These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2012.


1/9/2012– A co worker walked by me and asked me if i was going to his wedding?

1/10/2012 (Confirmed) That co worker and i discussed the dream and knew it wasn’t him and it was our friend at work. We waited and found out on 5/4/2012 that he was going to ask his girl to get married.



1/24/2012– I was outside at work and someone was pulling in the back lot and i yelled shazam!! One of the bosses said that a plane is having issues over New Jersey, I tried to fly there and go around the wires on the road.

2/28/2012– A plane in newark new jersey is forced to make a emergency landing because of landing gear issues.




1/27/2012 I was in a room there was a woman and david canary who plays adam chandler from all my children. I watched him pick something up from the table and put it into his mouth. He walked across the floor and died on the floor.

1/30/2012 I would be driving into work early and i heard it on the radio that a soap actor from All My Children commited suicide. He was David Canary’s co star and the cause of death was a drug overdose by pills.


Soap Star Suicide Prophecy Dream Post master image


Link below to sad report of Nick Santino’s Death.


Dream Confirm of Nick Santino's death master image


This was a example of a actor that I was not aware of so in my dream I was shown someone that I did know from that show which was David Canary the actor who played Adam Chandler.

David_Canary_1967 Master Image

David Canary in the film Hombre in 1967

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published in the United States between 1926 and 1977, inclusive, without a copyright notice.


1/31/2012– I was at work and i was hailing another co worker and then the boss showed up and i said at least when i make a mistake i admit to it.

2/1/2012– I went to work today and the boss came up to me and said I would be working on a job today that i have never ran before and i would be working next to the guy who knows the type of work better than i do. yes, the co worker in the dream and it didn’t run correctly at first. I hailed him and said you are my boss today.

2/8/2012– I was with a co worker and we were sitting in the lunch room at work and another co worker female brought us both plates of food. I looked under one of the breads and said is there anything else special there for me?

5/1/2012– I gave my co worker a hamburger

5/3/2012– My friend at work showed me a calendar that was made for the month of May and there was the woman at work from my 2/8/2012 dream serving hamburgers on a plate of food.

 2/13/2012– I was coming down the stairs at work and i was told to stop some work I had been working on.

2/13/2012– I was told by my boss at work to stop working on the job i was doing because its on hold now.

2/16/2012– I was on a bus and i asked about a female friend of mine, as i saw her on the bus and i looked at her and acknowledged her. She looked at me and turned away. I got off the bus and she reached her hand out to me and we held hands. The bus started to move off and i still felt her hand within mine as the bus was gone. Then before it slipped away i kissed the top of her hand.

8/28/2012– My friend would confirm to me that at that time she wanted me to not help her with what she was going through at the time in her life.


2/24/2012– I watched some guys in a parking lot come out with guns, i said why? A voice said “Its a Police Academy” the scene switched i was standing in the tall grass near a chain linked fence. This tall guy was talking how he found this body near me and pointed to where it was. I looked to my left in the grass but could not see it.

Then he pulled out 2 exotic knives, I asked if one was a switchblade and he opened it and closed it. I got nervous that he was the killer. He asked me if i wanted to hold the knife as he just held onto it with the tips of his fingers. I declined, i knew my prints would be on it. I woke up after that scene took place.

3/21/2012= A body was found in Big Spring Texas that confirmed the area i was told in my dream and the man in my dream i believe shown to me was Shawn Adkins. He is the boyfriend suspect in the disappearance of teenage missing girl Hailey Dunn and is her mom’s boyfriend.




3/11/2012 I was at the condos where i used to live outside in the parking lot, i shoveled snow of our old friends car. Then walked along a set of trees near our friends unit and i called the police and said about the gun and how it was a previous note to kill himself. I then heard sirens coming to the location i was at.


Old Neighbor Suicide Attempt Prophecy Dream master image

3/12/2012– I called our old neighbor and he said that yes the police and ambulance came to take him out of his home, the first time in his life. It was 2 weeks prior when they came.


Ex Neighbor Prophecy Dream master image

3/27/2012 My last dream of the morning was once again of our old neighbor who has Cancer. I heard screaming!! And I looked out my window I saw him going down the sidewalk yelling and a small girl hanging up on his back holding on. I feel it means he is hanging on and the weight on him is not good. Things are not looking good especially since my last dream came true and this is the second one now.

