Paranormal & Clairvoyant Master Image

1/12/2008 The Paranormal Experiences continued as Theresa calls me and tells me that at 7:30 AM she was sleeping and woke up to the blankets wrapped tight on one side of her neck and that there was pressure on the blanket. This had never happened to her in her whole lifetime, I suppose it could of been nothing Paranormal but knowing now what would happen down the road I would say It was something trying to harm her.


1/19/2008 My wife woke up in the early morning hours to be stunned as she saw a woman standing in our bedroom wearing a wedding dress. Also a man in pajamas and he was running in place, as they both had their back to her.

2/7/2008 My wife saw her deceased Father’s head upstairs and then it turned into her son’s Head. She got nervous and called her son the next day and found out that her son got a promotion at work.

2/13/2008 My wife would see her deceased dad’s head again, but this time I asked her to wake me up so I could see him. It didn’t work that way because when she did he had a sad look on his face and vanished.

3/3/2008 It was my evening Meditation in the large upstairs walk in closet that I made into a meditation room. I saw a black shadow coming in to my left during my candle meditation.

4/4/2008 My wife saw a boy’s head this morning and she asked in her thoughts “Who are you?” Another face showed up with longer hair, one face at a time. Then they faded away and a voice came in her Clairaudience that said “We make fun”.

4/6/2008 Theresa woke up and was told “I will be back in 200 days” That would be on 10/21-22/2008 Elaine Kuzmeskus Connecting with Guides Class.

4/12/2008 Theresa always kisses her St. Joseph statue before bed every night as he is her favorite Saint. She wakes up in the early morning hours and sees a figure in white show up at the door of the bedroom. He had a white robe, a beard and she saw his hair. Whoever that was blew her a kiss.

4/14/2008 Theresa said she couldn’t talk like she was paralyzed, and pressure was on her legs, like someone was holding them down.

4/16/2008 The number 2320 popped in her head and two days later on our trip to NYC the room across from ours was #2023.

4/23/2008 Theresa nudged me while I was sleeping and asked if I was dreaming? I had told her no and she said with her Clairvoyance she saw Robert Kennedy or John Kennedy was over my head talking to me and she saw a hand. She said it lasted around 6 seconds. Not long ago i attended a Seance in Ct. where the person there works with Spirit and does Precipitated Art cards and Robert Kennedy showed up on the front of mine.


Precipitated Art Card Robert Kennedy Master Image


4-30-2008 My father was at a show I was in and I was up onstage. Afterwards my father started eating, everyone was having a big dinner afterwards, I got in line to get some ice cream. I spilled it on me and I started crying. It was at that point I was standing next to a woman and my father showed up, i asked her if she could see the man standing there and was he really there? She said “the man with the blue shirt on”? She told me he was really there.

5-13-2008 After i left for work theresa woke up and it was getting light outside and she saw a man standing in our doorway of our bedroom. It was my father and she called out “frank” but he just stood there looking in with a beautiful blue shirt on.

5/21/2008 Theresa saw this little man above us in the bed, she said he was ugly with a pointy nose. He put his hand open next to his mouth and started yelling and shaking his head at her. She closed her eyes and later 3 white Angel Wings came in the bedroom.

5/22/2008 In the early morning hours Theresa was moaning, I said something to her but she didn’t hear me. She would tell me later they were playing with her hair and she moved closer to me and they did it more. She felt like the bad Spirit is back again as she said her voice was paralyzed.

This next is one of the most profound Paranormal Experiences I have ever seen

I woke up again later and it felt like I was drugged as I saw this 5 foot solid black form next to me just swaying back and forth looking at me. It took everything in me just to pick my head up off the pillow and watch it for about 8 seconds. Then I fell back down on the pillow and went to sleep.

Here is the audio afterwards of us talking about the experience.

00:05 “Can we talk?”

00:05 “Why tell me this”

00:16 “That’s in me”

5/26/2008 Theresa had a dream she couldn’t breath, she said a woman form came to her and told her she needs to go to the Hospital. What is interesting about this is she eventually would need to wear a breathing aid to sleep at night.

6/3/2008 At bedtime I felt the bed under my back and body push upwards, this started to become a regular thing when we went to bed at night.

