These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2014

 1/4/2014 I was in a home and i saw one of my co workers there working on a print for a large part. Then we were discussing the angle then I got up and started walking among the people and saw a co workers girlfriend.

Then I put her on my back and leaned over and carried her. I walked down the end of the hall and I said “Do you want to go down there?” She said “No” I then asked her where her boyfriend and then he came out of the bathroom. I said your girl has been on my back all day.

She would confirm to me that she got stopped by the police after she had been drinking alcohol.


1/28/2014 Two women came up to me and said “Let’s talk about Jen.” You used to live above her.”

7/15/2014 I would actually rent a room from the woman who I had not talked to in quite a few years.


1/28/2014 DREAM- I was outside and there was a big gathering and i saw some co workers there as it looked like they were drinking. I was sitting at a table with a co worker and his wife who was deceased since 2002. She looked at me and said “you better get that cough checked” i looked at her and i told her i loved her.

Confirmed- I did have a bad cough due to very bad sinus and had gone to the doctor numerous times for it.

2/13/2014- I was in the men’s room and i over heard a co worker complaining and blaming someone, it sounded like i was being blamed. I went over to him on the shop floor and i said look at me i didn’t have anything to do with what happened and he was mad at first.

2/18/2014- I was setting up 2 machines and the boss came up to me and mentioned something needed done with some jobs and i told him i was setting up at that moment two jobs already and where would i find the time?he said i know who to get in the other airplane hanger that can do it.

Then the guy came out pissed as he had to do the work that i was supposed to do but couldn’t. I told him it wasn’t my fault i was too busy. Then a guy in the other airplane hanger yelled “hey todd!” You stamping those parts yet? As to be a wise guy…lol!!

2/19/2014- I was driving and I saw a policeman aiming a radar gun at me and i pulled over but he wasn’t telling me to pull over. I wanted to speak to him about something and when i slowed down i didn’t remember what it was that i wanted to ask him and he was with a crowd of people at that point and i drove off.

     2/23/2014- I was on my way to work early this morning and to my knowledge i was the only one near the lights about a mile from my home. As i turned the corner i saw police lights flashing in my mirror but i didn’t see anyone else around. My heart jumped and i swore and started to pull over my car and slowed down. But it was not me he was after it was somebody else he stopped so i thought immediately of the dream of how it was not me they were after.


Darrelle Revis Signing

 2/27/2014 I was in the shop at work and some guys i didn’t know were walking by me with tickets in their hands and away from another co worker, they were excited with something about tampa bay as my co worker yelled it out! “tampa bay”!! “tampa bay”!

 before there was even talk of this hitting the sports news. I had posted a update on March 6, 2014 when it did hit on espn as there was talk of this being a possible place destination for Revis and the patriots. That co worker in my dream is a patriots fan along with his wife.

3/13/2014 Darrelle Revis agrees to sign with the New England Patriots.



Darrelle Revis Prophecy Dream Master Image
Darrelle Revis Prophecy Dream Master Image

My dream of one of my co workers who runs a football pool at work who is a New England Patriots fan along with his wife came true yesterday on 3/12/2014 as some of us at work had been talking about this for a few weeks.

At first i couldn’t figure out what the shouting of Tampa Bay was to the dream? Then on March 6 2014 the clue was given as a possible hint that ESPN and some of their people had mentioned that Darrelle Revis would be a great fit for the Patriots.

Yesterday would be the day that Darrelle Revis would be cut from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers pro football team and i waited patiently for him to go to the Patriots, but would it happen?? I never know when a dream happens if it will come true or not? it’s just not that easy, but it was fun for the few weeks waiting to see if this would indeed end up happening.

Darrelle Revis Master Image

Darrelle Revis engages with the media in the buildup to Super Bowl XLIX 1/27/2015. Photo courtesy: Jonathan Satriale

“Darrelle Revis speaks with the media ahead of Super Bowl XLIX” by WEBN-TV is licensed with CC BY-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

The fun part of this was sharing this dream ahead of time and having fun with some of my co workers who are New England Patriots fans and wondering if indeed this would happen? One of them said he would buy me a soda if the dream came true….it did so today i will enjoy it.

2/27/2014- I had heard that one co worker was leaving the company.

3/24/2014- I was told by a co worker that one person who is respected is leaving the company.


2/27/2014 One of the upper bosses at corporate came to me and wanted to see a demonstration.

