My Life Lessons, like everyone else has are not the easiest things in life to Master. I have experienced many times in my life where it took me quite a long time to realize certain events that happened in my life are for me to learn from.

I believe my Empathy for people has been almost a curse to me at some points in my life because there were times I did not know how to keep boundaries when I cared for people who were hurt badly in life. There were a few times where I loved some of the broken people so much, it didn’t help the friendship’s and created rifts and at times, issues.


3/29/2009 I was at work and something in my thoughts during the day told me about my friend’s wife reading an e-mail I sent him. Well, she did and she called me in the afternoon to discuss it. She confirmed to me that the negative was trying to destroy our Spiritual friendship we worked so hard to build.

She told me that she heard a voice tell her that the negative is doing this to your friendship. It seems to be true because over time the Negative has found certain ways to destroy our once great friendship. Everything that was predicted for us over time never materialized due to that fact. We remained friends, but we don’t contact


9/7/2009 I read my Horoscope today and it said “Follow my heart this time and not my head and it might happen, when other times it hasn’t.”

I texted a friend of the past and she answered me back and sounded happy. When I got home I walked into the house and I smelled Tuna really bad. Theresa didn’t have tuna fish, then she smelled it.

Then she said “Something fishy is going on?” I knew exactly what this was all about? Clairalience which is one of the psychic senses.

9/10/2009 I had a reunion with my friend after a major falling out after my dad died in October of 2007 and I always wondered if a reunion would ever happen?


4/17/2011 One of, if not one thee most important people I ever knew, that had come and gone for a Season, just came back into my life for a brief moment. She inspired the most love and pain from within in all that i learned in my Life Path. I played a song, Andy Gibbs “Don’t Throw It All Away” while driving on the highway that had deep meaning near the end of our friendship, then as I glanced to my right in that car was that person.

Andy Gibb’s Song Click Here!

We glanced at each other and I smiled because I knew that was meant for a reason. The car then switched lanes and drove off faster as I was left wondering why that happened. Did I eventually manifest that or was it that I was ready and learned from what transpired before with our friendship?

4/21/2012 Its been one year since i have been down the river walk and today i asked myself and pondered what has transpired since last year at this time? I have made great strides in who I am and I have made mistakes along the way.

I have been very fortunate to of found Love in some new friends, some who touch my life very deep. I had lost some friends who I loved also over that time. God finds a way I have found in my life to give me the chance to mend or heal with certain ones that have meant the world to me over time.

While It’s not always on my terms, it does happen in a way that I know exactly who to thank when this does occur. So one year later time has started to heal some wounds of the past. As I am put into others lives for a reason.

They are also put into mine and this is and something God has done for me over time and through the successes and failures of loving others, I don’t think I can change who I am. Though I am there for others…they are not always there for me….That is ok…for there is no greater feeling in the world than for me to feel this love towards people…It’s who I am…and for that…I will not change.


10/21/2012 Some know and understand that in life things happen for a reason and I also know enough now in my life that there will be indeed people that come into my life for a reason. Tonight was just another confirmation of just exactly who I am in this life, as I went out to dinner tonight at my favorite restaurant bar and was told ahead of time that this particular person was there.

When I went inside i went to Theresa’s and my favorite spot at the end of the bar and sat down. Yes that person was indeed there with his wife and also with another woman. It didn’t take long for me to call out the younger woman and ask her if she was a empath? She looked at me and said nobody has ever said that to me in my life.

The moral of the story is tonight I met a person who really needed to laugh because of the recent hours in her life was hell. I met her mom who was extremely guarded of me but after 10 minutes we all totally came together sharing our Psychic gifts and experiences and learning from each other. I changed a few lives tonight and learned a little more about myself and why I am here….Thank you God.

6/14/2013 I am at Mcdonalds double drive through lane and a woman next to me goes to the one lane window part the same time i did. We both stopped she smiled at me. She said go ahead i said i will probably get your breakfast now and we both laughed.

