Psychic Mediumship Readings Ghost Image Master Image

I created the Psychic Mediumship Reading Confirms page to showcase some of my favorite remote readings I have done free, for people in my development Stage of my Spirituality.

 Posted here, with permission some of the Psychic Mediumship readings that I have done since 2014 that have touched me and the person that I did the reading for.

Not every reading is Outstanding in the sense where everything I stated back to the person made sense. In some cases quite a bit of information I received from Spirit made sense and sometimes it can be very deep to the person involved.

The way in which I did these readings was I would be at home, or in my car at lunchtime at work and meditate and ask for the intention of connecting for someone’s highest good. And ask Spirit guides or family members to come through and give me information for the person I was doing the reading for.

I would record during this time, when I would see, hear or feel something I would mention it back in the recorder and write it all down for later. Sometimes it took a few of these 15-30 minute sessions to gather up enough info to share with the person. Sometimes it seemed like the energy would run out after a bit and I would only acquire so much information for that particular person.

I want to personally thank everyone who allowed me to share these Readings and share just how important these family members were when they were alive. I have always loved this aspect of the abilities that I worked hard in receiving over the years.

The Brother Who Died Choking On His Food

I started doing a Psychic Mediumship reading for Barbi Luce on February 23, 2015. While there were some exciting confirms Psychically it would be one confirm that I received that would stay with me. Here I will some aspects of it that we feel pertain to her brother’s communications to us. Perhaps the mention of others in the family who are deceased as well or actually themselves in Spirit communicating? Barbi gave me full permission to post her readings for everyone to read.




I did a Psychic/Mediumship reading for a woman Linda Madere, and this post was approved by her. This was the most powerful reading I have ever experienced, as one Spirit came through to me. A person’s son came through and I was shown through seeing and hearing and knowing parts of his death.

I stopped doing the remote reading short because I felt to get with the person here to explain exactly what i was told and shown. Here is what i saw and heard and she confirmed everything to me as the family is trying to receive more clues to her son’s death and after what i saw. We both believe there is more to this than what the police think. 



2 Murder’s And An Escape From A Serial Killer

This Reading was very different and difficult for the person as it had two elements of Murder that both affected her life in a big way. She asked me to only use her first name here and to not use the suspected Serial Killer’s name in any way during this reading. I was also asked to only use the victim’s first name Initial for the female who was found deceased. We had extensive conversations about the Horror that she went through with this whole ordeal of the female that was taken and then herself by the same men.




This reading was very interesting for me and the person I did the reading for because we got quite a few confirms. we had to at times, try to put the puzzle together with the confirms that Spirit gave us. I also learned that if Spirit gave me two names or words it’s not necessarily a person’s first and last name or full name as it could be 2 separate names or words. I am not like some other Psychics where I can just rifle off information quickly, as sometimes it takes me 15-20 minutes to get a few bits of information.




 I had done a 1 question reading for a Facebook friend who lives in Ireland back in January of this year and something I was shown and felt really did not make much sense at the time when we conversed. I was recently messaged by her to look at a page of hers and to my surprise she figured out exactly what what I saw meant back in January of 2014. This is what I wrote to her.
“For whatever reason I asked about you… and almost immediately….I saw a baby like a newborn baby shown to me”, but the baby i felt this baby was not healthy at all and was ill. I am not sure what this means? but remember I have done this before and had things answered that you need to know. This may be someone you know who has a baby or going to have a baby, I just cannot know yet?
Treasa- Ok thanks todd, I have a number of family members and friends pregnant.
Todd- Of course do not share that what i told you with them to scare them because we do not know exactly what this means? I hope and pray one of those babies in the first 6 months after birth is not going to be ill?
Treasa- Todd, do you remember mentioning a baby to me?
Can you check back on exactly what you got  and look at the photos I posted yesterday on my sacred sites account 🙂
Todd Sheldon-yes dear i just read this and will go back and find it.
Treasa- Just you wondered had I lost a child and I got invited to the exhumation of a dead 1500 year old baby and was one of the people that got to hold a ceremony for it.


