This photo was taken at my home and when i first posted this online my friend did not want her in the photo with the eyes above her head. These eyes are interesting because they are slanted and you can see the eye ball in the middle of the eye. That is all that is peeking through the veil here and sometimes my wife has seen eyes in our bedroom at night just starting at her.

The images are not reflections of myself or anything that is a known object or image that is in my home or other places. Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the Olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.


Sharp Slanted Eyes Entity Master Image
Scary Eyes Over Friend's Head Master Image