I blew her a kiss and drove ahead. But then the voice within says buy her breakfast so i got to the window and did. I told the cashier to tell her she is a beautiful person thats it. I waved goodbye and will never see her again but that one act of kindness she did for me…says it all.

6/14/2013 I want to credit a woman who touched me deep a few years ago when we met as in a few months i was to be told with you my empathy gift and my guides that she was molested and later she would confirm that to me. Over the following months of being a unconscious psychic empath i would do everything and anything to do what i could to make her and her children’s life better. But it was a lesson for me as later the friendship would end.

Today i just saw her and told her that since then 5 women have come into my life asking for guidance and two were suicide attempts. I told her that in our friendship and the lessons i learned from that i could never be who i am today in trying to help others.

I said to her if you ever in your life feel you have never done anything to help another? ? Well you helped me to be the person i am today and was my foundation to help me get there as i could cry now when i said that. It was my best healing and weeks ago it was me and her mother. I love to share my faults and truths cause it is amazing just how beautiful it is when a true healing takes place.


Because i tried to hard to help her and didn’t allow her to learn her lessons in life…basically i was trying anything to take away her pain and help her along with life. Sadly i got too attached in the process and allowed myself just to get too deep with again trying to which now..i understand was wrong.

If you read up on the unconscious empath, that was me and my defining moment in my life in which i said I can’t do that anymore. See women in pain are brought to me in my life and many times before…i would have repeat lessons…even two women in two different states.

The kicker is each one was so important to me one in my quest to show her that she can be loved but not used sexually like men do and the other cause of her things when she was young and things she wanted to have done in her future I wanted to help her with that.

But get this, they both knew each other and what are the odds? ooh if you only knew the confirms with this…and today i got to share with her just what she has done if i never met her in being a part of my foundation to learn from my mistakes.

In those lessons I have been able to be there for more people who come into my life and i can tell you this there have been some who i just know who have been abused. its almost a knowing now when they come. This happened last year as I was out and had not gone out in months, by myself. I go out one night where theresa and i visit a restaurant bar, on the way i was told within this guy would be sitting at the bar.

When i got there he was and long story short he had his 30+ year old daughter with him. I heard her talk for 5 seconds.and i said you are a empath aren’t you?? she said nobody had ever called her out on that before and by the time the night was over her mom thanked for making her daughter the happiest she had been in the last 24 hours.

This woman was drinking a bit that night and i found out from her that her ex used to beat her bad. When i left her I kissed her cheek and hugged her mom and never saw them again, that is when i knew…i passed an important lesson and i am so rewarded when something good happens.

6/28/2013 Today was not only a wonderful day at a terrific restaurant, it also was a experience that confirms once again in my life that i have come to know and understand and has become a very significant part of who I am and what Spirit does for me. I have often mentioned to people close to me that when i go out i am often put in positions to meet certain people.

Today was exactly the case as two younger women were sitting next to us at the bar and while the conversations were so upbeat, it also was to me a most touching experience as i knew the Spiritual aspect of it kicked in and once again i was touched so much by what i had heard.

A family member has been going through something in their life and in this i had the chance to meet someone here on facebook who knew one who was experiencing the same thing. Today was that confirmation in that i met a woman who was thee most Inspirational woman i had met in a long time.

We talked for some time on her life and the strength and struggles that will eventually come with a diagnosis that she received some time ago. To listen…to ask…to conversate with her was a total love of someone who refuses to give in to the negatives of such a diagnosis that she has been given. I told her i loved her…for not even 5 mins into the conversation i felt…i knew…that she was amazing and a woman to be marveled at.

Given the cards she has been dealt with is not in her view going to make her feel like its a pity party to share with anyone and a refusal to give in to those cards she has been again dealt. I knew in meeting her today was my gift and she touched me so much in listening to her and her views of life…people…todays generation…love and how she views her life in the coming years.