My friend would just get invited to the exhumation of a dead 1500 year old baby and was one of the people that got to hold a ceremony for it. After reading some of the things she said about this it sounded like it was a extremely touching ceremony.
So 5 months later this baby coming into her life came to pass but not in the way both of us ever expected. This was what my friend said to me today about her friends and families babies that were born already.

“Oh all three other babies have been born and they are fine perfectly healthy” x

The video has the baby to be from 1500 years ago


During the Summer of 2014, a team of Irish archaeologists led by Dr Steve Davis from the UCD School of Archaeology, University College Dublin, excavated Tlachtga, an ancient ritual site about 12 miles from the Hill of Tara, Co. Meath, Ireland. They discovered what is understood to be the 1,500-year-old skeletal remains of a small child, on the bedrock at the base of a 1.5m ditch. The ancient site in County Meath, Ireland, is reputed to be the birthplace of Halloween.

Todd Sheldon
Sat 11/5/2022 1:28 PM
Good day Stephen, my name is Todd Sheldon from the United States and I hope this email finds its way to you? I was hoping to ask you a couple questions?
Back in the early months of 2014 I gave a Spiritual reading to someone who is friends or has connections perhaps to the people who were part of that amazing find of the baby,  and I just wanted you to read a short part of that reading if you may? I have a couple of questions afterwards if you don’t mind?
1/19, 4:22pm

Todd Sheldon- I ask you a few questions first maybe to understand what I saw means? Did you ever in your life lose a baby? If not i will tell you what I was shown with my Clairvoyance but cannot know what this means?
Sacred Sites Of Ireland
1/19, 4:28pm
No don’t think so?
Todd Sheldon
1/19, 4:30pm
Ok I will tell you what I saw.
Todd Sheldon
1/19, 4:32pm
For whatever reason I asked about you settling down and finding someone in love and almost right off I saw a baby like a newborn baby shown to me, but the baby I felt this baby was not healthy at all and was ill. I am not sure what this means and I may need help from my friend who does this.
Remember I have done this before and had things answered that you need to know, this may be someone you know who has a baby or going to have a baby, I just cannot know yet.
Sacred Sites Of Ireland- defo not me!

To Dr. Stephen Davis

Todd- As of this time the reading was done your team had not discovered the baby boy as of yet and both of us had no idea what this meant in her life? This was a conversation month’s later that happened between us.
Treasa- Todd, do you remember mentioning a baby to me?
Can you check back on exactly what you got  and look at the photos I posted yesterday on my sacred sites account 🙂
Todd- Yes dear i just read this and will go back and find it.
Treasa- Just you wondered had I lost a child and I got invited to the exhumation of a dead 1500 year old baby and was one of the people that got to hold a ceremony for it.
Stephen, I am not sure you believe in Spiritual readings, but I am very devoted in this work and believe 100% your baby find and my baby reference to her in what I saw was the exact same baby.
In my reading to Treasa, I was told the baby was ill, did anyone ever find any truth to the cause of death to that baby boy?
Also I cropped some screenshots off of the facebook website Excavations at Tlachtga, and I was wondering if I could post them on my website along with the reading I gave her and of course give full credit to the photos and send visitors to the youtube videos and websites that are relevant.
The screen shots are here and if you prefer to not allow me to post them on my website that is quite ok too, but its done with care. ay website is a Spiritual website with some paranormal in it as well. I wanted to focus my reading to her with the baby that was found as that was tied to her in some way.
Also was the baby was 2500 years old?
Please get back to me on this as its been really cool and if there are any videos out there on the baby find i would love to see them.
Todd Sheldon
Stephen Davis <>

Mon 11/7/2022 4:09 AM
Morning Todd,

I know Treasa well and she dug at the site in 2015-2016. You are welcome to reuse any content I posted – I’m not providing images of the skeleton (these will be in a final publication because it is unavoidable, but otherwise have not been shared). 
The baby was not quite as old as once thought and more like 1500 years, just at the transition to Christianity in Ireland. There is no evidence of cause of death but many babies died for a host of causes in that era,
Hope this helps a bit

Images were approved to post on my website via email from Dr. Stephen Davis of the Findings of the 1500 year old baby.

