Before I continue with my Past LIfe Reading I received back on 11/20/2012 I want to note that I said hello to her and never once cleared my throat before she started her reading with me and she was correct about my throat clearing issue’s since 2008.

Carmen- I can feel you have a throat clearing problem in this lifetime. They are bringing me to the Orient with you and I can see you in a monks robe and I felt like you took a vow not to speak. What I thought is that there is issues with your throat in this lifetime.

I see you walking up and down a very long narrow hallway like in a monks Monastery. It wouldn’t surprise me cause I am seeing the hills and I am seeing up high and it may even have to do with the Tibetan hills or the Himalayan hills out in that area.

And as I connect to your heart there’s a real loneliness. There’s a part of you that didn’t want to be there. You couldn’t articulate because you were not able to talk and about that time, I am going back now to the little boy i feel that you lost your parents and you were taken on by these monks in the hills.

I am going way back now because i am hearing 1600’s. So there is this wanting to clear your throat and difficulties in what you need to say. Also there is a part of you…there is a loneliness that comes up now and then and I feel like why do I feel lonely?

I have people all around me I see you walking up and down that hallway. I see you older now and you are feeling trapped. Because I am a healer i want to guide you as to show you how to let go of that.

There’s always past life regression stuff but you don’t always have to go that route. What you want to do is work with Arch Angel Michael. Cut all attachments to that lifetime and any lifetimes beyond that.and any difficulties associated with being able to speak.

”Arch Angel Michael I give you permission to cut the energy attached to the strings to that time when I was a monk and any other lifetimes past present and future that i may always be comfortable in speaking my truth or just articulating what I need to say. In that time you were not able to tell anyone that you were lonely and you didn’t want to be there.

Its almost like that fear factor that you took that vow of silence. I am feeling that more than this lifetime that this was part of your journey. There are still times where you feel this tightness in your throat.
Ok you have had quite a few lifetimes with this lonely feeling.

Past Life Monk Master Image

**Family Fishing Business**

Who Was I?- A Boy:

Ireland Past Life Master Image

Carmen- Actually now i am on a boat like a fishing boat. you are in the oceans…you are actually a child again on this fishing boat. I feel like it was a family business. I am going back to the 1800’s. I want to try to pinpoint where that is.its not as clear but i saw the boat. I keep hearing Emerald Islands…I want to say its off the coast of Ireland. Do you have any connections to Ireland?

Todd- “Yes my moms family descended from Ireland.”

Carmen- I am also seeing this bad weather..a lot of fear almost wanting to give up, needing to continue the journey. It was around the time of the potato famine.

Your indecision that there was a lot of turmoil so what i am getting now is worry inside..feeling like I am not going to make ends meet. That is the feeling I am getting from this past life. And I sense a migration of people and your family was in that migration.

I can see the boat getting tossed and tossed and I keep feeling the fear in my body. It was a fear of frustration as you were out there all the time because you needed to bring the money home. You were in a large family and there were siblings that were helping on this boat.

I keep going more down to the southern part. What i am getting is the anxiety pc there is times when it creeps up in you, and a pc that is being afraid that things wont..that you wont be able to make ends meet.I see you going through the bills and payments and going like wow!!!

**The Caretaker**

Who Am I?- Female Native American Indian:

Past Life Indian Master Image

Carmen- As i am sitting here I am actually very hot! I am being shown a campfire…I am feeling this woman that i am connecting to with the fire. this might be bringing up a spirit guide for you. I am being taken to Native America..I am also seeing you in a village gathering around passing the pipe.

Actually in that lifetime I def see you as a woman. I see you as a woman and shes sort of like a very respected woman among the people there and i felt she was a caretaker. Its like she is part of the Ceremony but she is not.

I keep seeing her like looking like having a watchful eye over the children. As i said that i actually saw one of the Native Americans standing up. I don’t know what the significance is of this..but he had 3 feathers very distinct. He is actually looking at you where you are.

This may be one of your spirit guides from that lifetime. the man with the 3 feathers had a very strong connection to me. I believe it was a husband and wife type of relationship. I feel my body is bringing me to the southwestern part. I feel the campfire is part of the migration and that everyone was moving together.

A very very close tribe, that ceremony for you in this present lifetime has a lot of meaning, like a shamanic journey or shamanic ceremony. I feel that it would be knowledge that would bring a lot of wisdom for you and completeness.

I heard ceremony i think its very important to your soul. I almost cried you were so lonely back then when you were at the monastery. I cant even begin to tell you how lonely that was for you.

**Middle Ages**

Who Am I?- A Hunter:

Past Life Hunter Master Image

Carmen- I just saw you in the forest with a bow and arrow…you had a connection in the middle ages of being a hunter. For gaming and also just for pleasure. I said omg am i gonna tell you this you are going to think i am crazy thinking robin hood…LOL!!! I am not getting a lot of you back then…i just see you in the forest…and wait..i see a black horse.

I see you getting on and off on and off the horse.You actually look very young like a teenager. You turned around and i saw your face and you looked very was a time when you were fearless.I am getting a message from “Spirit now..not to be fearful in this lifetime and be fearless now.I am actually being shown what you are hunting as its actually wild boars.

Todd-Carmine are you seeing this with your eyes open
Todd- talk to me do i stop doing this with my eyes closed cause i only see with eyes closed
Carmine..what is going on with you..its your ego getting in the way…its like a safety net..just take a deep breath and say you are going into service and not have to worry about what you get.
Todd- when i meditate i keep my eyes closed.
Todd- is there anyone i know in this lifetime that i knew back then?
Carmine…i am getting ron…do you know a ron?
Todd-i work with a ron.
Carmen- Todd, it was a pleasure connecting with you tonight. I would say that your love of Asians is definitely from your connection to the Orient as a monk.
You were Asian, a little boy, left an orphan, and brought to the monastery
to be taken care of by the monks and later became a monk yourself.

Don’t affirm or even worry about opening your eyes or not. The harder
you try, the more it will allude you. Let it come naturally over time and
affirm that you are clairvoyant!

Love to you an Theresa! Happy Thanksgiving!

Carmen Carignan


5/12/2019 Really Strange dream this morning as I am standing on a path and an Indian Male stands in the distance while an Indian female walks upon me kindly and ties my hands lightly with a strap. I was holding a black n white photo of a woman from way back and as I looked at her I knew in the dream it was me.

I was shown the spot on the ground where I was to be killed, then I watched that woman from the photo lay down on the ground, it was a beheading and in the dream i seemed to accept this fate as i could feel the emotions through this person about to die, then I woke up before the killing took place.

Very interesting dream, making me think Past Life? Never experienced this before ever and I wonder if they were to be my killers or my Indian Spirit guides showing me something?