Yes today i met a woman who i at the only 5 min mark i said i love….so when you can fully understand the sincerity and trueness of another human being…its not that difficult to say that love word. It was a complete honor to meet these two women today…i can now share this to a family member and hope that inspiration can be passed on to another.

God continues to answer my prayers to help others and today i made a few friends and found another reason why i love certain people who touch me in life…The Strength of a Woman.

7/2/2013 I sometimes think about my life and my development and where i am and where i might be someday..I was just out and mentioned to a friend at a restaurant and another person there as one asked about Theresa and my Psychic gifts. It was such a sincere conversation to explain exactly where i am at with this and where i would love to be one day with giving readings to others.

Right now its a meditation type setting and relaying back to them later after the meditation which is very rewarding for me at this time as most of the time what i see and hear is confirmed. Sometimes I don’t connect or images can be blurry and in that there must be a reason.

I can only say if i ever get to do this in front of anyone and receive the images and hearing i get when i am alone I will be one of the most happiest people on the planet and at that point my life will be complete. Today was not about what i can do now to help others…its what i need to do more of to achieve this goal for the future as this aspect of my life is thee most important aspect of who i am.

5/3/2014 Tonight was spirit at its finest…i met two females…one told me she is gay and needs to be spiritual the other her cousin who told me she had a mastectomy…both are so beautiful…and the women who have experienced cancer and has been affected in their lives of having their breasts removed.

I am here to say…it does not not matter….you are beautiful no matter what!! Cause you are woman!! Both of my friends now left me with more insight to my path…proven once again…that i meet people for reason.


9/14/2014 This is directed to any Psychic Mediums out there to respond…with everyone knowing about abuse to women going on in the world today i did a reading for someone at break time today. I was shown a guy putting a gun up to a woman’s head and i got the sense he shot her.

I heard the shot but did not see anything cause the vision stopped. Now i told this person today of what i saw and the person totally confirmed that indeed this is going on with someone they know even as of today the incident happened again where a threat of shooting someone is real.

I was taught awhile back that you never tell anyone of death or someone getting killed in a psychic reading…cause the possibility exists strongly that Spirit may be showing me the intent of the person and what they are doing to another person, but not actually showing that a shooting will occur. Discernment is part of giving readings and we are not always correct with every message and how we analyze it.

Yes this person having the problems i talked to today and things are being talked about to get to police, but knowing its a extremely delicate situation..this person has to be very careful as the guy is very dangerous at times.

Again i stress i would never tell a person they die….i just wonder if any Mediums here on Facebook have ever seen death for another person in a reading or dream etc? My dead father warned me of death on his side of the family last year and it happened after with a suicide.


9/25/2014 It is amazing to me that whenever Theresa smells tuna fish that is her Psychic gift of smell when something fishy is going on. This one particular smell which last night in bed was extremely strong and when i woke up i knew exactly who this was about!! This gift she has always has surrounded one person who i had been friends with on and off over the years and Theresa has nailed it when her gift of this smell activates.

I checked my phone and there was a message and i knew there was bullshit in the air…..Theresa was tipped off last night with no knowledge and as i told her this morning always know The smell of tuna always surrounds this one person as we had discussed this in the past and i began to explain to her what happened and as always…She trusts Spirit 100%. And i respect this one person so much less now.



10/26/2014 I had stated before that when i lived in Connecticut for the 7 years and worked very hard trying to develop in doing readings for people and little did i know along the way from the beginning other gifts would come to the forefront that seemed like it was so easy to achieve them. The dreams and then the Spirits and Entities that appeared on my photos at times seemed unreal.

It would be the development of doing Psychic readings that would be to me what would take the most work in my life to get it down and get it right. I had always had the Clairvoyant images that appeared to me with my eyes closed, but when the early months of 2014 hit my Clairaudience would kick in and that is to me what changed it all for me with my development. Hearing Spirit enabled me to get more details and more accurate and precise information than just the seeing.

