These are the Prophecy Dreams Confirmed 2009 and a year where I had experienced quite a lot of them.

3/8/2009– I was at work, the company was having everyone put pieces of paper on items and doing practice drills.

4/29/2009 (Confirmed) we had our first practice fire drill at work today.



4/11/2009– I was riding a bike down a hill and came to a stop, there was a white painted line cross walk. I was not sure which way to go? Left or right or straight ahead. I went straight ahead and went down a road along a building. I looked up and saw Taylor street. When I looked in front of the building there were people waiting to get in.

Two young boys came up to me and said look at the big snake in the tree! The boy said that is not a dead snake. I went into the building there were 2 women sitting at the end, then there were many people inside.

A woman handed me a 20 dollar bill, then I gave it to a girl. Then she gave me 20 cents and I gave it to the girl again. It was a salon, then i was still in the same place but everything changed into a restaurant. I sat down had a coke and waited for a piece of cake.

 4/12/2009 (Confirmed) I drove home from work and I decided to punch in Taylor street in Connecticut and it brought me to somers ct. When I got there I saw the white painted cross walk, the Taylor street sign and right along that street on the corner was a restaurant and the salon right next to that. I have never been in that area before.



4/13/2009- I was in a car and my wife and I took a exit that we normally don’t take, she said that she and her daughter take it. Then I was walking and there was a handgun like a colt 45 with a ivory handle on the ground. There also was a black empty pouch and a wallet, but I didn’t look in the wallet. The scene changed and I was in a bad section of town and as i crossed the street a man came up to me with a message, but i don’t remember it?

I was on a bike but it was hard to get anywhere, I knew this area was bad! I was near a road to my left in a small patch of woods, walking the bike on a small path along a wire chain link fence. To my right i could see water also in the short distance, then a small car went slowly by me.

There were two men in the car, the passenger had a handgun that i could see plainly. He looked at me with the gun up, i thought he was going to shoot me and as i was going to turn around the get the license plate number but i felt intense fear and woke up.

Below is exactly in my dream in Indian Orchard Springfield back in 2009, where the car pulled up along side me with 2 men and one of them had a handgun and looked right at me.

Front St. Indian Orchard From 2009 Dream Master Image


4-9-2009 (Confirmed) A body was pulled from a canal as a man was found dead shot by a gun and the area in my dream matched the area where they found him.

SPRINGFIELD – Springfield police released the identity Monday of a 31-year-old homicide victim whose body was found floating in the Front Street Canal Thursday.

Ruben Ortiz, whose last known address was 91 Malden St., had a long history with Springfield police and was known member of the Latin Kings gang, according to Sgt. John M. Delaney, aide to Police Commissioner William J. Fitchet.

The death is the fifth homicide in Springfield this year.

An autopsy on the badly decomposed body showed that Ortiz suffered seven gunshot wounds to the torso, back, leg and foot, Delaney said. The cause of death has been ruled a homicide.

** note I had the dream after this story broke but i didn’t hear of this murder until days later when I saw it on a website**



4/20/2009- I was going in a building and a man was standing on a bed and pointing a handgun up towards the ceiling.

5/13/2009 (Confirmed) On the local news the police had a guy trapped in a ceiling of a building.

To read the News Article on the man in the ceiling CLICK-HERE



4/24/2009- I was in a home and this guy corey was just married to my friend, he was doing everything crazy trashing the house. Having fun and just not responsible and not paying attention to my friend. He was admiring himself in the mirror, then I said I had enough and went downstairs to find her and I found this young girl hiding under the covers and scared. I left and ran out of gas in the car just down the road.

(Confirmed) I would be told later by my friend that she was molested as a child.



5/3/2009- I drove up to a apartment complex, 2 stories high and long in length. I got out and went to the front door and went up the stairs to the left apartment and my ex girlfriend who is blonde opened up the door, she was wearing lingerie and looked stoned. I looked at her and turned away and left.

5/24/2009 (Confirmed) my friend took me to where her cousin used to live and the apartment complex matched what i saw in my dream. She also told me that her cousin was into prostitution and drugs.



5/18/2009- I saw Jason Varitek of the boston red sox get hurt and he was lying on the ground.

