These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2016

 1/11/2016 I am at my old job and a ex co worker shows me his foot. He stated it was bad and at times the foot turns white.

1/13/2016 I got in touch with my friend who lives in Massachusetts and he confirmed to me today that indeed his foot has been sore and bothering him.


1/14/2016- I was at work and I noticed I had worked past the normal time I leave as it said 3:20 and I was still working. ( I have never been asked to work extra hours at work…so could this be a first coming?)

2/1/2016- I asked my boss if i could leave a few hours early on Friday to travel to Massachusetts to a Cancer fundraiser for a friend, and he said i could and if I wanted to make up my time I could work extra time. I have not worked any different hours since i started that job not one minute extra.


2/14/2016- I was shown a C.N.C Machine and the cutter hit the fixture and the whole fixture moved out of position.

2/15/2016- Today my co worker was running a CNC and he hit the fixture and it moved and had to be realigned all over again.


4/15/2016 I head a voice say “Follow The Yellow Brick Road”, then i saw a road with brown bricks turn to the color yellow.

Yellow Brick Road Master Image

Credit for image goes to

Image was not altered in any way shape or form.

4/26/2016 I was sitting with 2 people in a very important meeting about my future and one of the men said “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” I knew when he said that, I knew exactly what was going to happen afterwards, and it did.



4/26/2016 I am standing behind my friend Lori who I met once in Kennebunk who lives in Massachusetts and i kissed the top of her head and i told her i loved her. Then I kissed the side of her head and then she said “I love Matt”.

 4/27/2016 Lori told me that her friend Matt has been there for here always during her horrible time in her life with the Cancer that she was diagnosed with months ago.


4/27/2016- I was in a car and Theresa was standing outside and a funeral procession was happening, then I drove around a rotary.

4/29/2016- Theresa told me this morning that Bob our neighbor across the street, his wife’s mother just passed at 98 years. We have a rotary near the end of our street.


 6/22/2016- I saw fuel leaking out of an Aircraft.

6/30/2016- I saw fuel leaking out of an Aircraft in the front of the building and ran to everyone to stop it.



I had tried previously a few times to share some dream visitations with a ex co worker of mine in Massachusetts about his deceased wife, but the messages given to me where just not powerful enough to make someone believe. The last dream in August of 2016 was so realistic and powerful enough that even he confirmed that what his deceased wife showed me was valid when she was alive many years ago.

This morning August 24, 2016 I had a dream and like 3 times before with her was a visitation dream from someone I knew personally and worked with many years ago. She unfortunately passed in 2002 and was very sad for many who loved her.

Her name is Karen Norway and once every 2 years or so Karen comes to me with a message for her Husband Earl. Today’s was very touching for me as I had tears coming out of my eyes as the dream was confirmed by her Husband Earl from Massachusetts just about a hour ago to me. And my Facebook friend allowed me to share this photo she took of them years ago.

8/24/2016 Dream- I see Karen sitting at a table eating and when I saw her I went over to her and kneeled down on the floor in front of her and I said “Karen are you really here?” I then said “Please give me a message for Earl that he will understand and I will let him know” Karen then reached in her mouth and pulled out a tooth and put it back in. Then she pulled it out again and then proceeded to put the tooth back in her mouth again. I said to her does this mean Earl takes a tooth in and out of his mouth?


Karen Norway Communication From Other Side Master Image

Spirit visitation with Karen Norway a deceased co worker of mine.I woke up and then called her husband Earl at work and shared with him the dream and he confirmed that in his life there are major things going on and he confirmed that Karen had 3 teeth that were partials that she could remove and put back in her mouth.



9/5/2016 I am near a truck and the plug was made of plastic and would not screw in because the threads were stripped and leaked fuel all over the ground. I was putting dirt and leaves all over the ground to cover up the fuel leak. I did get the plug to stop the leak.

Jeesh seemed like for awhile I could not buy a Prophetic dream to happen now 2 confirmed in 1 week at work. This second one now was just texted to me today and my boss now told me 4 days ago he wants to know every time i see something happen in a dream about work. The last prophecy one came true and thank God I caught it before it got really bad.

9/15/2016 Today my co worker at work confirmed that one of the trucks we have was leaking fuel on the ground and now must be fixed. The leak is located about a inch or two away from the threaded plug.


Prophecy Dream Confirm Of Fuel Truck Leak Master Image



9/7/2016 I was at a cemetery and it was a funeral and when I left there I reported back to my boss at work.
Will someone at work have a funeral coming?

9/13/2016 My Prophecy dreams are def slowing down this year but I finally had one confirmed today as my friend at work texted me today. He was the only one I shared this dream with because it had to do with work and I posted this in my dream notes here last week about a funeral.

He feels badly that he didn’t pay attention to my dream because he missed a important Funeral that he would of gone to if he had known. I told him the dream before the Funeral but he just didn’t study it up thinking it may be about him and i told him let’s see if its about someone at work?


My friend at work texted me and said that 1 day after i warned him that someone at work could have a funeral to go to, he said it was him that had one of his friend’s father who died a day after i told him about the dream and he missed it completely in the paper.



10/26/2016- Dream- I was with my family, my Deceased Father, Mom, Sister and Brother and I pointed at each one of them and said I was mad at them. When I got to my brother I noticed his eye was opaque white and it was not normal.
I called my mother this morning and she confirmed that my brother does have a Cataract in his eye and because I have not spoken to my brother for many months I would of never of known this. My brother is scared of needles and if my father came to me to tell my mother for him to get that checked out hopefully he listens.

11/2/2016- I am outside in a neighborhood and I saw my high School girlfriend in a white dress and she told me she is hosting a wedding at her home today, then she went into the home. As I went over to the side door she never came back out and I told her sister who was there that I still loved her sister and will always care for her and she smiled at me.

11/24/2016-Not long ago after I experienced this dream I searched on Facebook and found the sister of my High School girlfriend and I messaged her the dream. It led to me giving her a reading and some of the information that was given to me for her was valid about her life, some of it coming from her deceased mom.

I recently was guided by Spirit to draw her 1 Arch Angel Michael Oracle card and today she messaged me and it resonated with her and I would be told that she is moving forward and will be talking with her sister who neither have been speaking to each other for a period of time over a misunderstanding.

This dream we both believe is all about me talking with her the sister of my High School girlfriend and providing and giving guidance that would be needed to have a healing with her sister. She told me without my intercession in all this it may of never happened, but see she made the choice because no matter what the situation that had taken place that led them to stop talking. They both love each other and I am blessed to of been able to have that dream with 2 people I have not seen in many many years and be a small part of a Healing which will take place soon.