In 2011 my Unconscious Empathy was a perfect example of certains aspect of myself as I tried to navigate my life through the early years of my Spirituality. I learned by accident, I was an Unconscious Empath in 2011, and it’s not easy to deal with as it has it’s major highs and lows as I acted towards certain people in my life.

There were 6 important people up to this point in my life where I noticed a major pattern, as each individual was Molested or Abused at Childhood. Below the link to Adam Caidler’s post about Unconscious Empathy.

It was confirmed to me for the 6th time with people I have met in my life while I was out having dinner at my favorite restaurant bar. There was something about a person who worked there that was bothering me for some time.

I mean inside my being, like I knew something was wrong, but I could not put my finger on it? I left there one afternoon, got home in the shower and cried my eyes out like I have never cried before. I had no idea the reason for this other than I felt complete sadness within my whole being and it was overwhelming.

I went on to message her about 5 previous people I had met in my life, but didn’t share with her what happened to them. Then thoughts went through my head that maybe this person was molested like the others in their childhood? 

The next time I went in to eat, Oprah Winfrey was interviewing Tyler Perry on the television and talking about his Molestations as a young boy. I looked right at my friend and noticed that they saw it and slowly looked away.

It was at that point by the reaction i noticed that my gut was right, my friend must of been molested as 5 people previous that came into my life at one point or another. I would receive a text later that evening from my friend stating that yes they were molested as a young child.

Over time as the friendship grew so did the caring about the person, due to the pain they must of endured with years of abuse at the hands of a sick human being. Eventually the friendship would take a hit in a few ways, and I will give an example of an event that took place where I asked my Spirit Guides to assist me on a question. When I received the answer, did I actually listen to them for the better of myself or make it worse by not?

As my friend and I sort of patched it up after our falling out there was a special party that was going to take place for a family member. Within myself I had to make a choice, go to the party or stay home? I asked my guides in meditation If I should go to the party or stay home?

I saw a Clairvoyant vision my home, with my garage, which told me I was to stay home! I didn’t go and stayed home as it was the right decision to make.


4/8/2011 I will need to go back almost 1 year ago to when I went to one of my favorite restaurants in Connecticut and met a woman at the bar. I was there to order dinner and have a few drinks when this beautiful blonde lady sat down next to me on my left side.

We talked and laughed and I learned that she had a boyfriend from Texas, but she was married. I asked her a few questions about everything and she didn’t seem 100% sure of what her feelings were, but she has children.

We exchanged phone numbers and I told her that if she needed to sincerely talk or vent I would assist in any way I could. But days went by and she texted me and said her husband saw our texts and he know knew she was having an affair with another man.

It would be a period of time before I had heard back from her, but she told me in the end her husband and her worked it out and they wanted treat me to a sushi dinner at a nice restaurant. That was the best night out in a long time and the husband thanked me so much for basically getting he and his wife back together and she realized that she should of never of done that.

It was a beautiful example of being there to assist people and then walking away once both parties were healed and happy once again.