These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2015
1/1/2015 I was at a party outside with a ex co worker and he showed me some hot peppers in a jar, then the Beverly Hillbillies were mentioned to me by him.
1/2/2015 I woke up wondering who was still alive that acted on the tv show, “The Beverly Hillbillies?” It was reported today online that Donna Douglas who portrayed Ellie Mae Clampett had passed away on January 1st 2015.
There have been a few instances where I have to post my dream right away due to events end up being reported within hours after I woke up. I try to post the dream before it’s reported on the news.
Donna Douglas Dies 1/1/2015; Actress Played Elly May On ‘Beverly Hillbillies’
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This image has not been altered in any way shape or form.
1/19/2015 I am at work and in a meeting in the lunchroom. We were told to read page one and two and then people got up and left the meeting.
3/16/2015 We had a meeting today at work in the lunchroom and the owner was holding sheets of paper for his notes as he was talking. People were so mad some of them quit and one guy left the meeting because he was so mad.
I Had a very interesting dream this morning as my deceased Aunt showed up and she has been deceased for about 6 years now. She has never has showed up in any of my dreams. Now the kicker, sometimes my dad will be the one to warn me of family deaths, medical issues or things pertaining to my mother.
2/18/2015 My aunt, my mother’s sister is sitting down in a room with me and she gave me a dessert with tiny marsh mallows and pineapples with cream. As we were both eating it she said to me that “your mother does not cry to often does she?” I told her no even when dad passed she did not cry, then there was a door with people behind it and the conversations were going with males and females talking, then I woke up.
2/18/2015 I called my mom this morning and told her about her sister in my dream and i asked her if there ever was a dessert she had with tiny marsh mallows? She said yes, with pineapples in there as well as her mother made it for her and my aunt when they were younger.
She went OMG!! afterwards, but i got in touch with my cousin today as well and i asked her if everyone was ok in their family? She told me her dad was in the hospital early this morning for a amputation operation for his diabetes and his health is not well at all.
I went last year to visit my uncle i had not seen in 30 years and we had a great visit and he told me after my aunt passed he was in the house and he heard his name being called and my aunt came into the room he was in with two other spirits and then vanished. This truly has made my day!!! If my aunt did not appear in my dream I would not of known my uncle was ill.
4/7/2015- I am in India, and a bunch of people and I are running for our lives and as I was running i came to a train station. I realized that I had no ticket so they would not let me on the train.
Nepal earthquake of 2015, also called Gorkha earthquake, severe earthquake that struck near the city of Kathmandu in central Nepal on April 25, 2015. About 9,000 people were killed, many thousands more were injured, and more than 600,000 structures in Kathmandu and other nearby towns were either damaged or destroyed.
The earthquake was felt throughout central and eastern Nepal, much of the Ganges River plain in northern India, and northwestern Bangladesh, as well as in the southern parts of the Plateau of Tibet and western Bhutan.
On Saturday, April 25 at 11:56 am local time, an M7.8 earthquake began 82 km (51 mi) NW of Nepal’s capital of Kathmandu. The event was followed by many aftershocks.
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Watch the destruction of this Earthquake HERE!
Massive tremors that lasted between 30 seconds and nearly a couple of minutes were felt throughout North India after a huge 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Nepal. In Delhi and parts of the National Capital Region, people were seen running out of their houses after buildings shook for well over a minute.
To watch the breaking story on this Disaster click this link which takes you directly to the Youtube Story HERE
Years later I wonder If I would of posted this on more Social Media Outlets that a major Earthquake was coming in India, even though it was Nepal next door, just how it would of been received?
4/30/2015 (Dream) I was in a hospital and was given this large needle in my arm, then this woman who had a bad back just fell and died on the floor.
5/10/2015 I headed for the hospital today and was in excruciating pain and after about 50 minutes of wait time the pain was so bad in my stomach and back i ended up on the floor laying there. I was put on a stretcher and given a needle in my arm to numb the pain. It was a Kidney Stone….Yes on Mothers day.
5/25/2015 (Dream) I am in a doctors office or a hospital and i have a sheet of paper but i have not looked at it yet. I am near two women talking and i am waiting for them and the subject is about this piece of paper and they are not paying attention to me. Then i went to another area where the same thing was happening and as i was tempted to look at what the sheet said…i didn’t look at it, but still nobody would acknowledge me on this.
5/27/2015 I called my health insurance about a letter i got in the mail pertaining to payment and i was told by a woman that i would get a call back with all information i asked for. I got a call later in a message and the woman stated that i have to get the info from my employer even though the insurance company is the one who has this pertinent info but they refused to share with me.
Plus, they never answered one question in this issue that i asked for. I went to my boss about it and basically got the same response other than things are changing….so basically i got blown off with the insurance company who is protecting the employer…and i got blown off again by the company….somehow i knew this dream with this paper was about all this.
5/30/2015 (Dream) I am with my ex co worker from my old job and we are talking in the parking lot and he tells me his car is not running now, then the went inside to use the phone.
5/31/2015 Confirmed on the ex co worker dream as i just texted my friend from Massachusetts and he just told me his rear end blew up last week on his car and his wife’s car got in a accident in a parking lot last week too.
7/12/2015= I was looking in the mirror and I had 2 infected areas on my lips one on the lower one and one on the upper one.
9/4/2015= I told Theresa of a area of her lip that may end up getting a area of concern. Well the doctor put her on a medicine a few days ago so she would not get any infections in her Knee replacement she had last year and boom here came the lip issue in the exact spot that i had seen it in my dream previously.