6/27/2012 Dr. William Moriarty passed on this date.

See his Obituary HERE!


3/11/2012– I saw our 26 year old nanday conure bird fall off his perch like he died in his cage.

3/25/2012– Within the week our Nanday Conure did fall over in his cage and today the vets said he had a stroke.


3/13/2012– I was holding a black and white photo of my friend of just her posing in the photo.

3/16/2012– I was shown a photo of my friend i had seen in my dream and it was the exact one of her posing.


3/22/2012– I was watching a car almost smashing others on the road. I then got out of the car and went into the woods and went up a hill. It was open in most areas and i found a animal carcass in 3 different pcs. I went up further but i got nervous and left.

3/23/2012– I woke up and heard in my head “the car flipped over” it was confirmed by a family member of a missing person i was meditating for that a man and her mom had indeed flipped a car they were driving in.



4/3/2012– I was outside and all hell broke loose with bikers, this was dangerous and i was in the middle of it trying to run away.

 8/10/2012- Security-pumped-up-for-downtown-concert

This would of been the only place that i would of put myself in that possible dangerous situation.


4/20/2012– (Dream) I lit my moms clothes on fire and after that i was verbally attacking my brother.

4/21/2012– I went over my moms house and when i drove in the driveway i saw that the grass has not been cut and was very high. I went in and told her to get my brother to mow the lawn.

4/26/2012– I was in a large room and a co worker had thor’s hammer, i had hercule’s mace and i threw it a long distance and he caught on fire.

4/27/2012– I would say something about the co worker and another guy started trouble with it and the guy got mad at the other one.

4/29/2012– I was walking down the road and i found a wallet with a lot of cash in it.

5/4/2012– I got home from work and i got the mail and notice something that says in my brain to open this. There is a check for 500$ i said “yeah”! 7 months ago i got in that car accident and i finally got the deductible back…i had given up on this months ago.

5/6/2012– I was sitting at a table at my house with theresa and 1 of my close friends and i was playing with a religious medal that was on a chain around my neck. Then i pulled one of the curled chain links that was pierced in my forehead in the third eye area.

Theresa then had a oriental looking piece with crystals hanging from it and when she went to show me I put my pen i was holding and it got stuck in the piece. I couldn’t get it out, then theresa wasn’t there and it was just me and my friend sitting at the table, and my friends boyfriend was in the other room.

My friend she started crying and I asked her what was wrong and was it her boyfriend? She didn’t answer me back then i thought no. Theresa came back from the other room and said her friend kissed her.

8/19/2012– Theresa and i and our two friends were sitting at our table last night and our friend had his toe stuck between the wrought iron design under the table and had a very hard time getting it out. Then at one point when we were all sitting outside my friends boyfriend went into the house to use the bathroom then minutes later theresa went in to put some dishes away and it was just my friend and myself outside.

She started crying and i could feel this as she had done something previous that was really nice and she was feeling the emotion of it. As we were all outside we had said that it was nice that our friends were here to share out weekend with us and one of our friends is originally from brazil…and theresa and i just love his demeanor and energy…theresa and he hugged and bonded as good friends.


5/9/2012– I was in the hospital and my dad was lying on the operating table and his eyes were closed. I moved the scalpel and instrument tray away from the bed and the female doctor there said “its big” I woke up.

5/11/2012– I was at my deceased fathers sister’s husbands funeral and i told my cousin about dad coming to me in a dream and she told me it was her and that they found a large tumor in her body last week.



5/11/2012= I was at a table in a house and a blonde woman was sitting on the table and i didn’t want to look up her skirt so i looked down. We got in the corner of the room and made out. Then we moved to the other side of the room and her back was against the wall as we both slid down the wall and my knees were together against the wall. I grabbed her behind and slid her closer, then i saw someone sitting in the other room.

5/19/2012= I was told by my friend that indeed this happened with the make out session in her kitchen and one family member was there.


6/6/2012– i was looking at some spots down near my groin area.

6/24/2012= I found the dark spot near my back side had them tested and they were not cancer thank you god.

6/11/2012– I was making out with this woman and when we stopped i looked at my cell phone and it read “record spill strip order.”