Ireland Baby uncovered Master Image
Bones Of Infant Unearthed In Ireland Master Image
Ireland 1500 year old Baby Master Image





6/10/2014 My development reading i did today for a Facebook friend today was everything about why i will do my best in my life to keep going with this. She has given me full permission to post what i saw this morning and what i told her and what she came back and told me.I am only going to post one aspect of everything i saw and was told out of respect for everyone and the person i ask about.

She had asked me of her life and at times i was shown over the course of past readings some deep stuff but today i was shown a red colored in box and in front of the red box was the number 531. I saw this moving slowly across a united states map and when i told her this she said “omg!! thank you relief!! She told me that the 531 is her mother who raised her, its her birthday of may 31`and the red box is death.

She told me she has passed on and she misses her terribly and the love this woman who raised her with still touches her today. There was a verbal message after that but is personal between us and i will respect everyone’s wishes on personal things. Today was a prime example of how much i feel so loved and love my guides who help me with this gift. She is so happy she said she wants to cry and i told her…just do it.



I did a remote Reading for a woman on Facebook from the United States and when I connected to Spirit the voice told me a very strange set of words that were repeated 3 times to me. After I heard it, I realized that it sounded Asian and later I googled the words and there actually was a set of words that made sense to what I heard.

The woman that I read for has a strong connection to religions I would find out and to the Cultures of Saudi Arabia. So she was surprised when I came back to her and told her what Spirit shared with me for her. 

6/19/2014 Today’s reading for my friend was really interesting in the sense where this really deep gravelly sounding voice said “Ha Zang Si” to me. I tried to push it away thinking it was something created out of my own thoughts, but i heard it clearly 2 more times. I googled it and it made sense, nothing I never knew that existed.

Hua Zang Si is a temple of authentic Buddhism in the United States based upon all exoteric Buddha-dharma and the esoteric Buddha-dharma of Tibet. Hua Zang Si practices and teaches the dharma expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha.
Buddhist disciples at Hua Zang Si cultivate themselves in strict accordance with the orthodox Buddha-dharma as contained in the Tripitaka (the sutras or discourses, the monastic discipline, and the commentaries or treatises) as well as the esoteric scriptures. The temple respectfully upholds the rules laid down by Sakyamuni Buddha and teaches living beings in accordance with the 84,000 dharma methods handed down by Sakyamuni Buddha.


Hua Zang Si Spoken To Me By A Spirit Master Image

Hua-Zang Si Buddhist Temple, in San Francisco

Link to image is HERE

Credit for image goes to Todd Lappen

Image was not altered in any way shape or form.

Here is an article on the Temple CLICK- HERE


6/23/2014 Just finished going over my Psychic/Mediumship reading information with my Facebook friend today and i cannot thank everyone enough for allowing me to do this for my development! This has given me so much learning on how i see i discern things..and the more i hear the clearer it gets.

Today’s reading was very personal so it was obvious that those aspects are between us. But…in that there were quite a few confirms seen and told to me but in the end it would be something that Spirit had said to me that made the difference to her.

I heard a spirit say to me…. “Try the Pumpkin”
Person’s response- my grammas MOST fave thing in the world was pumpkin pie and turkey! she made the best pies & turkeys…so I associate it with grams ..
punkin pie= gramma P.
Spiritual Reading Gramma shares her favorite master image


6/25/2014 I was given the # 7128 from Spirit for a woman I gave a remote Spiritual reading for and both of us did not know what to make of this? Today she messaged me and got her answer.

