These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2017


I just experienced another family health premonition dream, this time about my Uncle who lives in Massachusetts. My cousin just confirmed it to me that indeed he was taken to the hospital and went with her to get help. Its always my last dream of the morning which is always the one that will become the premonition one.

3/5/2017 As I saw my uncle fall down on the ground in the dream and gasp for help I ran over to him to help him and I yelled for my cousin who was standing in the distance. I asked him if i could bring him in the house and he told me “no just take me to the woods”.

3/6/2017 I just experienced another family health premonition dream this time about my Uncle who lives in Massachusetts. My cousin just confirmed it to me that indeed he was taken to the hospital and went with her to get help. Its always my last dream of the morning which is always the one that will become the premonition one. 

When my co worker heard that dream she said that its true that ill animals when they are ready to die will head for the woods. That last thing said by him in my dream coupled with everything my cousin just told me today that’s really horrible that my uncle has been dealing with regarding his health really is sad that we suffer.





3/15/2017 My mother’s deceased mom came to me in a dream and sat with a small group of people. I heard Elton John’s song “Funeral For A Friend” playing loud and clear. When i woke up i knew this was about my mom.

3/16/2017 Some hours later the next morning I had found out my mom was rushed to the hospital days ago by ambulance and the police was there as well at her home. This is not the first time that Spirit warned me about family members who were in grave danger or something bad had happened.



4/6/2017 Extremely interesting dream this morning as I see Theresa’s deceased dad who i have never dreamt about before standing in the distance. I heard the voice say ” I was not talking to my father” and It was at that point a voice spoke to me in my dream and said “St. Benedict” then I woke up.

4/6/2017 Theresa confirmed that when he was young her father chose to leave the home where he was very well off and his father got mad at him. There indeed was a period of time where her father and his father were not speaking to each other. I have been studying on why all of this and it seems St. Benedict also left his home young and his family was very well off and he chose to give up all his inheritance etc to change his life.

To experience all this out of the blue with two men of which I have never dreamt of before, met or even St. Benedict…..who I don’t even think of, is very Interesting.

Ephraim Dulac & St. Benedict Master Image


4/7/2017 My last dream of the early morning hours today showed me walking in the snow. As I was looking up on the hill I noticed some skiers walking along the hill. I looked down and noticed a Cord hanging from a tree branch which I found to be in a odd place. I then said I would love to cross right there along the water but its too deep to jump over so I climbed along the hill to cross. the showing of a cord to me in this dream may have some significance very soon?

4/1/2017- A Weatherman for WCSH-TV Maine was hosting an event at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry Maine. At some point later on, a crime happened to a woman that night.

4/2/2017- Tom Johnston checked out of the Hotel at Sunday River Resort.

4/3/2017- Tom Johnston, the WCSH-TV weatherman was reported missing by his girlfriend after he failed to return from an event at Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry Maine on Saturday.

4/6/2017 A body was discovered in the wooded area late Thursday night in Auburn Maine. Then was announced by press release late that night at 10:56 pm by the Auburn Maine Police Department.

Media Release – Missing Person Located
Auburn Police, with the assistance of the Maine Warden Service have located the body of 46y/o Thomas Johnston of Old Orchard Beach. Johnston was the subject of a missing person investigation being conducted by the Old Orchard Beach Police Department. Any suspicion of foul play has been ruled out and the investigation is focused on an apparent suicide.
It as reported on Inside Edition that his death was due to cutting his wrists and was exposed to Hypothermia. Investigators say a woman claimed Johnston climbed into bed and sexually assaulted her.
To see this story that takes you directly to Youtube, click- HERE

*While the story broke on the late news on 4/6/2017, I was asleep due having to get up for work at 4:00am on 4/7/2017. I posted the dream on the morning of 4/7/2017 at 7:42 am without knowledge that a body was found.



Tom Johnston Prophecy Dream Master Image
There have been instances where I will experience a prophetic dream in the early morning hours of the day an event will happen, but this event was posted by Law Enforcement hours before I had my opportunity. Seeing the cord in a dream hanging from a tree branch made me think of a hanging, but as dreams can be it only depicted death and was not the actual cause of death in this case.

5/4/2017 Interview with the Police on this storyWATCH HERE











4/27/2017 I saw my wife’s son’s boy as a child, fall out of a baby crib on his head.

4/27/2017 My wife’s son confirmed that his very troubled son did indeed fall on his head when he was a baby. I am not saying that this event had anything to do with his actions now as an adult, but why was this such an important event to have to show me this 20+ years later?



5/30/2017 Its been awhile but my deceased Dad came to me last night in a dream and with that showed a very important message for me about my mom. There have been some very troubling things going on concerning my mom and yesterday an outcome was to be announced. He showed me to not worry any longer about things going on with other family members and when i woke up I promised him I will finally let it go.

5/30/2017 A dream I posted this morning about my father coming to me in a dream and showing me important aspects about my family and how to just let things go and it’s ok. I just received wonderful news regarding all this!!!! I love it when the Spirit world gives messages and then within a day of that visitation…a person just gives me great news about that.

My Dad Frank Sheldon Master Image


7/2/2017 When my dream showed me my Soul friend in 3 photo snapshots and she confirms one of the photos i described to her I love the Psychic bond I have with her. I am blessed and when you have a soul friend you cherish the truth of love and sincerity will always be shown.