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Here is an interview that Channel 12 news did with SarahSpiritual in February of 2023 and really an amazing interview, highlighted by Mike Magnoli of Channel 12 and SarahSpiritual as they discuss how Psychics have been perceived over the years. The main story was of a woman called Miss Cleo who ran a tv Psychic Hotline scam years ago and Sarah was interviewed on that subject and exactly how she assists people in their daily lives as her life mission. I can attest to just how incredible a woman and a truly gifted helper to humanity she really is.

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SarahSpiritual came into my life in 2018 when a friend of mine introduced me to her National Radio Show on every Wednesday night. Over the years of watching and listening to her, I have come to trust her 100%

“Spiritually Speaking with Sarah®”
More time to listen & Call-in
6:30 to 9 PM ET
Oldies 95.9 & 106.9 FM & 103.1HD3
We’ve added an extra
half-hour of SarahSpiritual!
Plus 3 new radio stations
Join us for our 662nd LIVE Show!
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w/ Your Questions for Sarah & Spirit!

Not only is Sarah the upmost caring person and has a Spiritual mission unlike nobody I have ever met, she is the creator of her own products to which she channeled from Spirit on how to make them and it seems that her business has thrived over the years in working with the higher realm.

Over time I will list some of SarahSpiritual’s products that have 100% helped me and I used them as directed, with a very positive attitude I might add. I have been around quite a bit of Spirit energy over the years and some I firmly believe have been very negative.

Personally I have been a part of household items being thrown during an investigation and through some of my Photographs, I have seen plenty to warrant protection, along with prayers.

#1 Spirit Splash

I could never imagine that every once in awhile I would feel dizzy from the time I would wake up until the mid day, and I would use this product and just splash it over me and everything would just go back to normal, in just a short time.

I never thought that when this happened it was actually a Spirit energy presence that was attached to me? Sarah told me it was and Spirit Splash just took it away, sometimes within 30 minutes of experiencing the dizziness for hours.

#2 Money Oil

Take this product and every day manifest what you want to win, or manifest that you will be part of a cash win. I did this with a drawing in the whole state of Maine and won a Ipad. I would rub this oil in my hands and say every day that I am going to win the drawing, and I believed it that I would win. 

I did end up winning the Ipad and it worked 100%, I also used the Money Oil for playing the Maine Scratch Off games and during this I won a 1000 dollars. My niece purchased this and I told her to believe 100% that you will win and she really did great in Las Vegas on the slots with this product. If you use this product and manifest the fact that you will win in using it watch out!

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My Favorite SarahSpiritual Products!

You can order any of SarahSpiritual’s amazing products here!

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Money Oil

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spirit splash


GOT A SPIRIT ATTACHMENT? THIS PRODUCT HELPED ME OUT! Sarah recommended me this product after I was feeling dizzy and she said I had a Spirit attachment. Well 4 times this happened I used this product and after hours of having this dizzy feeling it left within 30-45 minutes of using this product.

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Archangel Michael Bath!

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