Here is a complete list of all My Teachers I have met in my life and have assisted and helped guide me along with my Journey. My Teachers gave me a little bit of everything in different ways and most of them were Women.


I had once been told that when the student needs a Teacher to learn from that they will come. My first Spiritual Teacher was Elaine Kuzmeskus from Suffield Connecticut and a talented and kind Teacher. She gave me a reading just about a week prior to my father passing and she told me that my Paranormal Investigations would be held up by a white net.

I had no idea at the time exactly what that meant until I was with my Father when he passed and I looked up and when he died I noticed the top of the curtain around the bed had a white netting around it. That was the confirm that Elaine had shared with me previously. Elaine is a Spiritualist Medium and has taught at Lily Dale in New York State and also taught Psychology and Parapsychology at various colleges in New England.

Along with Elaine she invited the Spirit Artist Rita Berkowitz who has impressed large audiences throughout the world by drawing portraits of loved ones from the higher side of life. She is author of Empowering your Life with Angels and co-author of the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits.

 Rita has both studied and taught at the Arthur Findlay College in Essex England, as well as lectured and demonstrated in colleges, New Age Centers and Spiritualist Churches in the United States and Canada. When I met Rita she was teaching a class on Transfiguration and that was amazing at Elaine’s home in Connecticut.

We all got in a room together and formed a circle and we did a session on Transfiguration which is a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. I was told I had a Feminine Angelic face transfigured over my face. I felt amazing energy and vibration with my ears and head.

Elaine had mentioned she saw E.T. eyes over my head.


Metaphysical Class Members

I took some classes with Elaine throughout 2008 a Mediumship class and she was kind to take us on field trips like the beautiful Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford Connecticut. We did Spirit Photography before the annual Halloween Lantern tour that the Cemetery Foundation puts on and a great gathering every year at night for that event. Elaine did fundraisers for the foundation in which i attended when I could and was very informative and fun. Some of my best Spiritual Photography was taken at that very Cemetery.

Spirit Photo Of The Indian
Tiny Sprite At The Angel Statue Master Image


Also in 2008 I was guided by Spirit to take a trip from Suffield Ct. to Ellicott City Maryland to meet a woman who I knew would be instrumental for me in the coming years to come and she was just that. Her name is Adele and would be to this point in time the most influential of my Teachers of my lifetime as she started me on the Journey and guiding me along the way with the sometimes pains and hurts that go along with Changing one self.

She also channeled that photo I took in the bedroom in 2007 and the eventual Prophecies that would go along with that image that did come true. Adele Marie is an Internationally known Author, Visionary Messenger, Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium and is the Founder of Angelic Wise Ones Metaphysical Academy of Spiritual Studies. Adele is also a Producer and has been traveling within the United States helping others along the way in their journey’s

Adele once told me something that made so much sense in that when you start growing more to the light.

The energy is sitting there and saying ok let’s see how far to the light you are going? That’s what the old energy is doing, it’s taking its final stand. It’s saying how far can I pull you the other way? If I can get your attention over here and I take you away from what your main focus is, then ooh my goodness!

Another very important set of things she shared with me was this.

If your questions are not pertinent to the evolution you choose, you will not get answers. The Ascension Process requires that you connect daily to your higher self which resides connected to you and the source fqar up in the 6th dimension and has full access to the Akashic Records.

Establish a connection, going down Anchoring to Mother Earth, Gaia in her heart Nucleus. Feel the energy rise up to your Solar Plexus and then ask Connection up to higher self and source as if in a straight beam of light through your Crown Chakra.

You will feel this energy pass through your feet, blasting through your head, and then just stop asking. Silence yourself and they will give you messages through images, scenes and woods. Then you can ask more questions, and that connection will last throughout the day and you will receive a continuous flow of info.


Adele of Angelic Wise Ones Master Image


Adele's Prediction of Alien visitors Master Image


Adele And Todd Master Image


I also had the great Pleasure on 11/11/2008 to of met Lionel Owen for the best Spiritual Reading of my lifetime. Also later on I would attend some Mediumship classes with him. Lionel Owen is an internationally renowned medium, inspirational speaker, and teacher.
He served for nine years as president of the International
Federation of Spiritualists, an organization founded in 1923
with members in more than 30 countries.

Lionel is a former tutor and
course organizer at the Arthur Findlay College for Psychic Science in England, known as the University of Spiritualism, and he is an approved medium, speaker and teacher of the Spiritualists’ National Union of
Britain. Lionel is part of an established family of British Spiritualists
since the 1880’s and began his development as a trance medium. 

Lionel’s class was one of the most amazing and nerve wracking classes for any beginner who like me at this time in my life never practiced any of the ways he communicated with Spirit. I found out that Trust is the key to working with Spirit and Lionel himself would give me one of the most evidential Mediumship readings of my life in about 30 minutes of time.

Linda Kay de Jesus at the Fox Center For Spiritual Awareness in Springfield Massachusetts invited Lionel to come teach and give readings.