5/15/2014 Its only once in awhile one of the heads of the corporate office comes over and takes a customer over to my area where i work, but its a very rare occasion when he comes over and says…todd can you do a demonstration for us today as he had a woman with him today in the plant.



3/4/2014 I was throwing a Deflated Football to my boss who is a Patriots fan, and I could not throw to good.


DeflateGate Dream posted months before it happened master image
Deflated Football Master Image

1/18/2015 Deflategate was a National Football League (NFL) controversy involving the allegation that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady ordered the deliberate deflation of footballs used in the Patriots’ victory against the Indianapolis Colts in the 2014 American Football Conference (AFC) Championship Game.



In 2014 so far there was 1 Air show plane crash, in 2013 there was 10 crashes that took place worldwide. Last nights dream was very similar to my russian rocket/San Francisco plane crash that happened last year in the sense that i was looking out the window of a house when i saw the pointed like rocket plane go over then turned into a large airliner jet on the other side which i saw crash.

9 days later the russian rocket crashed and 14 days later the Asiana crash happened in San Francisco last year. Here is the dream i had last night and we shall see if in the not too distant future another air show crash happens? The odds are of course it’s going to happen judging by past disasters but i can only go on my dream i had experienced and go from there unless this will be a Military plane crash but i saw more than one plane flying and one crashed.

3/20/2014 (Dream) I was in a house looking out the window and i could see planes in the air, then i saw 3 or 4 planes flying. It looked like i was looking at a tv screen because the planes from where i was looking out the window were close to me. I saw one plane do a flip like ones in the air shows then one of the planes went down and crashed on the ground.

I immediately started to run for the door to help at the crash site. I stopped then looked out the window again and it showed a night scene and i could just barely see the people that were around the plane like around 15-20 people standing there.


3/23/2014- A nationally-renowned air show pilot who performed death-defying tricks for nearly four decades and was scheduled to be one of the centerpiece acts in this weekend’s new smyrna beach balloon & sky fest was killed in a plane crash sunday evening march 23 in eastern tennessee, officials said.


Prophecy Dream For Jim Fang Maroney Master Image
Jim Maroney Death Dream Master Image
Prophecy Dream Jim Fang Maroney Master Image

Watch the Jim Maroney Crash Site Video  HERE!

3/21/2014 The doorbell rang and our realtor came in holding a white pc of paper in his hand and was smiling.

5/6/2014 My wife was just smiling a little while ago and told me my dream i posted here back in March of our Realtor coming to our house with a white pc of paper and a smile just came true, as he is coming tomorrow to sign some paperwork as things are getting closer in our trek to move closer to the ocean. 




3/21/2014 I was driving behind a tractor trailer and i saw it hitting a slippery patch of ice and it rolled over and i stopped. I watched it as it went into some land along the road and then it hit another vehicle there. I got my phone out and called 911 and said is this the cops?

They said that they were, then i noticed my vehicle was starting to move by itself and i had to jump into it to stop it. A woman there said hey to me..and noticed the front end of my vehicle and i got out and told her there is no damage to my vehicle.

Then she lifted the hood and fluid was leaking out of the front of it. I then tried to tell the police where i was located and saw a sign on a building that looks like it said Ricks. I then was shown a mans face he had a beard and was wearing a hat.

Route 291 Springfield MA Prophecy Dream confirm Master Image


Back on 7/5/2011 i had a dream that confused me and i thought could this happen? where a plane would actually crash in front of me on route 291 in Springfield Massachusetts? Well i travel that route every day to work and thought about it when i hit that area of where my dream happened but over time forgot about it until one day on September 24 2011.

It all came back to me as on that day i got into a pretty good car crash. Yes on route 291 in Springfield Massachusetts and within some amount of yards from the exact spot the plane hit in my dream. What confused me then was i was looking for a plane…there was no plane and was a car wreck instead.

Now if i have to assess this dream that i just had last night the theme is the same but this time i had damage to my suv but was not in the accident same as the other dream. In reality yes from the other dream from 2011 and prior to that accident i have never been in a major one like that where i could of died.

1. The last dream took 111 days to happen to me.

2. This dream may not ever come to pass.

3. This dream if it does happen could happen to me or someone i know or someone on the news i don’t know?

4. The building i saw called Ricks does exist in Massachusetts as its a auto body shop that fixes vehicles from accidents.

5. Someone i know named Rick i think still drives Mack trucks and i hope the man i saw when i saw the sign that mentioned Ricks was not him because he resembled him with beard also.