Sometimes i get the hearing with the seeing and then the knowing added in which for me is the home run in all this. For months i spent trying to get better by practicing on Facebook people who were kind enough to allow me to enter into their private lives and we found out that truly something amazing is going on here with all this. No i am nowhere near as honed as some Mediums are but for making my own Platform in the way i do this at this time suits my lifestyle.

I found out that sitting in my SUV on my breaks at work and then my lunch i was able to connect easier than anywhere else, but in that it was the appointment made with Spirit. The same time day after day and everything started to kick into place with so much love i felt i was getting and giving to others. When i moved and lived with a old friend of mine things started to change as my prophecy dreams seemed to stop all of a sudden.

I stopped tracking for a month or so but i would of known if i had experienced one or not anyways….but there was none. My energy was being sapped there and during that time i would see my deceased father as he came to me when i was at a low point, but i had waited 6.5 years just to see him come to me. I saw him very clearly in my minds eye but the message was clear that he gave me.

I cried that is all i needed to know he was there with me….Then i quit my job and headed to Maine and between the change of living and a new job i felt very unsure of my gifts meaning the Psychic readings and just how and when i would get to do them with less time?  I had been struggling with connecting and that in itself was bothering me to no end because i was not doing anything to help others with the readings..and doubt was creeping in.

My most recent reading as of this week it took about 10 times to be alone remotely and try to connect for her, but in the end i had been blessed and 7 of 8 things were confirmed by her and i was so elated and thanked Spirit to the max! I almost can understand for whatever reason i cannot connect say in my bedroom but in my Suv is where all the magic takes place.

So for now it would seem that when i do my readings no matter where i am that is where i seem to connect best. And Spirit came through for me when i really needed this confirm for jennifer my facebook friend. As for my dreams….they still have not come true over time..and i wonder is it because i have not tracked them in my journal and lived everyday by that? or is it time for one gift to supercede another?


11/2/2014 I feel compelled to post this as part of a learning lesson not only for me…but for many people out there in this world. I just did a Psychic reading and Spirit came in for the person and told me for them “DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE” Well the message was delivered and totally accepted by the person cause in their life right now judgement was made a few times upon a very close friend of theirs.

And in the mistakes that were made on those judgements because of past history of that person….I was just told a person could die now and the judgements made by the few gives them something major to think about now. I was just informed that that one message was deeper than I will ever know… I Love Spirit!



Well i started the 3rd reading this week and the first day i got only a few things, then on day two i got a few things, then on the next day i got one thing and one thing on my last day for a total of 8 bits of info shown to me or told to me. I had felt inside that this was for a reason and its the best i could do and honestly i did not worry at all about this and just needed to continue and go over what i had experienced to the woman and see if things jived to her.

This is the post i had posted on my Facebook as she responded back to me and this whole experience just made both our days and I learned that it’s not up to me to worry about the readings and just share what i receive and leave it at that as it’s up to the person involved to either know or not know at the time whether they understand this or not. So far my classes are taking a great step in the right direction for me getting better in my development and also as a person and how i treat others and myself.

We got a 8 out of 8 correct…which is a first for me!

The first thing i heard was “That’s gonna keep us in the strapped hell hole” which she totally confirmed. Next i saw a map of the United States and looked like a line was drawing a path just above Texas from southwest and going eastward a few states and she told me her friend just moved from Texas to Michigan. I was shown someone standing near a wall and I heard “to dump something” and she said she told her husband to dump the clock on the wall cause it was not working anymore this was on Tuesday.

I got thoughts of a man looking for a missing woman…like a woman may of had amnesia? 23 years ago she told me her mom was not doing well and she walked out of a Hospital and they could not find her.
Jumping over to the last few i got was someone told me about being mad at a woman for not going out to dinner with him…then i was shown a man spitting or puking out what looked like beans or food out of his mouth all over. She told me her brother had asked her on occasions to go out with him but she didn’t and one night he couldn’t go out to eat with family and food was brought back to him and he choked on it and spit out his food and died.

