These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2019

As life keeps moving forward I needed to step back and think about just how much at times I focused on helping others and not concentrating enough on myself. I would say I have taken the longest break in working with my Spiritual Intuition in some time and this past Saturday February 2, 2019 I decided to meditate and ask my Guides and Angels a question about my life and future.

I asked the question in my mind as I sat up in my bed in my meditative state “What do you want me to do with my life as I am tired and burnt out of helping broken, abused, molested and battered people and I would like to utilize my Spiritual blessings for another purpose?”

After a short period of time I was in the dream state and in a vehicle with someone I know and is a Co worker and friend.



2/2/2019 I am in the passenger’s seat with my female friend who is driving the vehicle and as we are going down the road we slow down and I am watching a long barn like building to my right where I am shown items hanging.

We got out of the vehicle and the first thing she says is “This is my family” and as we walked she said that they sold Christmas trees and I got the sense that is was a farm and there were items for sale inside.

When we got closer to the building there was a man and he walked by us and never spoke a word to us. Then a husky dog came up to me that looked like a rottweiler mix that was brown and the dog as I went to put my hand out clamped it’s jaws lightly on my hand. I got nervous but it was not hard and I petted the dog lightly for about 10 rubs and it let go of my hand.

Upon waking up I felt this dream was so vivid but it actually took a good amount of hours before I was guided to text my friend and share this with her. She did eventually come back and said yes one of her best friend’s who is like family owned a farm business where they sold Christmas Wreath’s and items inside the main building.

She told me today it was her dog who clamps on people’s hands sometimes as it’s older and does that but does not hurt anyone when this happens.

I am taking this beautiful answer to my question as continue to connect for people the way I have been for quite some time now in my life. This truly touched my heart just asking one important question and receiving a wonderful confirm to my life.

Maine Barn From My Dream Master Image

Maine Dream Business Master Image

Dog Who Came To Me In Dream I Never Met Master Image

My Co Workers Dog who clamped on my Hand in my dream, Mixed Breed of German Shepard, Husky, Rotty, Beagle, Lab, Australian Cattle Dog and Great Pyrenees. And I have never seen this dog in person in my life until he showed up in this dream confirm. Sadly the family pet passed not long afterwards.




3/14/2019 As I was getting out of my vehicle at work a man I did not recognize got out of his vehicle and asked me if I knew a certain female person and I told him yes. He then stated that there is going to be a big surprise coming for her.

I contacted the person and stated that a big surprise was coming and it could either be good or bad and to let me know when it transpired? A few days later it transpired and that led me to doing some Intuitive work for this person. I sat on my bed, closed my eyes and asked my Guides, Teachers, Angels and the Universe those 2 questions and within a few minutes I was shown an animal with something in it’s mouth and I saw it was shaking it back and forth.

This Clairvoyant message I believe was shown to me more on the human side of meanings than more than say an animal directly. Unless something could happen with an animal that results or resulted in this type of action with another animal that directly affects this person?


When your pooch shakes his toy, it mimics the action wolves and other wild canines use to kill small prey. The shaking action is designed to instantly snap the prey’s back or neck. Your pup might be a sweet, cuddly ball of fur, but he still retains those basic instincts and the need to “attack”his toys on occasion.

Even though his roots lie in hunting for survival, your dog probably likes to shake his toys because it’s fun. When he’s ready for you to play, don’t be surprised if he grabs a toy, dives in front of you and shakes it vigorously. It’s his way of saying, “Look at me! Play with me!” He might also shake a toy that you’ve just thrown for him to fetch as he runs back to you, adding another element to your game. If you stop a game of tug before he’s finished playing, he might think shaking it can taunt you back into another round.

Dogs also shake toys with the intent of destroying them, usually out of boredom or frustration. This is most common in dogs left alone for long periods of time or those with severe separation anxiety, according to the ASPCA. This could mean you walk into a huge mess when you get home from work, with fluffy toy stuffing scattered around your home.

The main problem with the behavior — besides the mess, of course — is that your pooch is unlikely to stop with just toys. Desperate for your attention, even negative attention, he could move onto your blankets, pillows or nicknacks. Giving him lots of attention and exercise can help, as can puzzle toys or chew bones to keep him busy while you’re gone.