She said she lost a very dear friend to cancer last night. She said she was at home and not because of him, but she decided to google 7128 to see if anything at all came up and this is what came up. In doing that she told me today that her friend she loved died of exactly that…. Pancreatic Cancer.

7128 Three-dimensional ct pancreatography (3d-ctp) of pancreatic diseases.



7/16/2014 The person that allowed me to do a reading today for her allowed me to share this one aspect of the reading as i always feel so blessed on how this all works and just really is special to me.

Todd-“The first thing i saw was a beautiful Monarch butterfly…if you have ever seen one…and i watched it land on the ground? does that mean anything to you???
those have beautiful cocoons….then when born in the butterfly they are so beautiful…
Person- Yes definitely. Last year after my niece died. My children and I decided to raise some monarch butterflies from caterpillars into butterflies. We released the butterflies when they hatched in memory of my niece.
Here are the actual photos she sent to me.
Psychic Reading Confirm with Butterflies Master Image
Spiritual Reading Confirm about Butterflies and deceased Niece Master Image
Monarch Butterfly & A woman's deceased niece. Master Image


7/28/2014 Just finished going over a psychic reading today with the person involved and I am learning so much in what i am shown and told. Today was a good day got 7 out of 8 things confirmed, but one in particular happened as I was shown a coral snake and it lunged at me and sunk its teeth in my leg. The person i did the reading for told me her father had a very serious leg injury at one time as his leg got impaled and it was really bad. This is a time where it was not a snake bite from a very poisonous snake but was still a spike going through someones leg…sadly her dad.


Psychic Mediumship Reading Snake & Spike Master Image


8/29/2014 I had just recently given a facebook friend a Psychic reading and the first things told or shown some say, usually is the most important thing to come in during readings and in some cases with mine that seems to be true. When Spirit said to me a discussion about falling out, a window i had no idea what this meant nor did the woman? She sent me this last night and now has us both wondering here? This was exactly what Spirit told me when the voice said “Falling Out, The Window.”

Spirit Confirms the Window Smashed master image
Psychic Reading Confirmed Master Image


11/20/2014 With permission from the person i just finished my Psychic/mediumship reading for, we had the first three things confirmed in a row and seemed to be her ex husbands grandfather who came in who she was so close to and loved. He came in and said “Don’t use a fake name!” then i heard ” a lotta water in his leg”.

Then i heard Wichita told to me…so the woman i just did the reading for her ex husband has fluid buildup in his body and his deceased grandfather was from Wichita. The very first thing i was told about “Don’t use a fake name” was this as she explained it and totally approved me to use this in public and even i am blown away by this information that spirit told to me.

“Now I will tell what he’s saying about the fake name. When we got married he took my last name (long story). He cheated with a friend of mine. I divorced him, their married, have a baby that’s not a year old yet, and she’s pregnant again. He gave my name to them all”.
The next thing i was shown was a dog on a floatation device and going into the water and she told me that her deceased grandpa loved watching her dog in the pool on floaties…and just being in the pool.
The next thing i heard was the name “Faye told to me which she said a very loving neighbor of hers was named Faye, but i had hoped i would of gotten more from her, but i do ask for names of spirit before i do the readings so i can relay back to the person. I had a tough week the past week as i was going to rest up on doing readings cause i really need a
break but this is my love..this is my life


5/21/2015 I always tell people to keep in mind things they don’t understand at the time when i give them a Psychic Reading and this is a case where something did end up happening and she was just made aware of it and messaged me just minutes ago.This is what i said to her in the reading back in September of last year.

Todd- “Ok Spirit said to me this…. “Food Poisoning” has this happened yet to anyone?? or no?
Woman- “No”
Todd- “ok then….remember no medium is 100% but i def heard spirit tell me this….so just watch out for this….may be a family member..if you hear anyone…family friends..etc…complaining about stomach….etc…then this might be the clue that its food poisoning.
My Facebook friend just posted this to me mins ago- Just discovered the other day, quite by accident my 21 year old son has had a couple of food poisoning bouts in the last 12 months.
Psychic Reading Food Poisoning Mention Master Image


5/28/2015 I just finished a Psychic reading and the woman gave me full permission to post some contents to it. A very strange reading as the first thing i heard was “A Biblical possession”. At one point I heard “ALOP SPACE or sounded like ALOP…or close maybe OLOP and i did not get the last word and i saw a non human and the hair was all straight out and long out of its head. I saw this thing very quickly and it was like very hyper shaking its head.