Up to this point she knows it was her brother who is deceased who came in and told me about the dinner and showed me the choking on the food and the last thing that was told to me was this…..”have 2 rats and one of them is adopted” and i was shown two rats… and her now deceased brother she just told me used to call her step brothers….Rats.


6/21/2015 Every once in awhile that voice inside speaks to me where I can hear that voice and once before it said “When your soul is pure it will happen” Last night i heard the voice again and audibly within i heard “Most men don’t trust in God.” For me it could apply lately to I just need to trust in the process of certain things going on.


5/10/2019 I was sitting at a restaurant bar to order some food and sit there and enjoy my day, when 3 women sat down next to me. They were enjoying themselves and Anna Lisa and I were talking to each other about how happy she is in life. I told her that I just divorced not long ago and she mentioned her friend next to her Abby was going through a divorce.

It was the same week that my close female friend was going through a child custody battle, pretty and a bartender. We dissolved our friendship as I felt hurt due to being used to a certain degree, but it was my fault because I allowed it.

Abby was going through a divorce, with a child, pretty and a bartender. It was at that moment I realized that a pattern was forming here because I had received Abby’s phone number from her to possibly get together down the road as friends. Later on after seriously thinking about it, I deleted her phone number because this was a fact of life that I could of easily of fallen into the same exact scenario as I did with my former female friend.


7/16/2015 I just finished a Psychic reading and was given permission to share, but in that i felt only one thing really stood out and we both agreed this is a subject worth sharing. I saw this female coming down a ladder wearing a dress and i could see the view from below her rear end then the Clairvoyant vision ended. Then I heard a mans voice say…..((“That’s why they keep on trusting me”)) I felt it’s something that had to do with kids.

In this mans voice he sounded kind of deceiving the way i heard this told to me. This was the response from the person i gave the reading to bout a man.”He made a joke about a young girls butt as she was bending over” and “He’s deceiving in the fact that he can make himself seem like a better person than he actually is, the people will trust him because no one really knows who he really is.” We felt this is a very important subject and they will continue to keep watch on this person as for now they just don’t have enough info yet for him to get in trouble, but I know Spirit wanted this message to get told.

8/27/2015 I just left Theresa’s daughters home in Westfield massachusetts to venture out while theresa is working. I was guided back to a Cemetery not far from the home. I never met this woman who lay at rest but she would be one of the most inspirational people of my lifetime regarding loving those who i never met and caring for people not known.

I would meet her grand daughter months before her death in 2007 and she would be the start of my now life path with Spirit and Love for others in a way i never experienced before. When i found the gravestone today after 4 years i noticed today’s date August 27 on the stone which also was today’s date and i knew i had come full circle today with a woman i never met..yet loved and would start me on a amazing journey of love…there are no coincidences…just Love….just Love.

Woman I Never Met Who Inspired Me Master Image

12/17/2015 On my way home from work and went into Cheri’s for something to eat and while i am there a 84 year old lady was next to me near the food counter. She was talking to the woman behind the counter and I said take your time i am still looking? The older Gal says…”I can look at a person and tell if they are a good person”..and she says “you are.”

I said thank you very much and i told the woman behind the counter that food is now secondary and that the lady and I are flirting with each other. She laughed and said “I have not flirted with a man since 1968.” I told her that i was only 5 years old then and she said “Now what was it that I was going to order?” she forgot. I told her that food is def!!! secondary on my mind now and I winked at her…When people are genuine I love it!!


9/14/2016 I just shared with one of my Facebook friend’s a dream i had last night and she said this means I have not been communicating with my higher self in awhile. This is so true as i have not been meditating on a regular basis like in years past and i know this and I should be as part of my Spirituality. This makes so much sense to what she just said as Telephone wires are communication and me jumping up to communicate is my higher self.