9/10/2015= I was given a tour of a company for a job and it was a machine shop and I noticed a bridgeport there. A guy there who was working was not very helpful.
10/1/2015= I toured a place and i got hired there and there is a bridgeport in the department i got hired for, also one guy and I did not get along.
10/1/2015- I was on the old dirt road next to Kott’s house and my sister was holding important paperwork in her hands when they blew out of her hands and into mine. Then after my mother slapped me in the face.
10/7/2015= A Lawyer regarding my mother called me today about my mother and some very important things.
10/2/2015 I was driving my vehicle behind my ex co worker and his girlfriend and I saw a breast Cancer Awareness sticker on the back near the bumper area. they took off after the light and I didn’t see them again.
10/3/2015 Prophetic Dream confirmed from last night just now by my Ex co worker’s girlfriend and great awareness dream! I was driving down the road and as i drove up behind my ex co worker and his girlfriend i noticed the Pink Breast Cancer stickers on the back of the car in the bumper area.
Here is the actual License plate as it was just shown to me now by my Facebook friend and she just told me that Indeed she has the Breast Cancer Awareness Plate which has the Pink Emblem on it….I have never…laid eyes on her car in my life…..Awesome!
10/14/2015 (Dream) I am driving down the road and i looked up and said that the plane is flying very low and should be going upward as it seemed to be descending. I said “It’s coming from from Bradley International Airport and was flying over water and maybe they are going to land in Westover Air force base in Massachusetts?”
11/2/2015 On October 15 i posted this dream and now i think i know the meaning of the confusion as to why i saw the Passenger airliner descending instead of going up? We just drove to the Airport and what looked like a direct non stop flight on our paper is in reality a landing in Baltimore first…then on to Portland Maine. I was totally confused on why she said stopping first in another state?
10/20/2015- I am in a house and I see one of my female friends across the street with another person and she lets the person go in the house. I got the idea that she is showing someone her place or her mom’s because she may be selling it or renting?
12/24/2015- I just messaged our friends we have not seen in awhile and he confirmed that indeed that they moved from Massachusetts where they lived for quite a few years to Connecticut. I was told that his wife did rent her condo out she owned and did not sell it thus far.
11/4/1015 I saw Ken Shamrock fighting in the ring and but looked like a ring with ropes and not a cage, like a wrestling ring.
11/6/2015 My friend just posted this to me that it was announced on Tv that Ken Shamrock would fight Royce Gracie in February of 2016. It was announced on Tv on 11-6-2015 that Ken Shamrock would be 52 years old by then and honestly i thought this dream coming out of nowhere just was not coming true after his last loss at 51 years old. Plus i don’t even watch Mixed Martial Arts anymore.
11/5/2015- There was a bad event coming and this woman and I had to get to the top of the Empire State Building to be safe from the event. We took the elevator up and made it to the top but as we were going up i could see outside the elevator and noticed the building was not safe at all almost like it was only the metals beams that were in place up top.
We went back down to the ground and people were gathered everywhere and as i looked up i noticed the building didn’t look like the Empire State Building at all and was a extremely tall building that was crooked all the way up and not in good condition. Then i noticed a piece from way up dropped and we all ran for our lives and when it hit a large cloud of dust came and i ran into someone’s business and we closed the door to escape it.
11/9/2015-I posted this on 11-6-2015 and my friend Treasa posted this to my wall after i posted the dream and told me this.”A major event outside your control that will change the course of your life. Destruction because foundation not solid, but a chance to rebuild after with solid foundations And it’s unavoidable.” It never appears good at the time, its only afterwards the benefits can be seen. Dark night of the soul, personal growth, destruction of the old to make space for something new and more solid.”
Yesterday that event happened and both Theresa and I were knocked off our rockers and was totally unexpected and like Treasa said out of my control and unavoidable. Dreams are amazing!! and though i will not share what the event was because of my privacy….I thank my friend so much for sharing what she knew was the meaning of what the unstable tower Tarot card meant. I will add i could of understood this dream because there were items in the dream that matched reality to the exact tee…but i didn’t put it all together to know.
11/18/2015 (Dream) I was with my Sister and my father and my sister said look at how many Cancers i have on my head and i said “Dad those small lumps on our heads how many do you have?
11/27/2015 My cousin just called me and she told me that she has to have a tumor removed from her head which involves a lengthy large procedure which will affect her hearing and she may lose her vision as a result. She also stated that she had a previous operation to remove another one and two other benign ones before that.
12/7/2015 I was outside and said to some people watch this! As i jumped up about 15 feet into the air on a wall and did the Steve Austin “Six Million Dollar Man” sound when i jumped up. I asked them would you rather have 2 bionic legs? two bionic arms? or two bionic eyes?
I experienced the dream the night of the afternoon this was posted, but I did not see that he had died that day.
12/7/2015 Martin E. Brooks, best known for his portrayal of the scientist Dr. Rudy Wells on the 1970s ABC series The Six Million Dollar Man and its spinoff, The Bionic Woman, has died. He was 90.
To watch a tribute to Martin E Brooks who was an Actor CLICK- HERE
12/19/2015 On the side of my left leg there is a horn and its discolored and i believe its Cancer.
12/22/2015 Tonight I was talking with a dear friend of Theresa’s and I and she told me that her dog has Cancer. I asked her if the dog had the tumor on the left leg on the side and she told me “Yes” and the dog is now failing.
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