Todd Sheldon- Ok the first thing I heard was spirit telling me a name “Merril Odom” does even the last name make sense to you? even sometimes I mishear what spirit is telling me.

Renate DelVecchio- no

Todd Sheldon- We will move on and know that it can happen where we could go 3 or more things before something hits. There will be days nothing clicks but that is ok, remember things could happen in the future.

Todd Sheldon- The next thing I saw was a fighter plane and I heard the word “Kid” said to me. It was like seeing a fighter plane in the sky, do you know or knew anyone that flies a plane in the war or the airforce? Now remember this could be that Merril guy coming in again showing about the plane, you really have to think sometimes.

Renate DelVecchio- I might have an idea?

Todd Sheldon- Ok that you can explain to me I don’t think I have anything more to say about that.

Renate DelVecchio- I don’t know Merrill Odom but we do have a big airstrip in Anchorage called Merrill Field. Everyone with private planes flies in here. The only Odom I know though is a 1 year old dog. There were a couple of plane crashes at Merrill Field in the last 6 months. But I’m not sure who Odom could be. I also have a friend that’s a pilot working out of Merrill Field, his name is Austin.

Merrill Field Logo Master Image

Todd Sheldon- That is it Renate, how can we put this together? Well I feel great now I got the name and even Odom. Now why would spirit tell me Merril Odom? Now Merrill field, do you know this persons last name who they named the airstrip after? We got the name merrill then the airplane so that is correct ,are you close to anchorage dear?

Renate DelVecchio- I can look up the name, I live about 25 miles out of Anchorage and I drive by Merrill Field every day, that’s the only way to get in or out of town.

Todd Sheldon- The airport bears the name of Russel Hyde Merrill. Russel Merrill was an early Alaskan aviation pioneer who disappeared in September 1929 on a flight to Bethel. The first aviation beacon in the Territory of Alaska was located at Merrill Field and was dedicated on September 25, 1932 to the honor of Russ Merrill.

Russell Hyde Merrill
Russel Hyde Merrill with Curtis M.F. He and Roy J. Davis flew it to Anchorage in 1925.

Todd Sheldon- I just googled that now and I cannot know who told me this dear? Lets assume that Odom is the dog per say and Spirit may of wanted to make a connection between that dog and that merrill airstrip, now tell me dear who is the dog?

Renate DelVecchio- He is my previous boss’ and friends dog who adopted him about 1 year ago, my friends name is Bruce. He owns Grant Aviation where I have been working for the past 5 years.

Todd Sheldon- ok listen dear does Bruce own Odom?

Renate DelVecchio- yes Bruce works down the road from Merrill Field but he is also friends with Austin who everyone calls the Kid now that I think about it and Austin is a pilot. Bruce has been trying to convince Austin to come back to work for him I’m not sure about Odom it still doesn’t make sense?

Todd Sheldon- Now we have something here, so there is someone called “the kid.”

Renate DelVecchio- The kid is approx 32 years old

Todd Sheldon-ok so we agree now we have all aspects of this working, so that is a nickname for him the kid??

Renate DelVecchio- Not everyone calls him that just his friends since he still looks like a little boy and acts like one.

Todd Sheldon- So Renate dear this may be nothing at all and this may be just spirits way of confirming that all this makes sense to you. There is no way I could of known the dog Odom or that guy being called the kid. I never thought this would make sense and I just think its confirming the Merrill air field, then seeing the airplane in the air and I heard the kid. I see now when spirit said Merrill Odom Spirit wanted two names confirmed.

Renate DelVecchio- Now is the questions though, what does it all mean or if it has anything to do with me at all? I like what you came up with though, that’s awesome so far.

Todd Sheldon- That is the mystery of this, it will be your path to see if it becomes anything or again this might be just spirits way of saying todd is right and we told him everything he needed to know so it validates what you said.

Todd Sheldon- I am seeing tables and looks like maybe a dinner going on near a stage perhaps? It Looks like red in the bowls, maybe pasta supper somewhere or a party? maybe salsa as it looks red and there were about 5 tables I saw.

Renate DelVecchio- I’m going to a citizenship party tomorrow they will be having a buffet outside with chips and salsa and pot luck dinner. They live down the road from Merrill Field

Todd Sheldon- I know that one was not wicked exciting but I saw tables and looked like red sauce or salsa.

Todd Sheldon- I saw a black woman and looked like she was standing up on a higher level like a balcony or like a higher floor level and I saw her drop a bracelet or a necklace or some type of jewelry down. Maybe it was to someone below I don’t know? or just dropped on purpose.

Renate DelVecchio- I only have one black friend and she lives in Las Vegas, no one here that I know of?

Todd Sheldon- It may be her as she was not old and she may of been around 30 to 40. But why would she throw her jewelry away or down unless she is throwing away her values?

Renate DelVecchio- I do have a friend at the place I used to work at who just changed her hair color to black. Our office was on the 2nd floor and everyone used to go out to the balcony to watch the float planes take off. Her name is Wanda, she lost her necklace a month ago on the balcony she thought but could never find it.

Todd Sheldon- She is white though right?

Renate DelVecchio- She tans very easy and looks very dark but she is white.

Todd Sheldon- It has to be her then and I wonder why they showed me a black woman light skinned though? Well then that is her, I saw her drop her bracelet or necklace down but it looked like it was on purpose. But that makes so much sense as it was up higher like a balcony. If you say she is dark maybe that is how spirit conveyed that to me dark skinned female.