Most dogs shake toys only when they play, but some use it to show aggression. Pay close attention to your dog’s posture when he shakes a toy. If he’s bounding around in a playful manner or lowering his upper body as he’s shaking, he’s out for a bit of fun. However, if he is jumping up slightly, raising his head or shaking a toy over you or a smaller animal, the behavior might be aggressive.

This can lead to him biting and shaking smaller pets or even young children, so it’s important to stop aggressive shaking behavior. Work with your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist to create a plan to stop the behavior, which might include removing your attention when he takes an aggressive stance, rewards for proper behavior and appropriate punishments for aggressive behavior.


At this point in my life I have never asked to receive answers in the form of colors as I asked the questions and posted the answers to what would be best for that person but show me a color as the answer.

I asked for her what should she do for training to travel or say no and status Quo?

Green was for training and blue would be for no training.

About 4 minutes after I saw the animal I saw with my eyes closed a white outline that was faded that started to appear from the black of my closed eyes. It faded out a little and came back again but never truly showing what it was but I knew it was a head of something and I had never seen this before or could recognize what or who it was?

After watching the Head for about 10 seconds it flashed just below it the color Blue and then it vanished. Upon sharing what happened with the person it would be confirmed that the person favored the answer with the blue color and helped this person feel much more positive about what had transpired in their life.

Here is a rendition of what I was shown.

Clairvoyant Image Master Image





4/26/2019 I was with a female friend and I went to kiss her lips, when she was leaving and she turned her head and I received a cheek kiss instead.

4/27/2019 My female friend went to drop me off at my place and as we hugged to say goodbye I went to kiss her on the lips and she turned her head for a cheek kiss.




4/27/2019 My female co worker stumbled over me and layed down on the floor on her back. She said her back was hurting really bad.

4/29/2019 At work I overheard her tell someone on the phone that her back was acting up really badly.


Back Pain Master Image


5/2/2019 (Dream) My wife fell in the shower and couldn’t get up, I noticed a Diamond earring  on the base of the shower.

5/4/2019 Crazy dream from Thursday night as I saw Theresa down from a fall and she could not get up and was in pain, of course i warned her of this afterwards.

I was on my way to the Nursing Home to see my mom yesterday and wondered if this actually could of been mom that fell knowing my dreams are not always exact on who? but the theme is dead on? Well the Nurse told me when i got there that my mom indeed fell out of bed and had to go to the hospital, but was ok when i saw her. 




6/3/2019 (Dream) I was with a female and we kissed, but she wanted to French. Later I was in a Paintball war and I got hit. A woman handed me 6 dollars and said that I deserved it. A box flew through the door and a tiny 2 inch Black man jumped on my left shoulder and started to yack at me.

12/25/2019 This dream made no sense until it all came together and my future girlfriend.




8/22/2019 I was in the shower singing Elton John’s song Salvation, then the scene changed. I saw a tub and Barbra Streisand was standing in front of me as Funny Girl.

8/23/2019 My female friend stated that she used that movie to model herself after when she was younger.

Barbra Streisand On Tv Special master image

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1926 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice

Sentry Collection, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Description Photo of Barbara Streisand from a 1975 television special Funny Girl to funny Lady. The special was to promote the film Funny Lady.
Date No year given on release. It aired March 9, 1975.

eBay front


Author Sentry Collection
(Reusing this file)
Pre-1978, no mark


8/28/2019 My dad is in the hospital on a bed looking at me and my sister in law is standing on the other side of the bed looking at me.

I wondered when I woke up if this was about my brother, or as a Psychic Medium I know said, “It’s about your mom.”

9/1/2019 I called the Nursing home and they confirmed mom has the flu and had X-rays done. This as times before confirms dad in the dream coming to warn me about family.


Deceased dad Prophecy Dream master image
Hospital dream confirm master image


11/7/2019 I was at work and my female co worker brought this guy through the Airplane Hangar. They both said “Hello” to me and left, he was older than she was, thin, kinda wavy hair and a slight beard.

11/8/2019 My female co worker would show me a photo of the guy in the dream to see if it truly was him I saw. It was a very close match to the man in my dream as we both agreed.