I had found over the years that in taking photo after photo at this area of my living room and seeing strange images appear that do not exist within my home has been a constant wondering of exactly what is going on?

 When I took this one photo I actually stopped taking them for a period of time afterwards. I can’t state enough how many times i have taken images and have seen nothing as i go over my photos, but then there are times when something shows to me and this one here when i first saw it gave me chills.

The photos i still have originals for were taken within a 8 minute span and taken sitting in the same exact spot for each one each showing different images. Yet one still stood out more than the others. I find it interesting as in my opinion the entity used the mirror to form a split face and one half is shown reflecting and creating the other half except the long unknown giraffe looking thing that looks like it’s coming out of it’s head.

If you look at it it resembles a sort of giraffe head, but that stands out to me as not being a half and half image caused by the mirror and looks whole. Maybe it’s true that mirrors are portals and is true in my home. Either way this image to me says Demon all the way, especially after a man in my dream once said “You will see Demons & Deities.”

The images are not reflections of myself or anything that is a known object or image that is in my home or other places. Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the Olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.


T Shirt That Changes Images Master Image
Demon At The Cabinet Photo Master Image
Demon Images Cropped Master Image
alien demon face crop largest
More Demon Crops
Demon comparisons 1 of 1
Demon Photo Capture Master Image
Demon Image Seen in Photograph Master Image