6. I will be watching all mack trucks near me for the time being on the highway.

3/27/2014 I was driving down the highway with Ellen Degeneres and a vehicle was in front of us and out the back window two people were looking at us. One of them was showing us Tarot cards as they pressed them up to the window, then one of them took their hands and put them up to us and pushed them outward.

This meant to back off or away from them, then out of nowhere a Tractor Trailer truck passed us and went in front of us and rolled over and crashed on the highway. We got out and checked the man and there were no injuries to him as people gathered around.

This was the tractor trailer crash and the two dreams i had of it which caused me to be nervous about driving the highway to work and home everyday as this happened today.

Some of the points i posted previously about it and some confirms as i continue to try to gain a edge on my prophetic dreams and to understand them better. Also i think this is the first time i ever had a dream repeat itself and then come true. The last dream i had which eventually had me in a crash on route 291 took 111 days to happen to me.

Facts and non related info pertaining to the dreams and the actual accident Here are some facts about my 2 dreams of the tractor trailer crash on route 291 in springfield ma yesterday and some non related things i may never understand.

I posted on facebook before the crash that this could happen to me or someone i know or someone on the news, i don’t know? It happened to my Boss who was directly behind the truck when it rolled over. In the dream i was directly behind the truck when it crashed in both dreams. I was 7 mins behind the crash heading to work when it happened and i heard it on the news when i came upon the traffic backed up.

One of the symbols i saw was mentioned when i told the police where i was at and a building was shown to me with the name ricks on it. This is what i wrote after my dream of 3/21/2014 on my page “i then tried to tell the police where i was located and saw a sign on a building that looks like it said ricks”.

Ricks auto body is less than 3 miles away and a friend of mine at work reminded me that the billboard that is on route 291 every year at times has a ricks advertisement on it and was about a 1/4 mile from the crash.

In my first dream i had fluid leaking out of my vehicle, in reality it happened to his truck. (this was the actual report on the news-the truck driver did not appear to be seriously injured, according to initial reports from the scene. However, the 45-foot- long tractor-trailer he was driving wound up on its side, and it was leaking diesel fuel onto the highway. Hazmat crews were called to help contain the spill.)

There were no serious injuries in this accident as was also in the dream. In the first dream the truck went off the road and struck another car=not so in reality.

When i was shown ricks building i saw a man with a beard, the man in the crash had no beard and unless i find a image of the owner of ricks himself i don’t know this yet?

Why was ellen degeneres with me? Probably cause i watch ellen everyday. The tarot cards i think came from the day before i heard mention of them on a audio interview.

A friend of mine at work reminded me that the billboard that is on route 291 every year at times has a ricks advertisement on it and was about a 1/4 mile from the crash.

second tractor trailer dream facebook post


tractor trailer crash info again
Route 291 Springfield Crash Master Image
route 291 rollover
Prophetic Dream Of Ricks Springfield MA Master Image

4/11/2014 (Dream) I was with my deceased dad and he held out his hand and told me “I got a bonus” (may mean i am going to receive some unexpected $$).

Deceased Dad Dream Me Winning Money Master Image

4/20/2014- I posted on April 12, on Facebook, a dream i had on April 11 about my deceased dad coming to me in a dream and he put his hand out to me and said ” I got a bonus” well some days ago i hinted at what this would be about as the only thing it could of been was a pool i am in at work.

Well i was pretty far back at one point and i said we shall wait and see. Well i started to get closer and i was 3 numbers back when one guy needed one to win. i got within 2 and then tonight i needed double 8’s to win the large jackpot. I told dad if this is coming true dad for my dream i need double 8’s tonight and they came!!! I am so happy but just as equally happy that when my dad comes in my dreams….usually they come true

Watch The Video Here Of The Massachusetts Lottery wheels which gave me the win. CLICK HERE!


5/6/2014 (Dream) I had a plate of Chicken Wings and went over to my next door neighbor’s house and gave them some.

Chicken Wings Prophecy Dream Master Image


5/27/2014 Our neighbor’s gave us some ribs on the grill today and neither of us have done this for over a year.


5/7/2014 I was walking down the road with one of my facebook female friends and i looked over to her and i noticed she was not wearing a top. She was naked from the waist up and i noticed something unusual about her breasts and as we kept walking together the singer Barry Manilow came out of nowhere and started singing the song Mandy as two people were hugging.


