Rendition In My Bedroom Master Image


3/15/2017 Things are getting interesting of late as the experience with the Figure standing next to me the other night and going “ARRGGH” in my ear in my bedroom. Last night while Theresa and I were watching “This is us” on tv she saw a Shadow person emerge from the Cellar door and popped out looking at her and then it slipped back in again. This RENDITION is what she saw in our home.. I was not looking in that direction to see it but it was more in her line of view so this is interesting that seeing Spirits while just watching tv is a very rare event.

Shadow Being Rendition At My House Master Image



5/29/2017 Last night while I slept… A woman Spirit stands over me kisses my forehead, then kisses my cheeks then Theresa sees her sprinkling something over me. A little later she gets a message in the air that read “Get up and look down the stairs at the back glass door You will see me there”. Theresa says I am not getting up for that…She said in her head if you were nice you wouldn’t have me get up and do that…..LOL!!!! gotta love the Spirits.


4/18/2018 Theresa wakes up early this morning and sees a young 10 year old red haired female Spirit sleeping in bed between us.Theresa woke up again a little later and read a message in the air that said ” I am Kim Don’t boot me out.” Theresa in her head said in her head “As long as you behave yourself.”


4/26/2019 Kick ass experience last night as my friend and I are partying and all of a sudden out of nowhere we both look at each other and said “did you hear that?” we both heard a Spirit guy talking in a low gravel voice, yes it was in a quiet room with nobody near.