Another one i heard was”procrastinating against the enemy” and at the end of the reading she told me that she has been harassed for some time now by something in her home but she does not know what it is? could I have been shown what this was? I was not shown this very long to get details other than it looked inhuman and that straight out hair look. I will ask about this some more before weekends done and see if i get any more on this thing i saw and events at her home.


Just finished a Psychic/Mediumship reading for my development and this post was approved by the person on Facebook. This one was the most powerful readings i have ever experienced, as one Spirit came through to me. A person’s son came through and I was shown through seeing and hearing and knowing parts of his death. I stopped doing the remote reading short because I felt to get with the person here to explain exactly what i was told and shown. Here is what i saw and heard and she confirmed everything to me as the family is trying to receive more clues to her son’s death and after what i saw…we both believe there is more to this than what the police think.
12/14/2015 I saw a quick image of a black dog and i think there was something wrong with its eye.
I was told she had a black dog that died 3 years ago that was blind and had Cancer.
I saw a plate of food being put down on a table with what looked like small green leaves around the top of the plate. not sure what this dish was?
I was told “the food was a plate of sandwiches my ex daughter in laws mother brought me the day my son passed.”
I see someone lying on the ground with a rope around their neck….then i heard a yell.
I was told that her Son indeed had a rope around his neck lying on the floor after Police cut him down after he died.
I see 2 people lying on their backs and a cover or something came up so i could see them and i don’t know what it was?
This aspect of what Spirit showed me is very private and we both
believe is important to this family where others are involved as well.
I heard someone yell “Don’t yell at me” “Don’t yell at me”
I was told there was a big fight before the death of their son.
I saw and heard A child saying “Mommy are you ok?” and her eyes are being focused on.
I was told that their grandson loved the son who passed and certainly was this even at the funeral.
Psychic Mediumship Reading Confirm of Son & Dog Master Image


3/11/2016 Tonight was Evident as to why doing Psychic/Mediumship readings for people has been the biggest blessing of my life since my Spiritual Development started. Tonight i went over a very brave woman’s reading in which she agreed i could share with everyone here on Facebook. The reading started out as Spirit told me and showed me this. I was told this “plans to fight back” then I heard “I knew that they were doing it.”

Then I saw people running about bedrooms or rooms and i think its about drama. I thought i saw someone running around room to room? The woman knew immediately that this was about being Molested by her father as a child. She went on to explain later how her mother also became aware of this horror and became involved herself.
She explained to me that she does not speak of this at all to anyone but said to me that she knew back in 2011 that there was a reason why I was to be in her life. See i did a question to spirit back in May of 2011 a day after her Birthday and in that I also heard two people’s names that did not make any sense or confirm to the subject i was asking about, yes a child hurt by his parent.
But she saw this post and saw that the two names was her father’s name and her son’s name and that resonated with her for some time afterwards. She asked me for a reading back in September of 2015 and has patiently waited until now when i just finished for her and all this came to light with Spirit sharing this so very personal info with her. I honor and cherish anyone in this world who has been molested and abused by family or friends for they are the brave ones and i have met many in my lifetime who have experienced this type of horror.
Stop Child Abuse Master Image


3/15/2016 I Just finished a very sad Psychic/Mediumship reading for a woman in another country and I was allowed by her to share this aspect of the reading here. I was shown a light haired woman and she was lying down and i saw what resembled a bullet but it was larger than that come closer to the woman’s head. I then heard the woman let out a scream and the vision ended and then I heard “Did mom pass at home?”