Prophecy Dream With Barry Manilow Master Image

Image is licensed under

Image credit goes to

New license updated

Image was not altered or changed in any way, shape or form.

5/9/2014 My facebook friend and i just discussed this dream i had of her and she confirmed to me that the song mandy is the song of her life right now and her best friends name is mandy who has been by her side.she also shared with me that her issue now is her breasts and tests are being done as she had a lump for some time now.

Also in this very important discussion was the fact that someone she knows who is psychic also had a dream about her about 6 weeks ago and she was topless next to him also as he mentioned to her he was worried about her. She says she has not been feeling well also over that period of time and this post most importantly suggests that all women should get screenings for your breasts in your life.

Even if you may be scared something may be there i feel its important a subject as anything. I feel so blessed today to be able to share my dream with her and feel such a total love for this woman as i will so pray and put so much of my positive into our friendship and support her anyway i can, I love her!


Todd Sheldon- So can you explain why my dream about Barry manilow was with you? 

Stacey- Mandy, song is my life atm, and Mandy is my besty by my side, I dono where to start? I’m a very unhappy lil lady and just felt connected to me as I had few tests today to see whats goin on. Its a health concern that’s happening and its slowly by feels killing me like a cancer.

Todd Sheldon- You and me were walking together and you had no top on at all and I noticed your breasts were really sagged like a 99 year old woman. Then Barry Manilow came and started singing Mandy to two people, Is your health concern your breasts?

Stacey- yep and they’re saggy i’m 29 n have 99 boobies, I’ve a lump. I’ve had it a long time but yeah. I got the tests rolling today, your the second person….

Todd Sheldon- Omg!! Stacey why was i shown this for you??

Stacey- My mate came to me and said he dreamt of me (he’s psychic) in the UK mind you also
and said I was topless and sat next to him.

Todd Sheldon- Stacey i don’t know what to say?

Stacey- He asked if I was ok but the healths deteriorated dramatically last 6 weeks and he came to me about same time 6 wks ago tellin me his dream. Maybe what I’ve felt you two needed to kick my ass into gear and just get checked. I’ve a lot of symptoms to not ignore and sis had thyroid cancer at 24. mum cervical cancer at 32 and breast Cancer at 48 so it runs young in my immediate family.

Stacey- It was a freak out haha two see it twice and yours went a little more personal to make me really think too see*

Todd Sheldon- Stacey this is important dearest!! Having two psychics do this means you gotta hun!! Please trust my dream i love you please….

Stacey- I have to get full bloods to confirm white blood cells still up n proteins in urine, lumpectomy will follow and yeah we shall see, thanks I know you would Ive always been well protected but was ignoring so yas had to scream it to me hehe. I’m very grateful so thanks heaps xxx Love you.

Breast Cancer Awareness Master Image

Here is the song “Mandy” sung by Barry Manilow which takes you directly to Youtube. click- HERE


9/19/2014 Its Been since July that i stopped tracking my Prophecy dreams because of our big move to Maine, but also in that constant change since July and not being balanced like i was when i was home in Connecticut with my wife.

She moved to Maine, i was still renting a room in Massachusetts and feeling the effects of the homeowner who was in a constant state of emotional distress which of course affected me in my balance. Now that i am home in Maine i really need to get back on track and get refocused on continuing my Psychic Readings for people who are on my list currently.

I need to again start tracking my Prophecy dreams again as again i lost two months of that in my life. Though through all this i wonder if now focusing all my attention mostly on giving readings for people with my development will this mean that maybe the Prophetic dreams will slow down more due to the rise in my other Development areas? Time will tell.




12/30/2014 I heard the lead singer of Boston died, then I was shown a guy’s head with long hair and covering his face.


Prophecy Dream Post Of Musician Death Master Image

Jeff Golub, the longtime jazz, blues and rock guitarist who played on albums by Rod Stewart and Billy Squier alongside his own solo work, died on January 1 2015 at the age of 59.

Prophecy Dream confirm of Rock Star death master Image

Jeff Golub, a guitarist who worked with rock stars like Rod Stewart and Billy Squier and for the last two decades had a successful genre-crossing solo career, died on Jan. 1 2015 at his home in Manhattan.

Jeff Golub Master Image

“Jeff Golub” by Rob Stemple is licensed with CC BY-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

“Jeff Golub” by Rob Stemple is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Credit for the image goes to

This photo was not altered in any way, shape or form.