Spirituality/Metaphysical Master Image


Spirituality/Metaphysical meanings

The single greatest challenge of my lifetime was after my father died I realized that I could no longer be the person that I was and I needed to be the person I was meant to be. I had no real plan other than thoughts that I needed to start a process called meditation, perhaps be able to connect with Spirit Guides and somehow receive afterlife communication with my deceased dad.

It was not long after dad passed he came to me in a dream and that dream proved to be a reality of truth about my mother. That gave me hope and strength that the more I did the meditating and in trying to be a better person, I could gain so much in my quality of life. I had Spiritual/Metaphysical Teachers along the way, but the one thing I did not do correctly was surround myself with the white light of protection.

In the beginning months of 2008 my wife started experiencing open eye sighting of spirits and I was getting Clairvoyant images and mini movies, which really opened my eyes and I wondered what really is this all about? Scarier events started happening more and more in the home and over time I wondered if it was I who maybe opened up Portals and doorways to Spirits and other strange things?

More often than not though it was all a great learning experience, the visions or what I heard with Clairaudience. My father coming to me in my dreams and confirming events that would eventually happen due to those visits in the dream state. I am not saying that I ever became a monk like person because over time being an Empath and not understand exactly what that meant gave me highs and lows in my life.

Life is never easy for anyone as it seems like being pure is a constant battle, temptation is sometimes a very powerful thing. There was a time where I worked so hard at doing Spiritual Readings and I spent quite a few years giving free readings to people and love it! But over time I got burnt out from always giving and giving and I needed a major break. In my life at the moment I am supporting another who is fantastic a Spiritual Person and is giving and giving.

Like most people I have experienced a vast amount of learning lessons in my life, some of which I have passed and others which I still need to learn. I believe that what ever lessons I do not learn in this lifetime will probably come back to me int he next. I labeled the title Spiritual/Metaphysical because I believe I have experienced both sides of the coin in my life where my learnings have come in to assist me.

Spiritual practices

Kees Waaijman discerns four forms of spiritual practices:

Somatic practices, especially deprivation and diminishment. Deprivation aims to purify the body. Diminishment concerns the repulsement of ego-oriented impulses. Examples include fasting and poverty.

Psychological practices, for example meditation.

Social practices. Examples include the practice of obedience and communal ownership, reforming ego-orientedness into other-orientedness.

Spiritual. All practices aim at purifying ego-centeredness, and direct the abilities at the divine reality.

Spiritual practices may include meditationmindfulnessprayer, the contemplation of sacred textsethical development, and spiritual retreats in a convent. Love and/or compassion are often[quantify] described[by whom?] as the mainstay of spiritual development.

Within spirituality is also found “a common emphasis on the value of thoughtfulness, tolerance for breadth and practices and beliefs, and appreciation for the insights of other religious communities, as well as other sources of authority within the social sciences.


Beyond the physical or material; incorporeal, supernatural, or transcendental.