A woman showed herself to me after that with a big smile on her face and prior to all these i heard a voice say “Society” and then “Self Deformed” She knew what all this meant as she told me her mother and father were murdered in their home. The person killed them with a hammer and then the person tried to slit their own wrists at some point afterwards.

The “Self Deformed” part she feels was about the person who tried to slit their wrists after the murders took place. She cried during the reading but was glad her mom came through and smiled as this event happened many years ago and a subject she said she bottles up inside…Bless her.

Murdered With A Hammer Master Image

Credit for image goes to

Image was not altered in any way shape or form.


3/24/2016 I just completed another Psychic/Mediumship reading for a amazing person and gave me permission to post the most relevant subject that pertained to the reading. It dealt with a child at one point in age speaking their truth about the male/female identity that was evident in their life and hate from a family member.

The very first thing i was shown was the person i gave the reading to, they had their hand over the front of their throat. They said that their mother used to choke them all the time at a very young age. The child was beaten from ages 2-13 stomped, but mostly choked because the young boy knew who he really was and the mother was enraged, every time the boy spoke that to her.

I was told after as I heard “code Blue Code Blue” and then after a voice told me “Cancer is a very striking thing” Yes this was about the mother who caused all that damage to the child who passed from lung Cancer and died in the hospital.
Before the mother passed…a conversation between now adult and mom was about healing and the mother stated that this was happening now because of all the hatred and pain that she inflicted upon the child when they were young. As a tear ran down the face of the person i did the reading for, they told their mom that they forgive them for what she did when they were young.


Todd- would there be any reason why you would put your hand on the front of your throat? Or would anyone you know/knew might of had a throat issue?

Angelique- YES My mother used to strangle me from the age around 2 until 13… My mother used to beat me, stomp me to the ground but her favorite thing to do is to choke me every time I would say I was a girl yes it was horrible growing up.

Todd- I heard someone say “Code Blue” “Code Blue” does this make sense to anyone that is alive or passed that may of said that? 

Angelique- This was about my mother.

Todd- someone is saying something about “Cancer is very Striking” 

Angelique- Absolutely one night in the hospital before she stop speaking she grabbed my hand we are looking out the window and she said I think I’m being punished for the way I’ve treated you growing up as a tear fell down my cheek I said to her I forgive your mom and we just sat there in silence.

Todd- “Everything except the dog”…I am not sure if this is about someone talking about feeding the dog or what? 

Angelique- One of my relationships went bad and I was told to take everything but the dog.

Todd- A conversation was said jokingly about “Walking the streets”

Angelique- I would just always joke about i’m not like the other Trans girls walking the streets

Mom Abused Child Master Image


2/8/2017 Tonight I went over a Psychic Mediumship reading with someone and I felt something when I did the reading that I have never felt before. I felt a intense shot of energy on the back of my Calf on my left leg and she told me that it was def her but on the Calf of her right leg as she has a large mark bruise that she has no idea how it got there and this just recently happened.

Her deceased sister came though and mentioned “Macaroons” to me and her first name as she confirmed to me that her sister loved to eat those when she was alive. Spirit also shared something deep with me about her and while it was very personal to her it allowed her to open up to me, which was very heartfelt for me and very strong for her…Thank you Jenni

Psychic Confirm of leg bruise master image


12/8/2017 Just finished a Psychic/Mediumship reading for a person and the very first thing that Spirit told me was someone was abused and when i asked spirit who was abused they said “It was her” “It was her”. She admitted to me that indeed she was abused more emotionally than anything by her father.

I was given 3 names which were correct to her family leading us to believe her deceased first husband came through. The one thing that was really haunting with this reading was I heard “He took my father he took my whole life.” I had asked her if there was a tragic death to a male and she told me that back in 2004 her son in law was driving with his family and a deer struck the car going the opposite way and was thrusted off the guys car into his car and killed him tragically.


