This has been an ongoing mystery for years to me in that every so often I will experience a very real to life powerful dream and I will wake up experiencing often blurry Clairvoyant Images up near the ceiling. On 1/23/2020 I had a dream about myself sitting against a house and I jumped up and turned around to see a few snakes.

Snakes in my dreams have always equated to fear for me. It was just after I saw the snakes against the house the scene switched and I saw this massive snake and it had just ate something huge as the belly was bloated in the middle area.

It was at this point the scene switched again and I had to get in my vehicle fast and then a vehicle with 3 men in it opened fire at me. I felt the bullet hits in my dream though it was soft in the physical sense I could not move after getting hit with the bullets. I slumped over and at that point I really tried to move and gain my strength, and at that point I felt something touch my hand and pull on it and I woke up from the dream in a sort of panic state. As usual I look up towards the ceiling and again a faint blurry image appeared, but after a short period of time it turned into an Owl. I watched it for about 10 seconds flapping its wings and it was like a black n white Clairvoyant image but i could see it moving with its wings.

Its not very often that I see with my eyes wide open, but this time it happened as later I thought maybe it was my Animal Birth Totem animal which is the Owl letting me know its around me and watching over me? I love Owls to begin with and feel a very strong connection to them as a few years ago at work I got under a sign and talked upwards and the Owl chittered at me as i spoke to it and then I slowly walked away out of respect.



The Snowy Owl And I Master Image

Messages from the Owl are deep, far reaching and complex. Individuals, who receive such messages or visits from Owl, are most fortunate.

Grandmother Owl has very powerful hearing and vision. Individuals who receive this gift from Grandmother Owl have the ability to see into the human psychic and become clairvoyant listeners. It is because of this gift that OWL often visits those who are teachers, therapists and counselors.

If you find Owl is visiting you and finding you more often, you are most likely being asked to use your powers of keen, silent observation to intuit some life situation. For example: Grandmother Owl is often thought to come to those who need to let go of some part of their life that is no longer needed.

Owl is befriending you and aiding you in seeing the total truth in your present situation(s). Owl can also bring you messages in the night through dreams or meditation. Pay attention to the signs of Owl and the signals it brings you. The truth always brings further enlightenment.


6/5/2014 I was outside and passed by a group of people and it looked like a robbery was about to take place. Then another group of people were across the street from me and i heard a voice say ” THE YOUNG WOLVES ARE OUT TONIGHT” and this one big bald headed man came at me and the scene changed as we were in a room and he was trying to kill me.
He grabbed me and kept pushing me back and I knew he wanted to kill me and I said “Dave don’t do this”!! Then i cried out and tried to gain sympathy that my mother died because i lied, but that did not work and he took a knife and plunged it in my stomach.
In the dream i felt the knife going in and i woke up with that strange nightmare feeling and once again my Clairvoyance activated and i saw a illumination in the air in my bedroom which looked like a constellation but of what i don’t know?? This is sort of what i saw but was a unknown.
Clairvoyant Constellation Master Image


So the house I am staying at for awhile had a spirit there and the home owner told me she woke up and saw a man standing next to her. She went on to say he has stroked her arm and leg before as well, enough to know it was real. Very interesting dream which led to my Clairvoyance activating.

7/21/2014 (Dream) I was outside and I was kneeling on the ground and i looked up to the clouds, then the voice told me there is a young girl near me.then louder and louder I heard something get closer and closer but sounded like bed sheets being scratched with finger nails. I woke up and was restless for awhile and that usually means at some point my Clairvoyance will trigger. Well It did and I saw this beautiful young female look at me and then turned her head and left…I feel more is to come in this 1930 home.


12/10/2017 Very interesting Experience this morning at 3:28 am with Spirit as My dream I had I was outside in the dark. The man’s voice said “You are a Chameleon” I looked around and did not see him and I heard it once again. The next thing that was flashed to me was the # 1543 which like many times before i know are Angel numbers and then I started to wake up and It felt like an arm was being wrapped around my body and I thought it was Theresa, but it was not.

I felt the pressure of this on me, then i started to come out of it and woke up fully in that semi startled state. Once again as I come out of this and wake up fully after being startled, my Clairvoyance activates and I can see just barely an image with my eyes open. I closed them and saw the exact same thing and it almost looked like a silver horse head. The Chameleon has some very interesting Spiritual meanings and some of them I understand fully.

Referenced A Chameleon In A Dream Master Image