9/13/2016 (Dream) I was on a road talking with some people and i jumped up and started to float upwards and I bumped into a telephone wire and then came off it. I told everyone that i was safe as long as I did not touch the second one as i would of gotten zapped, then I floated down safely.
Higher Self Dream Image Master Image


7/13/2017 In the parking lot at Market Basket and 2 women just walked by me saying to the woman behind them “your just the bag lady”. She said “I don’t care” as she put a plastic bag over her head because of rain. I winked at her and gave her a big thumbs up… be your own unique individual not caring what others think.  stay true to who you are.


8/4/2017 Every time I am in the grocery store this guy who works in the meat department is always laughing. It’s infectious as heck and it makes me smile just knowing when I come here I will be happy. Today no different as I walk in and I hear his laugh in the distance and later he comes out and I put my arm around his shoulder and I said “you haven’t laughed in over a minute”

Then he said and there is nothing wrong either and he busts a gut laughing. The form of best medicine? I say yup. ❤ UPDATE– I had to go back to the store again and there he was in the same spot as I needed to go and I put my arm around his shoulder again and he laughed his butt off again…just hilarious!!


8/23/2017 Today was a huge reminder of why Spirit works in the most loving of ways. First the interaction with the young boy today at the bar, what a nice change of pace. Second someone I met in Savannah Georgia at a Halloween event called me today for Spiritual guidance.

Then last but not least my Spiritual Teacher who has been so supportive of me 24/7 for the last 3 years told me that she saw a Clairvoyant image of a Minnie Mouse Balloon when she woke up in her bedroom, and she had no idea that her friends Aunt who passed was given by her friend a Minnie Mouse Balloon.

We talked about Minnie Mouse this morning and then after all that today for the first time in my whole life I see in front of me a Minnie Mouse Car. I could not believe it!! and next to that car is a Suv that read “In loving Memory” in the back window. All I can say is what a day thank you Spirit!!

Minnie Mouse Car Master Image


11/17/2017 We all have choices,  which at times become the crossroads in our lives, decisions made which can lead to possible future happiness or continued sadness. If we don’t at least try to choose the road to change how will we ever know if we could of found true happiness if we won’t take that chance??  My path is set in my life I know this is true…I love u.


11/22/2017 This perhaps is one of the biggest hurdles I have witnessed during my time loving and working with people. It seems to me why some are sad because they won’t or can’t stop the cycle of bad choices/decisions in their lives and is why their situations keeps repeating over and over again.


12/19/2017 What’s on my mind? I will say this, my guides and Angels put me in position to meet the people I do and help create the scenarios that are meant to happen. I can look up to the sky and just say thank you. I am so blessed today as I love to just love certain people in my life.


1/18/2018 Ooh the Power and Mystery of Guidance when one listens. It was time to change the light bulb in our oven so a few weeks ago I tried to unscrew the glass cap over the bulb. Not happening!! That sucker was not coming off, both of us tried at different times and nope. Yesterday we had an appointment for a Service guy to come work on it and of course a charge for it.

The appointment was for the morning but then its around 1:00 pm and where is he? Theresa called him and he said around 2:30-3:00 and at that point we were losing patience in him and I checked reviews for him and there were a lot of bad ones and pretty much what we were going through with our morning appointment turning into late afternoon? We called him back and cancelled and of course we were worked up, then My guides say check out a you tube video of that.

I found one for my oven which said its easy to do just unscrew the cap. Well that was not easy a few weeks ago but today i said to myself let’s go so i took out the grates and put my hand up there and tried again and the glass cap cover came off like nothing…I brought it into the other room and said look at this!!

The Service man called back after and said he was so sorry that he did not get there in the morning when the appointment was to be done, I decided at one point he was going to get another bad review online but after i removed it i told Theresa i cannot do that now as we were blessed to do it ourselves and it worked today like a miracle… and saved that cost of him doing it. Listen to your guidance… the end we saved a 100 dollar service…thank you guides!