Renate DelVecchio- There is a door on the first floor under the balcony, Odom always goes out this way to go potty maybe he ate her necklace lol!

Todd Sheldon- omg Odom again?? this reading is crazy!!! LOL!!!! ok stop dont say anymore.

Todd Sheldon- This is what came next, I heard spirit tell me “why is it like talking to a 5 year old here?” has anybody ever said that dead or alive?

Renate DelVecchio- My ex husband used to say that to me when I first came to the States and couldn’t hardly speak or understand English.

Todd Sheldon- Omg nooooo

Renate DelVecchio- You are right one with everything so far
he was a bad person, killing my pets, beating me up and leaving me for dead in the desert.

Todd Sheldon- Omg noo ok stop don’t say anymore stop!

Todd Sheldon- I need to go to the next one before we go back. This one is really hard and I would not be surprised if you didn’t get this one.

Todd Sheldon- I heard ” Mexican Staples” then I saw a fire in a building and I saw people outside the building. I missed one before this one so after this we go back.

Renate DelVecchio- I can only think of one thing but that happened almost 25 years ago, my next door neighbors double wide mobile home burned down. He used to have a lot of horses on the property and we lived out in the country. He had a Mexican man taking care of his farm, the horses and pigs. I lived there with my husband that tried to kill me, it was in Idaho.

Todd Sheldon- ok now this makes sense as I never thought you would know anything about mexican? What would the staples mean?

Renate DelVecchio- You are blowing me away

Todd Sheldon- LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I am shocked myself! But what could the mexican staples be? that’s what it is?

Renate Delvecchio- Its stables

Todd Sheldon- I heard it wrong omg mexican stables! not staples.

Renate DelVecchio- Oh, I thought you were taking about stables right away I didn’t even see it was misspelled.

Renate DelVecchio- It makes sense to me as the owner of the burned down property is deceased now, his name was Mr. Cureton

Todd Sheldon- Ok so we agree so my question here is who is telling me all this stuff for you? Could it be the dead guy?? we just don’t know?

Todd Sheldon- I heard this and I could of gotten the name wrong here “Some guy maybe Murphy is going to be a big donor”

Renate DelVecchio- We are thinking of doing a fund raiser for my friend that had a massive heart attack and stroke yesterday, that could have something to do with it.

Todd Sheldon- Well that could be it and lets see if someone named Murphy maybe will donate some good money as I was told big donor. We won’t count that as a hit until you confirm later on.

Todd Sheldon- I see some people and one couple as they are all walking not a big crowd of people maybe 5 or 6? The one couple are holding hands, then I see some people behind them and there will be a confrontation coming. Small group of people behind the other group and I heard a confrontation is coming.

Renate DelVecchio- The party I’m going to tomorrow will have about 6 people, it will be a pot luck outside. They have had company from England staying with them and my friend told me that she can’t get along with one of them that this person is getting on her nerves.

Todd Sheldon- This may be something that already happened with them as the confrontation may of already happened but it could mean its coming?

Todd Sheldon- We have one more thing, it’s so odd I doubt you will understand it and again I could of heard one word wrong which could spoil the whole message. we will talk soon on your newest stuff i need to go to bed after this

Renate DelVecchio- ok

Todd Sheldon- I heard “Covered that water yet Pain” “Gone through that water yet?” Pain might of been wrong but the rest I heard correctly. Does something with water need to be covered?

Renate DelVecchio- The doctor told me I have to drink a lot of water and I haven’t been. I have been neglecting my health, that could be one. The new house we built (and are still working on it) does not have a well. We have to truck in the water from town since we live up a steep hill. We build a room to put a 525 gallon water tank in it and it needs to be insulated before winter is coming. Also it was built in the ground and needs to be covered with dirt around it for more insulation. I’m still trying to get my builder to finish this project.

Todd Sheldon- That is it! covered that water yet????

Renate DelVecchio- Stick with me lol

Renate DelVecchio- Hi Todd, no idea on Murphy yet but something dramatically happened I wanted to tell you about one of your predictions. You mentioned a couple holding hands and a fight starting. I think I know what this is all about and it is awful. My son was raised by my parents in Germany due to my horrific marriage and abuse by my first husband.

I felt good that he wasn’t put in a foster home since I was unable to help him, I couldn’t speak English and didn’t have a job, it was bad when I first came to this country. Long story short, he got married to a woman older than him that no one in our family liked. My mother called me yesterday telling me that my son tried to commit suicide since his wife threw him out of the house and took his 9 month old son away from him.

Turns out she had a lover on the side and just wanted to get his baby. He unfortunately had lost his job a few weeks earlier. He went back to the house they lived in to see his son one more time and she grabbed both of his hands and then smacked him in the face and tried to choke him. He took off with his car and tried to jump from a bridge but a helicopter flying by saw what his intention was and they were able to get someone there to talk him down.

This could have turned out so bad. I haven’t been able to see him for a couple of years now and he will never come back to the States. He never forgave me for being married to my abusive ex husband but I had no way of getting away from this marriage for fear of being killed. I don’t want to tell you my life story, sorry. I just wanted to let you know that another one of your predictions came through.

9/5, 11:44am
Todd Sheldon- Renate Ooh my Gosh!!! that is really sad and its ok to of told me all this.