Prophecy Dreams Master Image

Prophecy Dreaming is part of my Psychic and Mediumship development that has always been my first and foremost love in that i have always remembered my dreams throughout my life and this allows me to share with the public before they are either confirmed or not confirmed.

My first Prophetic dream came on 11-22-2007 and that prompted me to track them and form charts to better understand and try to gain insight on certain patterns. Sometimes the dreams are exact and sometimes they vary to some degree and over the years it is getting a little easier for me to know which ones may indeed become Prophetic.

**Note a lot of the dreams i post are posted on facebook the following morning of the dream so nobody can say i posted it after the fact when one becomes prophetic.**
In my dreams when they become prophetic there are certain things that i found out over time that happen. For some reason most of them are a prophecy of bad things to come…only at times is it good news or happenings.
1= If it happens to me in the dream there is a good chance of it happening to someone else especially if its something bad that is coming, if i am alone in the dream it could be me also.

2= if i am the observer in the dream with someone i know it could be that person or someone else connected to me and that person…example work.

3= if i am with someone i know and something happens to that person…there is a good probability that its going to happen to them. Not always in the exact way as in the dream…sometimes exactly.

4= most of my dreams happen to people at work, people i love or even people from far away on facebook here…its becoming a common theme of me dreaming of facebook people even those i have friended and never talked to before and they confirm the dreams to me when i post them on facebook.

5= most of my dreams do not come true for i average 1-3 dreams a night and over the course of one month there are only a few that become prophetic, ranging from 1-5
6= my dreams can take from 1 day to one year to come true, most of the time within days to a month of the dream.

7= My dreams can involve sports figures, sports teams, actors, people i know, people i don’t know personally and even natural disasters , sometimes deaths. Also there have been times with people on Facebook i have never met confirmations come from them also. There is the occasion where funny things do happen to those i dream about which makes it nice….for them.

8= I could also play the role of someone else who is not me in my waking state, that is a really good tip off that this will be about someone else and may affect the other person in the dream.

 9. And most importantly as of a recent dream in March of 2013 i would have my most powerful warning dream yet for someone on Facebook and in that..the warning just might of been the most important dream warning for me to date since 2007 involving a gun and the person a month later actually tried to commit suicide.

 10. I have been receiving more over time prophetic dreams regarding health issues about me and about other people. As of May of 2014 i had a dream of a Facebook female and was shown a issue about her health and as we discussed the theme it became a very deep experience for the both of us.

11. I have also come to a conclusion and most recently confirmed to me with a dream that i was shown where i could see a famous person or persons that i recognize and something will happen to them.

But by showing me them it could be so i recognize the event to happen and it may not be them at all and may be a person or people i never have seen before. Example of this is a actor i see in my dream but his co star i don’t know of has the event happen to him. Or a rock band in my dream i know of..but the event happens to another band i don’t know of?