I had gone in 2010 to take my wife’s grand kids to the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks Connecticut and i had taken my camera along and noticed later one a interesting surprise. Yes there were images that showed up on the camera that just blew me away and in that i had to go back to see if there was anything that some of these could of been in the glass cases.

I received permission to enter the roped off area and study and take more photos and upon comparing the earlier ones to the later ones i could find nothing that showed in that room or adjacent the finding i found when i studied further.

This is another example of how spirit or entities will show themselves to me by taking photos at glass and are not reflections of anything in any room i have ever done this in. These photos show a layering again of multiple spirits and how one will form and another will form inside or be part of the main image.

The images are not reflections of myself or anything that is a known object or image that is in my home or other places. Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the Olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.


New England Air Museum Spirits In BackGround Master Image
New England Air Museum Images Not In Museum Master Image

When I enlarged this photo, this is where I noticed something odd on the glass. I saw a man’s head wearing a military helmet, a dogs head, and another man and a strange being behind him. These were all in the same small section and I felt to continue this study I would have to go back to the New England Air Museum.

When I arrived there I told the staff the truth in that I have taken strange photos over time and when I arrived there recently I took some photos and that I needed to prove or debunk something. I needed access to that room now that was roped off adjacent to where the Space Suit was, and when I entered the room after approval, I could not find anything in there that remotely showed anything that looked like these images.

Anything that could of been reflecting off of the glass cases, I searched really good and studied and nothing, but later on I would find so much more going on within the photos that I captured at the Air Museum.

Spirit Photography Layering Of Spirits Master Image

If you look at the image at the center and try to look at the image as a whole, you may see the dog’s head on the left side and the smaller man wearing a military helmet on the right side. Both are located within the white circle.

I always study in small sections and that has trained me to see finer details of other images within the main photo. Looking at this closer I see a man with a hat on with a goatee. Just to the left of him and part of the dog’s eye is a very strange looking thing holding some type of rifle gun. I see perfectly clear 4 images here. This photo crop is a perfect example of images within images and taking a few images that form part of another larger image.

best crop of dog 2021
New England Air Museum Spirit Photography Master Image
Strange Spirit Photography At New England Air Museum Master Image

The two on the left are looking to the right of the crop photo.

crop of two



The right side of that photo also has some intriguing images on it and like the other side, I found nothing that would prove that images shown were reflected off the glass case that held real objects inside. In a square room, it was easy to search the room to find possible images reflected, but none were found.

After Photo Shows No Spirit Images Master Image
air museum images 1 of 1

Image on the left side was the second trip back to the Air Museum and photo taken closer as to see actually the images inside the glass case.

Array Of Spirit Images At New England Air Museum Master Image
Many Different Spirit Images At New England Air Museum Ct. Master Image
New England Air Museum Strange Images Master Image
New England Air Museum Images of the strange Master Image
Spirit Photograph Of 2 Men Master Image
Black N White Spirit Photo At New England Air Museum Master Image
2 men