Medium Lionel Owen And Todd Sheldon Master Image
Lionel Owen Mediumship Class Master Image


I attended a Class from Joanne Gerber in Central Massachusetts on 12/5 2008 and she is so nice a person. There were 48 of us in class and she paired me up with a terrific woman who was sitting in the front row. I was in the back row and when I met her she told me when she turned around in the beginning of class I was the only one she noticed in the back because of my energy. Joanne said the exact same thing later about my energy, how big it it.

We did a meditation with chakras, I felt like a band around my head when the white light was going down through my head to the earth. We also did practice readings with photos of people we knew, but the other person knew nothing about them. A fun class and I made a wonderful new friend afterwards.


Later in the year in 2008 I would have another great opportunity to meet a woman from Britain named Val Williams who was teaching some Mediumship classes in Southern Connecticut. It was in her class that I had learned about Inspirational Speaking to others and the impact of the subject that i had to speak about in front of the class was “what has spirit done for me”? I spoke and some of the students in the class cried as well as myself as I felt a true deep felt love for that class and Spirit.

Val has been working professionally as a medium since 1984, She hears, sees and senses the communicators from the Spirit World. Since 1987 she has worked in many European countries; Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland and Norway, Switzerland, and in North America she has worked in both Canada and the USA. She also works extensively throughout the British Isles. She regularly organizes many seminars and workshops in the North of England and at the Arthur Findlay College is a tutor there. Val has made a number of television appearances in both Denmark and North America, and on each occasion has been applauded by the media for the clarity and quality of her communication. She has also been featured in newspaper and magazine articles.



Medium Val Williams Class In Connecticut Master Image
Dinner With Medium Val Williams Master Image

In 2015 I traveled to New Hampshire for a 3 month course called The Sage Method which specializes in cultivating a strong psychic awareness and also helps us remove the Blocks that get in the way of our intuition sometimes.  I found this course to be so unique and concentrated at times on how we can improve ourselves for the better under any circumstance.

Other’s day to day reactions can affect us personally and this course teaches us how not to react off of other’s daily issues and attempts at negativity. The teacher I had, her name is Isabeau Esby and she is a Spiritual Collector, Transition Guide and Psychic Medium as well as a Author. Isabeau is the founder of  the Sage Method, a life-changing intuitive training program that teaches people how to open their intuition and live an authentic, blissful life.

Sage Method Certificate Master Image



I first met Melissa in 2015 in Kennebunk Maine, when I went to her for a Psychic/Mediumship Reading and found her to be very accurate, especially in personal things that only I would know and deceased family members. She was one of the most loving people that ever crossed my path in life. What I loved about her was she would have meditate and donate in person with people and those were nice experiences.


Melissa Boyd & Me Master Image


SarahSpiritual Master Image
sarah first reading image Master Image

I was introduced to SarahSpiritual by a friend of mine when we lived in Maine. Our discussion was Psychic/Mediums who were really good. I stated that Lisa Williams was amazing and my favorite, and my friend stated that a woman that resides in South Florida, SarahSpiritual was really good and very reasonable in her prices. I checked her out and saw that she was very reasonable in her rates, so that everyone could afford Readings.

My friend wanted me to call in the show and receive a reading from her so on October 10, 2018 I called the “Spiritually Speaking With Sarah” show and I will note everything that came true as I write this now in 2022. Also note that prior to this phone call I have never met or spoken to this woman in my life.



The call only lasted for a few minutes, but are clipped into 6 parts, and will take you directly to the Youtube site.

SarahSpiritual Reading Part 1

SarahSpiritual Reading Part 2

SarahSpiritual Reading Part 3

Confirm- Sarah stated that when I am out in stores I give complements to people and kind words. This is the one thing that has been evident in my life and its always giving people kind words when i meet them in grocery stores, etc.

SarahSpiritual Reading Part 4

Confirm- Sarah mentioned my father and connecting with him by dreams and signs which was 100% true.

SarahSpiritual Reading Part 5

Confirm- Sarah mentioned the new person in my life and to not get ahead of myself and live in the moment of how it is. That would end up being confirmed as the friendship I had with this person was rushed in various ways and everything went South and the friendship was ended. 

Sarah also mentioned that I spend too much time in my head and it’s a very busy place, which is true.

If I acted differently in certain aspects and not as been so kind and generous I would not of made the mistake of getting in too deep, too fast and when I saw things that could of happened in the future I backed out of something we had planned on doing together as friends.

Sarah warned me and I did not listen!

Sarah also mentioned that I would not be staying in Maine and she saw me moving by 2020. In a whole new sense of community, family, love and connectivity.

Confirm- I did move out of Maine in 2020 and did find love and a whole new family!

SarahSpiritual Reading Part 6


In 2019 I felt the prompting to get a 30 minute reading with SarahSpiritual and right from the start of the Reading she made me laugh because what she told me was 100% factual of my life and how I felt at the time.

Audio Clip of SarahSpiritual explaining my life and used a message she received to show me what I was feeling in my life at the time. She couldn’t of received it any better than this as the old cartoon link below which takes you to YouTube, sums it up best.

Cartoon Click  HERE