Glass Bulb Oven Cover Master Image


10/1/2018 Today is my Father’s 11th year Anniversary of his passing, yesterday morning he came to me in a dream like many times b4 to share a message with me and my Very dear female friend of mine who he knows means alot to me. I love you Dad!! and thank you for always giving me messages of love and caring since you left us.


10/2/2018 Just when you think some things in life are not meant to be, the Universe has a way of bringing those important moments right back together again for smiles, healings and happiness!! And to top it off I saw 333 on the clock when my dad showed up in my dream with my friend the other morning. Today I am driving and I see a friend I love and I rolled the window down and blew her kisses. She saw me and Ditto..i love it because i saw the clock moments after and there was 333.

Angel Number 333 confirmed Master Image


11/9/2018 I have met quite a few people this year in my life and each one has represented new and unique lessons and experiences for me. Some I will love for a long time and others will slowly drift away as they don’t resonate with who I am as a Spiritual person. Still I am a believer we meet people for a reason.


11/14/2018 It’s amazing through the years of meeting people and even in my own family line with certain things how the same types of pain and abuse just continues and continues until one day it comes to a halt. when you see a pattern of Abuse or hurt isn’t it time to just wake up and stop the Cycle? interesting subject.


11/25/2018 Life has a way of confirming things for me, its always in a Spiritual way. When i first wanted to become a Psychic Medium i met a woman who had a lot of stuff in her life, especially when she was young. She became one of the biggest lessons of my lifetime with my learning’s. Today i was searching my phone and saw her name pop up while i was searching someone else’s name.

Then on top of that i was looking for a photo and i found her dead grandmothers gravestone photo which years ago led me to one of the biggest profound Spiritual messages i would ever receive. The Date says Today…..This is really huge by having seen both grand daughters name in my phone which i have not seen in a few years and now her grandmother’s gravestone photo found totally by accident with today’s date. There always was a major message with me and her dead Grandmother and it still goes on even today.

Grandmother of a woman I will always love Master Image


12/19/2018 Back to my dream study which i stopped over a year ago, and it only took about 30 mins to figure out what this one was this morning. Very much about a person i know and bit my hand in the dream, I love dreams even if sometimes they are negative they still are very real.


12/29/2018 Woke up early today and heard the number 1067 within my mind and those are always Angel Numbers given to me. The meanings are always on Joanne’s Angel number website for me to get the message. Today’s message really hits home for me because its exactly what I am doing now.


11/4/2019 My co worker and I are on a Bicycle and when I peddled it was hard, we worked on it and it got easy and fun. As we were moving along this strange looking man had a pushcart and blocked us from going any further. It’s amazing how people’s dreams can give us amazing clues into our lives and where it’s going. This dream would signal the start of some negative in our friendship.


12/8/2021 I was guided to message the woman from my previous job in Maine and share with her that I miss our friendship. She used the reasoning that she is happy for me and she never wants to be known as the other woman in a friendship. After my last message she blew me off completely and I was reminded about the saying about chasing friendship. I realized today that she is not worth bothering any longer in any way shape or form.

12/9/2021 I received a Facebook message from one of my female friends that I have not spoken to in quite a few years. We talked about our up and downs and i admitted my part to her in why our friendship didn’t stay true. I heard from her that one day and we had a wonderful conversation, but I never heard from her again.

12/13/2021 I heard from my Cousin who I had not spoken to in quite a few years due to a Social Media post that I did not approve of. I spoke my truth to her on why I deleted her and we shared some conversations after that and I never heard back from her again.

I spoke my truth and stated about being sorry for my part in these lost friendships and not one of them would say sorry for their part. I have found in my life that many times I am the one who has to take responsibility for my actions to make things right as some of the others will not admit they could of been at fault.

Someone once told me that like attracts like and perhaps that the broken people I have met in my life meant that there were aspects of myself that was broken as well? I thought this to be a very interesting comment and I could never say I am perfect and of course though out my life I had my share of pains and mistakes.