8/20/2009 (Confirmed) Pedroia back, varitek not in lineup Jason varitek, who has been held out of the first two games of the series against the blue jays, is once again not in the starting lineup. Varitek was scratched on tuesday with a neck issue and did not play on wednesday for the same reason.



5/30/2009 I was at work and a supervisor came up to me and asked me what I was doing? I told him I was running two machines.

5/31/2009 (Confirmed) That supervisor who never came in on weekends up to that point came did and asked me what i was doing? I told him i was running two machines and getting ready to leave soon.



6/17/2009– I was watching tv and I saw some women stars of yesteryear. They were in black and white. I could hear a voice, but I never saw who was speaking.

6/17/2009 (Confirmed) when I woke up I turned on my computer, the first thing I saw on my msn homepage was sexy women stars of yesterday.



7/2/2009 I was driving with a guy and the road was blocked off then I backed up and we stopped at a building. There was blood on the pavement, then we went inside the apartment and there was a black woman standing in the hallway As I passed her she had a veil over her face and she looked upset and immediately I thought to not go near her for I felt danger. There were people in a room and a man was murdered.

7/4/2009 (Confirmed)  NFL Football star Steve Mcnair was murdered.

To Hear the sad news about this death CLICK HERE!



7/23/2009 I had a dream that someone broke into my vehicle.

7/24/2009 (Confirmed) I went to work that day wondering if someone was going to try to steal my vehicle and it wasn’t me. At the end of the day a co-worker had his car repo’d and it was gone from the Parking lot at work.



7/28/2009– I was at work and a co worker came up to me, he gave me a dessert.

8/31/2009 (Confirmed) I had never received any food from the co worker in the dream before he came up to me, and said “I have some food to give you”. I showed him the note saying he was going to give me food.



7/31/2009– I was next to a tree and a bird landed on this guys hand, he showed me how to have a bird land but not bite. The bird landed as I held my hand with my two fingers down and the rest out, which means love. Its the symbol using your hand for love.

8/1/2009 (Confirmed) I was reading the valley advocate and there it was the hand symbol for love. Then a co worker walked by me and gave me the exact hand gesture. We had a party later and our friend even gave me that hand gesture sign.



8/4/2009 I was outside looking at my leg it was severely damaged on my lower part. There were two large flaps of skin hanging. A co worker was there and wanted to cut them off with scissors. I told him “NO!” and I needed that to cover the meat.

8/05/2009 (Confirmed) I told the guy who was in my dream about it and he said he and his wife were watching shark week the night before.



8/6/2009 I was with a co worker at work and we got into an argument. We went outside and we got into a fight. I had my fists up in the air and I threw the first punch and missed. It’s almost like we ended up miles from the parking lot and tried to get back to work.

I noted in my log book “Who is going to get in a big fight at work?” or co workers getting into an altercation?

9/24/2009 (Confirmed) A guy at work got into a big altercation with a guy at work, then the boss. It was really bad, the guy in my dream was actually the witness to it all. 

I told another co worker this was coming and was going to happen.



8/07/2009 I was in a bank that I do business with and I was watching my deceased father standing in line. He got to the teller, she gave him a large stack of $$. He walked over to me and let me rifle through the stack. I saw one’s ten’s and 20’s. When he left the whole bank chattered.

9/05/2009 (Confirmed) My mother would confirm the withdraw of a large amount of $$ of which i can’t disclose the nature of this withdraw.



8/08/2009 I slit my pants really bad!

9/3/2009 (Confirmed) I would  be at work today and ripped my pants pretty good.



8/25/2009- I was going to use the bathroom and looked at a toilet seat that a co worker left for me that he just used and it was stained bad with crap all over it.

8/27/2009 (Confirmed) This co worker is starting to deal me shit really bad.



9/1/2009 I was driving to work and the building before our building had a animal near the bushes.

9/5/2009 I was leaving work, i said lets see if any animals were there at the building with the bushes. There was a groundhog standing right there at the spot.



9/8/2009- I was at work and a person who works in the other part of the building was driving his car around the parking lot and a siren was heard coming from the car. A past employee told him to stop playing that because people inside the building could hear it. A woman I know stood up and said “I am Doctor Laura”, i looked at her and said “No you are not!”

