Here are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2010 and a huge step in the amount column compared to the previous 2009 year.


2/3/2010 I was on a football field playing football with a guy at work. He was juking people and running in for touchdowns. we were doing high fives and he is also a big New Orleans Saints fan.


Dream Of Saints Winning The Game! Master Image

I told him after my dream that it totally meant the Saints would win the Superbowl!


2/7/2010 Drew Brees led the New Orleans Saints to a 31-17 Super Bowl victory over the Indianapolis Colts. The Saints took control of the game when they started the second half with an on-side kick catching the Colts and all those watching off guard.

Saints win Superbowl Master Image


Creator Of Image and credit goes to Glorius Gaduang

This image“Who Dat BW” by Glorius is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0  marked with a CC BY-ND 2.0 license.

No changes were made to this image.

3/20/2010 I was driving a small fork lift carrying 2 dead mice, then I was in a dress store with my best friend. She was trying on a large dress and we sat down and she asked me if I thought the dress will look good on her in 9 months? The scene switched to me and some woman and we were walking out to my vehicle and I told her “You are my new girl pal now.”

3/21/2010 (Confirmed) I would tell my best friend of the dream the next day and she would confirm the night before of the discussion of a baby in the future and wanting one. The dead mice were two people in her life that are not there, one being deceased and the other is gone also. My friend would eventually, years later get married and have a child.

05/28/2011 I would have the dream come true exactly as being with the woman in my dream when the scene switched and telling her about her being my new girl pal.


4/12/2010 I was putting flour or powdered sugar on a facebook friends daughter’s head it was a mess.

4/14/2010 (Confirmed) she would confirm her husband was making banana flavored powdered drink mix for the kids and dropped the container of powdered mix all over the place.

5/2/2010– I was watching two people I know, one of them was wearing a suit and I thought ooh no what is going to happen?

5/4/2010 (Confirmed) It would be confirmed that he was in a suit which he never wears because he went out to fit his child with a tuxedo the next day.

8/7/2010– I was standing near a guy I know and he got crushed between something. He was just laying there and looked like he was dead.

8/14/2010 (Confirmed) A very dear friend of ours passed today who was really special to his family and friends.

8/13/2010 I was walking and a female co worker and a woman friend of hers joined me in the walk. They had tickets to a show, one of the shows was Helen keller. It showed that on the ticket when I read it.

4/30/2011 (Confirmed) I was in New York City and read this magnet that resonated with me so personally, and it was a quote by helen keller.



Helen Keller Quote From Dream Master Image

“when one door of happiness closes another one opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”

11/19/2010– I was in a restaurant with my wife with a brunette woman i didn’t know. Then my best friend girl pal came up to me and she was a waitress. I quickly noticed she had a ring on her finger and I said “Omg you got a ring”! She turned her head and mentioned that her boyfriend liked his ring and i couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to discuss it?

8/30/2013- My wife and our friends and i were in a restaurant eating when my friend said that her and her boyfriend were getting married. I was shocked that she never wanted to discuss it before then as they were going to get married very soon thereafter.