6/27/2008 Theresa saw the writings again, and later she looked at the doorway and a Shadow figure took off running into the living room.

8/3/2008 Theresa woke up this morning to a message up near the ceiling that said “I enjoyed it, did it feel good?”

8/25/2008 Theresa woke up and saw the old man who’s head appeared in one of my Orb looking photos. He was lying down, but in the air.

Photo below shows old man with parted hair and mustache and goatee beard within the roundish light object.



Goatee Man In Orb In Suffield Ct. Master Image


This would be one of the most interesting nights I ever experienced with a group of people in Suffield Connecticut. In class, the week prior we were told that everyone for the next class would be part of a Shamanistic Fire Ceremony in the Teacher’s back yard. My friend could not make it and my wife and I went to this ceremony with about 12 people. The teacher made it a point to say she wanted me to take photos of this event and what showed up on some of these photos blew my mind!

Was that hooded masked Skull head looking Entity the same thing that my teacher and her friend tried to rid in a woman’s home that was harassing her? Same Entity that found its way in my Teacher’s home not long after and created some havoc? If that was the case, then in my opinion that was quite some interesting Paranormal Experiences.

What Is A Fire Ceremony?

The events that took place can be seen, Click- HERE


12/20/2008 I wanted to add this here because I found it to be very intense an experience but I don’t know why it happened? In a dream which seemed like it was as real as could be as I was lying in bed my eyes were open and I was paralyzed, it seemed. I reached my arm up but couldn’t get up, then almost with my mind from the waist up to the top of my head I started to bend and rise upward. I didn’t see anyone but it was in my room for sure.


5/4/2019 I stayed over my new friends house last night and we talked about the Spirits she has seen in the house ranging from a little boy to a woman. In another home she lived in she saw a Reaper sitting in her chair and she said she was totally awake. I went to bed last night wondering what was going to happen and I woke up in the early hours and heard jewelry box music in the distance playing for about 10 seconds. My friend told me yup that was mom as she love music. I believe her mom was happy I was there and just knew everything was cool.

4/11/2011 Last night i believe was my turn…I went to bed early…I felt spirit come over its been awhile since i have experienced this….then the bed shook. Theresa just said the boy was here again playing around the bed this morning with her.

4/24/2011 Theresa woke me up and told me a man spirit had his hand on my stomach and had a cigarette in his mouth…when she told him he had better be of the highest and best….his eyes lit up green….weird.


6/22/2011 Theresa had her 3rd visit this morning from the Dennis The Menace known in our home as the Sling Shot Boy. Part one he aims at her, she said “Be Nice!” and pointed at him.

Part 2 he comes back and points at her, and this morning he aims the sling shot and he waved to her. She waved back and smiled at him.


Spirit Boy With Slingshot Master Image

Image credit goes to

Image was not altered in any way, shape or form.

Image under newer license

2/18/2013 I certainly don’t know if this is fact..but i do think its a theory… back in late 2007 i started meditating in my home and a few months in my wife and i opened up psychically and the possibility existed that i opened up a can of worms and boy did the activity start in our home with things never seen before. I would later move to another room to meditate then things started happening in that part of the house.

yesterday this is what i saw looking through a window as you see here…the reflection off the glass and this image was behind me. I saw a tall dark figure walking into the corner behind me….yes…that is my meditation corner in there….Now i wonder if the possibility exists that i am somehow opening portals or something by meditating?? I have never seen anything behind me like that looking at a window and seeing a clear reflection of my background behind me and seeing that clear figure walking there.


Black Figure At Work Master Image


6/16/2014 My wife over the years has been given some really truly amazing Clairvoyant images to see, yet a lot of them she does not understand? Some written word messages she has seen have come true now this one is really interesting….Are these Angel number meanings?? She has seen Angels in the past….anyone have any theories on this one? At the bottom is was either pull down or pull out.

Clairvoyant Vision Master Image

My friend Cindy gave this explanation of what she thought this may be about? this is just my thoughts but the pull down/pull out may be about needing to “pull out ” all knowledge of Angels in order to build a stronger connection . the spiral is constant so that is about our connection with Angels but someone is needing to pull out all stops to develop their connections to the divine x


5/24/2019 I woke up and saw a Shadow figure at the end of my bed for a brief moment and it vanished.