6/15/2012– I was told at work that indeed we will have a record amount of pieces, spill strip order coming.

6/18/2012– I had a split brush spill at work and i showed it to a boss to discuss what to do with it.

7/12/2012– A worker at work cut to deep into a part and i had taken it to a boss to discuss the options of what to do and splitting it open was a option.

7/3/2012– I drove my car to this parking lot and a co worker i know was getting out of his car at the same time. I said to him what are the odds that we both are here at the same time? So we walked up some stairs and he had to show a guy his card to get in the place. Secretly he gave me his card behind him and i reached behind my back to grab it.

I pulled out all my cards etc from my wallet and dropped some coins on the ground in the process. The place we were at there were quite a bit of people there and a table setup to eat food and also to have drinks. I had to show my card to receive drinks and food and the woman there wanted to see my card.

I gave my card to one of the waitresses and she came back with my meal and a beer. She walked over to me and looked me close in the eye and told me that i gave her the wrong card, i told her to look me in the eye so i can tell her the truth of how my friend wanted me to sneak in using his card.

7/12/2012– My co worker told me about what happened about entering a city fair and having a pass to get in and another co worker slid in for free while he was showing the person his pass.

7/8/2012– I saw a computer monitor at work and was looking at the safety and health shortcuts for the workers to look at.

7/9/2012– I was at work today and i was called in with another employee to the office today to look at safety and spill procedure on the computer today.


7/17/2012– I was walking in a hospital and i came upon a woman i think might of been a nurse or employee and she was leaning over in the corner. I mentioned to her that i am not going to have sex with her without a condom and patted her rear end i never saw her face just her blonde curly hair.


7/17/2012– I was back in that hospital again looking for the woman with blonde curly hair, then i saw a doctor head into the men’s room. I looked into a room with some workers and saw only the back of that woman’s head with the blonde curly hair. She was at a computer sitting between two other people working.

7/18/2012– I was just told on facebook that this dream is a confirmation and she was the nurse. In seeing her from the back with her hair and what happened in the dream also was confirmed and also that i saw her working at a computer between two people and she confirmed she does work between two people at the hospital. Also there have been instances where men have made lewd comments to her in the past.

7/21/2012 I was crouching next to a car with a shotgun in my hand and I heard “The Hispanics were coming.” One guy was standing on the street near me with a gun, then i saw a couple men run and jump over this fence. A group of police dressed up in protective gear showed up about 15 of them and I hid the gun under a car.

The one thing i noticed in a video I saw was they were chasing 3 men and two got away, I saw some guys jumping over a fence in my dream and in reality one man shot was on the ground near a fence. The story broke last night at 10 pm California time and it was 1 am eastern time as i was in bed long before that.

7/22/2012 The breaking news hit at 10 p.m. California time last night which was 1 a.m. My time and I was in bed sleeping. The men jumping over a fence, the gang of people which i knew were part of the dream and the police and the guns were all part of the reality of the shooting and the events later on.

To watch the Anaheim Story click- HERE

A neighbor who witnessed the shooting testified that Diaz had one hand on a fence before the officer shot him, with his other hand holding onto his pants.

Police said Diaz and his two companions ran when they were approached by officers, reports City News Service. 

July 23, 2012  Five people were arrested in Anaheim, Calif., this weekend after angry residents took to the streets and stormed police headquarters during a day of near-rioting that followed the shooting death of a suspect who was being chased by police.

Police were pursuing three suspects into an alley in Anaheim at about 4 p.m. Saturday when they chased 25-year-old Manuel Angel Diaz. The man was confronted by an officer at the front of an apartment complex, where he was shot. Diaz later died in the hospital, while the two other suspects managed to evade the police.

Anaheim Police Shooting 2012 Master Image
Anaheim Police Shooting 2012 Dream Master Image
April 29, 2012 Police protest master image

4/29/2012 Protest in Anaheim CA for the Police Shooting of Manual Diaz

Credit of image goes to Chase Carter 

Image is licensed under Creative Commons

“Police Brutality Protest – Anaheim – July 29 2012 – 45” by cmcarterss is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Image was not altered in any way shape or form.


7/24/2012 I walked in a building and went to ride this glass cased elevator and as i pushed the button on the door it opened then it closed. So I waited for the next one and when it opened some of us went on and as I walked in I said do not look down if you are afraid of heights.

