Strange Face On Plates Master Image
Olympus Digital Camera Used for Spirit Photography Master Image


Some call it Spirit Photography, Strange Images, Images that are unexplained, this aspect of my Mediumship is to me one of the biggest eye openers in my life. I studied by taking many photos at the same locations most of the time receiving nothing and sometimes receiving Spirit images as proof for myself that these Entities and Spirit images taken real.

The very first one was perhaps one of the most important ones to me as it was taken by Telepathy and i just listened to what i had heard in my thoughts and it would prove to be the start of something in my life that would change my belief in things some don’t believe exist.

It was also channeled by a Visionary Medium and she predicted things to come as she was 100% correct as it happened and would become one of the ongoing Experiences over time that has amazed me to no end. Some of the photos have been taken at home, or Cemeteries,  peoples houses, Paranormal events, Historic Inns, inside or outside day or night.

Some taken with multiple witnesses present, and a few of my photos are still saved on my camera memory card and will never be used again because one photo i had taken the entity was seen in my third eye in 2008 and seen also by my wife in our home.

That camera is not made anymore so i had to retire that camera from any future use. As with everything in life that people don’t or won’t understand or accept, some call certain photos that people post as Spirit photos Pareidolia or Matrixing. I say that because when it suits them to say that under their Particular mood of that given day or because ones Ego wont allow them to see the possible truth.

When this started to ramp up, I would take more photos and check, many times there were nothing there, but quite a few times there were. Some were taken with flash and some were not and only lightening up the image that was dark, it was then you could see something amazing.

While yes i have seen people post images that don’t look clear at all, some have to realize that not everyone has the gift to discern certain images. I will mention here that my wife who is a very gifted humble Clairvoyant has seen on occasion light ball images come into the room and will actually morph into human looking faces. This is where some say orbs are dust..I have seen photos where there are clear cut face images within these photos that were taken.

I refuse to call them orbs, again another word used by people that is not accepted in the Paranormal community as its considered a no no word. Yes some are dust and other things floating in the air…but not all of them are dust. We are all different in what we can and cannot do and whether one is a Psychic Medium or not we all are not on the same level of belief or understanding and some can and will block out anything that could possibly be communication from Spirit possibly due to ones belief system.

Once again in my opinion the media seems to control certain people who have to follow a protocol of the way they gather evidence in some Paranormal groups and have to fit in with the rest of them or they may be ridiculed. I see more Mediums involved in the field today and kudos to the ones who are the sincere and honest ones who can make that connection!

I believe 100% in the photos that i post are genuine, and because the possibility exists that maybe a deeper connection is made with Spirit than with some who only choose to use the Scientific ways of Investigating and may not be open to Spirit.

I have nothing against people of Science, I just choose to live my own life not dictated by those who say or those who follow that say because it is written here this or that cannot happen. Perhaps notations written by someone who never had a Spiritual or Paranormal experience in their own personal life.

In 2013 i stopped doing this aspect of communication with Spirit as there were other avenues to which i wanted to concentrate on as i felt i had done enough work with this area and felt truly blessed at the results. But every so often without thinking about it, I would find one on my newer photos.

10/17/2008 A voice speaks to me

It was late at night and i just had a dream about being in a town, then a voice spoke to me telling me that I will see Demons & Deities. That voice spoke clearly to me and it was I believed afterwards that was all related to the Photos I was taking and ones I would capture in the Future.

Demon also spelled daemon, respectively, any benevolent or malevolent spiritual being that mediates between the transcendent and temporal realms.

Throughout the history of religions, varying kinds and degrees of beliefs have existed in various spiritual beings, powers, and principles that mediate between the realm of the sacred or holy—i.e., the transcendent realm—and the profane realm of time, space, and cause and effect.

Deity is a god or goddess, divine character or nature, especially that of the Supreme Being; divinity. The estate or rank of a god:The king attained deity after his death. A person or thing revered as a god or goddess:a society in which money is the only deity. The De·i·ty, God; Supreme Being.

Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken. Some images were lightened, enlarged or contrasted due to poor lighting. Original image is presented here. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.

The photo that started it all for me CLICK- HERE

Seeing what Spirits appear next to people CLICK- HERE

Spirit head in the sunroom window CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Spirit girl CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery deer & Spirit boy? CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery meditation Indian CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery pyramid face CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Water Bottle Spirits CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Nature Spirits? CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Camouflage Spirits CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery figure CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Entity Image on Arm CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Alien? CLICK- HERE

Cedar Hill Cemetery Tiny Person CLICK- HERE

Shamanistic Fire Ceremony Entities CLICK- HERE

Cancer fundraiser Spirits at the window CLICK- HERE

3 Spirit heads at my living room window CLICK- HERE

Spirit heads off Mirrors & Glass CLICK- HERE

Spirits in the Closet CLICK- HERE

 Spirits & entities in Light forms CLICK- HERE

New England Air Museum Spirits CLICK- HERE

Scary set of eyes over my friend’s head CLICK- HERE

Cabinet Spirit photos begin, the jar CLICK- HERE

 Strange cabinet Images appear then vanish CLICK-HERE

Demon or Deity? Red being at my cabinet CLICK- HERE

Student predicts Indian Spirit at my cabinet CLICK- HERE

Spirit faces at the cabinet CLICK- HERE

Spirit Man Morphing Images CLICK- HERE

Strange Animal Image Through Glass CLICK- HERE

 Amazing Spirit Photos 2011 CLICK- HERE

Bald Headed Man At My Cabinet 2012 CLICK- HERE

Cabinet Spirits & Entities 2012 CLICK- HERE

The Demon & morphed over images CLICK- HERE

Spirit Resemblance of Jesus CLICK- HERE

Glass & Mirror Spirits CLICK- HERE

Spirit Family close to each other CLICK- HERE

Tenney Gate House Castle Robed Ghost CLICK- HERE

GreyCourt Castle Spirit in the woods CLICK- HERE

Telepathic message to take a photo Entity CLICK- HERE

Connecticut seance Spirits off Glass picture CLICK- HERE

Kennebunk Maine Spirits at 38 Summer St. CLICK- HERE

Cemetery Faces In The Fire CLICK- HERE

Rainbow And The LeprechaunCLICKHERE

2023 Demon or Troll?-CLICK-HERE