We built and moved into our new Condominium in April of 2007 and very excited about moving to Suffield Connecticut. It was close to the city, but far enough away to be on the edge of living in the Country and it was quiet.

The home was brand new, but the land of course being in Suffield Connecticut I am sure had it’s history. There were homes around us that were built in the early 1700’s and maintained beautifully, and an old Farm right behind us.

16 Green Briar Drive Suffield Ct 1 of 1
                 My Suffield Ct. Home

June 9 2007 -Telepathic Message & The Photo

I was very tired on June 9th 2007 in Suffield Connecticut sitting upstairs at my computer at dark. I just started to doze off, tilting my head back a little, then after a short period of time, within my thoughts I was told to get my camera, go to my bedroom, shut my lights off and take a picture at the window. Up until this point in my life I would of thought that this was my thoughts and never would of questioned it otherwise.

My Wake Up Call To Spirit

I figured for once why not? So I did just that, even though it seemed very strange I thought to even do this, so I went downstairs. When I got to the bedroom I walked in and shut the light off and at the time we had no curtains in the windows. We had just moved in a few months previous and my wife had not picked out the window treatments yet that she liked.

I got on the bed lying on my back and put the camera right in front of my face, aimed it and took a photo right at the window. It was dark outside and my wife who was sitting in the sun room was wondering what I was doing when she saw the camera flash?

I explained to her that I was just taking a photo in the bedroom. When I checked the photo on the camera screen I thought to myself that there was something showing as I was still lying on my back about 9 feet from the window.

When I left the room I shared with my wife what happened and that there was something in that picture and that I was extremely excited about studying it! I went upstairs to upload the photo and sent it to my sister who immediately sent me a response saying “omg!” She said that she could see a strange looking man’s head staring at me in the window.

I kept saying to her that I could not see what she was seeing and It took my eyes about 5 minutes to even focus in on what she saw as I was seeing other things, as my eyes at the time were just not adjusting to what she said she was seeing.

I would learn later that unless people are not used to or trained to see things in pictures they will never see some that truly exist in photos. I would learn that the more you work with something the better you get at it and analyzing photographs were no different.

When I finally saw the man’s head I couldn’t believe it! He was looking right at me in the window and his face looked pretty scary to be honest. What a wake up call to Spirit! I took my pen drive to the local Walgreens and the photo was developed and later I would find many different images in the photo. Not just the large, scary looking man’s head staring at me from the corner as there were other distinct images at least to my eyes.

This was to me the very first piece of real evidence I had acquired and that I knew was the real deal. Spirit had shown me something that would make me wonder for the most of 2007, as to why this all transpired in my life?

Eventually I would be guided to take that photo to a Psychic Medium in Maryland I never met and she would go on to Channel what she believed was in that photo and explain to me what was coming next. This truly was my Wake Up Call To Spirit!

Images presented below are not reflections of anything that are in my bedroom.

Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. Without lighting up images some photos with Spirit will never be noticed.

Spirit Faces In The Window

Original image, I can just barely see the Spirit face looking in from the right corner, just right of the light blue circle.


**All studies I have done with photos are taken very serious and I don’t post images that are not clear enough for me to see. If someone can’t see an image the way I do they may need to study photos more as I have found that some people can see images right away and others cannot or refuse to see what is really there.

When I first saw this image it was my sister who first put it together that it was a man’s face, I didn’t see it right off. I have heard the terms matrixing and pareidolia used for people’s images, I am fully aware of what I posted some have seen right off the images and others have not. I have found that there is no perfect scenario for taking images of spirits or other unexplained beings.

There have been times I needed to lighten an image to actually see it because of the conditions may of been too dark. In my studies also I have looked very deep into photos and found some amazing things going on as they sometimes show themselves really small and not the size of a human as people may think.

That is simply not the case at least in my photos and people can scream about others lightening or contrasting an image, but all my images taken are already on that photo and not by any means added in there afterwards. Again this has been a wonderful Wakeup Call To Spirit in my life!

Sometimes I have taken one photo or sat in one spot day after day and received nothing and then one of those days I will see something out of place and upon further inspection of it I see an image that to me qualifies as something worth looking more at.**


Spirit Head In The Window Suffield Ct Image

Arrows pointing to spirit face in the window

I added Arrows to the darkened image of the Spirit face, you may see it? After thousands of times I have seen this, it’s plain as day.



2007 Spirits in the bedroom window Image
Spirit Entities In My Window
Spirit Male In Window Color Added Image
Spirit face In The Window Different Sizes


This would be the first time I met a woman that I told a friend back in 2007 that i would meet one day and she would be one of the most important people in my lifetime. This would be the very first time we ever spoke in person or talked other than calling her on the phone to make our reservation for the psychic reading.

I traveled over 5 hours to meet this person, some may say this was crazy, but I felt totally guided to make this trip. I credit Adele for her most important prediction in my life which was explained in the audio here below. I had to be honest that after the reading was over I didn’t take one particular part of the Reading of the photo too serious, but I was wrong in doing so.

Here is the actual recording when I handed the Medium the photograph of the Bedroom window taken on June 9 2007 and how immediately she noticed all the images within. It was not long after this meeting with her that my Wake Up Call To Spirit had taken place in a big way.