So as we were going up it turned into a amusement park ride and was going at a slant then upside down. I told the people the last time this happened I had to hold onto the bars. When it was done the scene changed and i was in a hospital room with some people and some children were on the floor.

One young boy was there just laying there and a woman who worked there wanted me to take a photo of him. 

I am not sure if this means a accident is going to happen somewhere to people in a elevator?? Or a amusement park ride is going to have a disaster and people are going to get hurt? 

In the end the dream I experienced had a few different scenarios, which mesh together with the 2 Amusement Rides, but is one of these the right one? Is both of them the right ones?



Carnival Ride Disaster Dream Master Image


Two teenagers seriously hurt when their fairground carriage flipped from spinning ride

  • One boy was catapulted into the air while the other was crushed under the weight of the car
  • Danny Keogh is in intensive care and had surgery after suffering a broken arm, ribs and chest injuries while Conor Baker has a broken nose and teeth.


Video takes you to youtube showing Accident


9/7/2012 & 9/19/2012 The Windseeker ride in California had major issues where people were left way up high dangling because the ride stopped working. This was the only other scary amusement ride incident I could find that was close to my dream date. Nobody got injured with these 2 incidents with this one ride, like the boys did in the United Kingdom accident. I am not sure if my dream incorporated 2 dreams together or just one?

BUENA PARK  A ride broke down at Knott’s Berry Farm Wednesday, the second time in two weeks the attraction has left riders dangling from on high up.

Park officials said a security system activated at around 4 p.m., halting the “WindSeeker” halfway up. Twenty riders were told over a loudspeaker that they had to be lifted to the top for crews to eventually bring them back down.

The park visitors were left hanging 300 feet in the air for nearly three hours before they were returned safely to the ground.

Video takes you to youtube of people stranded 300 feet up

 8/7/2012– I was driving with my wife and her granddaughter and i tried to
go by a small yellow suv bus. He was sticking out in the lane and i couldn’t get by him. Then another car came in and blocked me in from moving. The older guy in the yellow vehicle started yelling at me and i yelled back.

8/12/2012– When we got into the city i was driving and the light turned green as i was approaching and about 20 feet from going through it a guy on a bike just turned off the curb without looking and drove in front of me. I came about 10 feet from hitting him as he went right in front of me. When we were at lunch outside i looked to my left and there parked was my small yellow bus as two people were getting out of it and this older guy was driving it.

Except it wasn’t a small yellow bus, it was a suv taxi. No altercations with this guy, but it was the only yellow vehicle i saw the whole day. Later after the show we were leaving and i couldn’t get in the lane to get on the correct exit as this happened 2 times because i was blocked out
from traffic being in the wrong lane. The only disputes that went on with me was with theresa and myself. So some things in the dream showed up but this time not in the exact fashion as it usually makes it’s presence known.

8/12/2012 I was outside in a yard and badly wounded animals kept
coming up to me, one was a small dog and it seemed to be almost dead as it had bees all around its eyes like it had a wound there. Then an injured chipmunk came up to me and i asked it his name? He told me his name was Lucky and he jumped on my plate of food, then jumped off.

The Chipmunk Prophecy Dream Master Image


8/14/2012 Today was confirmed of my dream of the wounded animals as one of them mentioned his name was lucky. Now a co worker I work with, his nickname is lucky and when I told him about my dream he said a person next door has a bb gun and is shooting the animals. They got into a shouting match recently as the bbs are hitting his grille outside and whizzing past him when he is in his yard. Lucky told me that he is shooting birds and squirrels and I warned him to watch out for his dogs in the back yard as they may get hit in the eye by the bbs.

8/19/2012– I was at work and one of the supervisors said that what was run didn’t match or blend with the other part.

8/20/2012– i was at work today and some of the parts that were run the
supervisor said the ends were not matched with others run on another


8/28/2012 I was at work and a female employee and I were outside in the back of the building and people were outside digging up the back area. I asked her what they were doing and she told me its for the parking area.

3/5/2013 An announcement was made at work today to move our vehicles from the back area of the parking lot at work. The area where i saw the people digging in my dream was being dug up and paved over.