Jacksonville Man comes through on Spiritual Reading Master Image


2/2/2018 Today I was going to start a reading for someone and I was guided instead to go back to someone else who needed an answer to a question? Sometimes I have found that someone’s loved one will come through instead and today after receiving this Clairvoyant vision I found this to be true once again.

I was shown this Classic Wide World Of Sports Vision as part of my question for them but instead what I received and what the person confirmed was very deep. I was told upon them seeing the video that their family member was killed in a tragic ski accident and they loved that family member so much. I had my deceased dad once come through on someone else’s reading before and it can happen where if someone wants to get a message to their loved one they will do it.

To watch the Agony Of Defeat Video I saw in my vision it will take you directly to the Youtube Website to view it. CLICK- HERE



2/14/2018 I just finished a 1 question reading for a woman who really is having it hard in life at this time in many ways and wonder’s about her faith and just how she is supposed to cope?? I asked Spirit that today and I was shown a large Dragon crouched down and then lifted up straight. When that was happening I heard Spirit say “Dragon Rising.” She told me today that her husband gave her a toy dragon and resonates with her so much with her spiritual growth.

Last night she said she meditated and heard “It’s time your awakening we’ve been waiting.” She saw these 5 white light beings and then she started to cry. She also told me she loves Dragons frogs and lizards. she said the Dragon confirm and all this happened all within the last 12 hours. “Dragon Rising” is the translation of a Chinese term which corresponds to “Kundalini rising” – a snake, but in this sense, probably also a dragon in spirit.
Both mean the uprising of an energy form through the human energy body which to all intents and purposes, means that a person has become enlightened. I love Spirit!!
dragon rising master image


8/16/2018 I wanted to share a beautiful experience of a man I once knew for a short period of time and the Intuitive messages I received yesterday for his daughter. 2 days ago was the Anniversary of his passing in 2010 and I received communication from him about two events of his daughter’s past both involving her and her dad. One when she was a little girl, an event involving a mean dog who attacked and went right at her and her father had to protect her and get the dog away from her.

Later I heard “Though Chad was never really talked about.”
She told me she dated a Chad in School and they had planned on going to the Guild together but then broke up. She told me that she was not going to the Guild with him after that and she never told her parents but they later found out and were very disappointed in her.
She said it was not a good time in the house that night with her and her parents and she agreed to take him to the Junior/Senior one.
Now this is where this gets interesting, she told me a few days ago her young daughters found her shoes for that long ago event she attended with Chad. The girls were wearing them around the house and again a few days ago was her father’s anniversary of his death.
For him to tell me yesterday about Chad which brings up an event with her and Chad and then her daughters finding these shoes days ago is just beautiful and extremely heart felt I cried. Was dad watching the girls wear the shoes then told me about him to tell his wonderful daughter?


Psychic Reading Confirm about Dog Attack Master Image
Siobahn and dog two


Psychic Confirmation For Daughter Master Image
Psychic Confirmation for Daughter image two Master Image
Siobahn And Chad Psychic Confirmation Master Image
Psychic Mediumship Confirm Master Image


8/30/2018 A Facebook friend of mine asked me today if could pick up Psychically anything on her very ill dog? I took some time and meditated on that today and was shown a Kitchen table. She told me 5 years ago they put down their son’s dog Mae Mae and the dog who is ill now stopped eating and grieved for a bit. 2 days before she put the dog down that is where she stood under the chair that was pushed under the kitchen table.

She let the pup nurse when she had no milk, she was like a momma to that dog, the one who is ill now. She said the kitchen table was shown in relation to the dog now that is what caused him to start being sick. All the stress over them having to put Mae Mae down and the dog slowly never got over her death.

The vet states that they should put the dog down if he does not get better, but steroids and penicillin so far is showing signs of the dog getting better. Hopefully this is true as the family loves this dog so much and can’t bear to lose another family member. Here is Boss the ill dog in a video watching he and Mae Mae having fun in the yard before she passed.

Psychic Reading About ill Dog Master Image