9/9/2009 (Confirmed) I went to the other part of the building to tell the employee about the dream and he said the guy hasn’t been in to work in 3 days. We found out that he was at the doctors and was home sick.  Also the next day there were 3 police cars outside our building doing work with the police dogs.



9/8/2009- I was in a restaurant I go to and i ordered a meatball grinder, then the owner came up to me and i shook his hand and I said “I eat my words about Derek Jeter.”

9/11/2009 (Confirmed) I went into that restaurant and the owner came up to me and I shook his hand and said ”I eat crow about what I said about Derek Jeter.”



10/1/2009– I was outside with a co worker he was going on a trip to province town or the cape.

(Confirmed) The first part of the month he would go to water jet training and travel.



10/4/2009- I was at the casino playing slots and the 4 symbols Jeter-Jeter-Jeter-Jeter came up.

11/4/2009 (Confirmed) The yankees would win the world series and the morning after the dream a co worker handed me a slot jackpot ticket to keep.



10/13/2009– I was at work with a co worker and he had a print in his hand that he was working on with a half circle and he was explaining it to me.

10/14/2009 (Confirmed) I was standing next to that co worker and he said to the boss that he had nothing to do, then he was told to work on a half circle diaphragm.



10/20/2009– I was watching Brad Pitt save the day in a baseball game.

9/9/2011(Confirmed) Brad Pitt the actor was in a movie called Moneyball.



10/21/2009– I was outside and picked up a piece of paper and it read “I love men.”

10/25/2009 (Confirmed) A friend on facebook had a message on his post that said “I love men” as it was his little brother playing games on his computer.



10/23/2009- I was in a building and had a gun and people were down the hall. I fired shots and a supervisor at work was coming down with a bullet proof vest on with a gun and a look of “here I come nobody can stop me.”

11/4/2009 (Confirmed) That supervisor came up to me and questioned me about another employee and I was waiting for him to come, then there was drama surrounding it also.



10/29/2009– I was standing near two women and they were planning on doing something with a baby.

11/5/2009 (Confirmed) Baby Shannon lee Dedrick of florida was kidnapped.

This dream was part of my psychic visions which showed me a baby in a bag and falling on the floor near the side of a bed and this continued for the next month with dreams and visions knowing that something was coming and it was about a baby and a bed.

Amazing timeline of how my gifts activated about this baby, CLICK HERE!



10/30/2009- I was with a co worker and he was complaining about his  vehicle and opened the hood and Anti Freeze coolant shot out and hit him in the face.

11/17/2009 (Confirmed) The co worker was at work and the c.n.c. Machine he runs is called a toyoda and he opened the door and got shot in the face with coolant.



11/5/2009– I was with a crowd of people laughing at a dinner table, the man next to me was holding a baby up in the air over the dinner table and ready to change the diaper. I said i will be the baby’s towel rack. Then the scene changed a guy was looking at a microwave plastic bowl with a plastic cover on it. I yelled “the baby can’t breathe in there!” He looked at his watch and peeled off the top. The baby had charred head and melted eyes. I woke up.

11/5/2009 (Confirmed) They would find the missing baby in florida under a bed in a box that had a cover on it. The mothers name was one of the names i was given as part of my psychic development. She hatched this plan with her baby sitter to take the baby. The other woman’s last name was “BAKER.” 

** i had seen this on the news on 11-7-2009**.

Watch On YouTube HERE!



11/21/2009– I was with a friend and we were watching a video of another co worker driving erratically with their car. He was doing crazy turns and spins, then whacked another car. The passenger door opened and another co worker stepped out.

11/23/2009 (Confirmed) A co worker got into a car wreck.


12/28/2008 This could go in dreams and visions because the dream turned into a vision then it happened in life. In the dream I was at work and this guy came up from behind me and poked me in the back of my bottom, hard.

I turned around and got mad, and i asked him why did he do that?? He said because his mom and dad were sleeping. Then I punched him in the mouth, and then I then woke up.

I thought about this and closed my eyes and saw a image of a black sheep moving by my eyes with them closed. Then i saw a image like a white pen that spun like a hundred times fast and stopped dead and it was a sentence i could read in my eyes with them closed. It said “sheep are pleasant men are tough” this would signal my visions interacting with my dreams. Not long after this dream that person at work would get fired and he landed in jail.

3/6/2009 I had found out today that Terrence was in jail, the guy who was in my dream