 8/28/2012– I was driving with a co worker and the retired human
resources lady said its not safe to use the top left side of the steering wheel with your hand over the left top. I said then why are we letting a injured man drive us around? I looked at his hand in the dream and knew it was that.

8/29/2012– That co worker told me today last night he was working on
his vehicle and smashed his hand with a hammer.

9/2/2012– I walked down a hall and came upon my facebook friend sookie and another woman. The other woman said something and i said i love sookie! And gave her a hug. There were pictures on the table next to her, then i called sookie jeanine. I forgot her name in the dream. Then i was with a friend of mine at work and another woman said “hey there is a new bakery opening up in the next
town over”.

9/3/2012– Sookie on facebook says her friend is opening a new
bakery and has pictures on the table showing her work.

9/11/2012 I was watching Dustin Pedroia running around 2nd base and he awkwardly turned his leg and almost fell, but he didn’t. (Is he going to hurt himself rounding a base in a ballgame soon?)


9/12/2012 Derek Jeter was up at bat and hit the ball directly to Dustin Pedroia which he flipped to the shortstop and on to first where Derek Jeter came up hobbling and left the game with a leg injury.

The shortstop pulled up lame after lunging for first base on his double-play groundout to end the eighth inning of New York’s 5-4 victory over the Boston Red Sox on Wednesday night.

Here is the Video of Derek Jeter hurting his leg running to the bag, which takes you to Youtube Directly- Here

This was another example of a dream I experienced where it’s not always the person in the dream who got hurt, but an association to that player did. Here Dustin Pedroia was part of the play where Derek Jeter got Injured.

10/3/2012– I was walking down the road and turned right into a parking lot of a movie theater where i could tell a popular movie was about to play. I saw kids and parents walking through the lot and once i went inside i stood in line. I didn’t have a ticket so i had to move to another spot to buy my ticket. At the counter a black woman with long hair about 40-50 years of age was next to me, and she came a little closer.

She looked me dead in the eyes from about 3 feet away and put her foot down just on top of mine. When she took it off she turned away and i pretended that she pressed down hard and i faked like it was harder than it was. I then moved to another wall area and then i was guided into the back room, it was a kitchen area.

There were about 5 people back there as it had the setting of a fast food kitchen as they were wearing the pointed hats. There was one young man possibly hispanic? In his early 20’s and he had zits all over his face, i keyed in on him for being the main person for me to see.

10/7/2012– I have found the identity of one of the people in my dream that i have never seen before except from the dream.

10/6/2012– Afternoon nap- I was maybe sleeping for 5 minutes and
in the dream i was in a persons house i know that is very haunted at times. I was in the one room that has the most activity and i watched the closet door open all the way by itself. I had extreme fear inside this dream, then i woke up.                                                                   

10/11/2012– I was talking with someone i know and their house started to be active again with the hauntings doing things this person never had witnessed before.

10/9/2012– I was with a ex female co worker and she was with another woman friend, then the scene switched and i was with 3 people in a vehicle. I was in the back seat and i was on the verge of passing out from martinis.

10/24/2012= I was out to eat with theresa and our friends and theresa had two martinis before dinner and boy did she feel them. After we all had dinner and we were leaving in our vehicle, she was passing out from the effects of the strong martinis.

10/22/2012– one of the employee bosses was walking some people around the company on a tour and they came over to me and looked at our parts.

10/23/2012– I put my sticky note in my box at work today to see if this dream would come true and there were 2 sets of people walking around on a tour today, and one group looked at my parts.

11/10/2012– i was at work and one of the upper bosses asked to talk to me about some parts and how i made them? Another supervisor was there present in the room. I had the part in my hand almost seeing a cutout of the part as i was showing the people with him. 

11/14/2012–That exact upper boss came over and got my attention and wanted to talk to me about those exact parts from the dream and was showing the cutout of the part to some people with him.

11/12/2012– I am at work with a co worker and using the bridgeport
and something happened. It looked like the motor was having small flames coming from it and the part i took out had a wavy tooth all the way down the whole part.

11/16/2012– I am at work and setting up a job with having to edgefind the tooth in a critical way. I looked away after getting my number and looked back and the edge finder rubbed to tooth and caused it to ripple and made it wavy. Not down the whole part but still wavy.