The Paranormal & Spirits Master Image

I started in the paranormal in late 2006 when a friend had extreme, Strange activity in his home and my friend had mentioned that since he was a child he had bouts with Spirits. Those experiences at times in his childhood and adulthood left him actually scared of what he couldn’t understand.

In doing studying at this house we encountered some really amazing evidence in Audio E.V.P.’s most of which Spirits seemed to target the young child and at times the mother. My wife and I would have our home built in Connecticut in 2007 and that would be the beginning of this life change and the start of the unusual things to come.

Then a life devoted to meditation in late 2007 I believe that and not surrounding myself with Protection brought the unknown in somehow into our lives and is still going on in 2012. A bout with Telepathy brought forth a photo, then a prediction from a Visionary Medium with the mention of Extra terrestrials.

2008 started my wife and myself on a journey that was sometimes terrifying but most of the time we were just looking for answers to all the experiences that were taking place in our home. My wife would become a extremely gifted clairvoyant who can see not only the other side but things we believed that are not human but perhaps dimensional beings.

Along with other gifts we both received in 2008 and continue today are prophetic dreaming, psychic photography, open eye visions, closed eye visions and at times telepathy. It would be one photo that was taken in September of 2008 which was foretold ahead of time of more visitors coming and would be a face that my wife and myself would see in our home. Since this started in my life, I have been striving to be a better person and has become more