The next Paranormal Investigation would be done at my mother’s home in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. My mother had always said during her tough periods of life, that there were Spirits in the house she lived in.

My grandmother who lived there for years claimed Lilian the former owner was still there after she supposedly died in bed one night while being drunk. When I moved into a room my father built in the cellar, it was not long afterwards that strange things started to happen while I was sleeping.

It would be exactly 3:00 am when I woke up and looked at the red lighted clock as the door to my bedroom was shaking and jarring badly. I sat up and the noises just stopped as I just sat there with the light on, now I stayed up to hear if anyone would walk up the stairs.

I waited because those stairs, they were directly above me and nobody could even creep up them without making the stairs creek bad. Nobody ever went up the stairs, as I sat up in bed for about 25 minutes, and I moved out soon afterwards. So this would be the first time I would ever Paranormal investigate my mom’s house with my friend.

After I moved out my father had times where he was watching television in the cellar and he would say the tv shut off by itself or that while he was dozing off he heard his name being called and he would run upstairs. Here is the Investigation that was done a few times, some really strange EVP, a Video that was really interesting for me and of course the experiences of those visits.

Some of the EVP presented here are very clear recordings, as some of them I believe are Residual and some are active, especially for a voice in the recorder who was not there in the physical form to call my first name. The Paranormal Investigation took place in Chicopee, Massachusetts in 2008, after my father had passed. I knew the home had a lot of negative energy that was there over time.


Mom's Home In Chicopee Massachusetts Master Image

00:04 “Will She Tell? I think?”

00:04 “You Ain’t Telling Theresa” that was my wife’s name.

00:04 “That Mean Old Man?”

00:07 Class A EVP of a Spirit calling out my first Name “Todd”

00:07 Strange EVP of Swoosh noise, then this crunch noise, then what sounded like a person making a eggh sound. A quiet voice says “Take Him”, then the male Spirit says “NOO”

00:08 “AAHH K kill him”

00:01 “Man Love”

00:00 “I’ll Kiss him”

00:02 “Say It’s Not Boy”

00:00 “I’m Killing Him”


We started the second phase of my mother’s home while she was in the hospital and could just take our time. While we experienced a few personal things, the extreme cold spot I felt upstairs coincides with the two spirits that spoke just before and as I walked into it. My friend told me to go stand over by the blinds and one Spirit said “The Bedsheets” and the other said “The Bedroom.”

This would be the first time I ever experienced a very cold feeling that came over me and when I moved away from it, the cold spot feeling was completely gone. I tried again, as did my friend to feel it twice, but it never came back.