This page is about a Missing Female 2010 where a Chicopee Massachusetts female went missing and I asked my spirit guides a question?

I heard on the news in 2010 about a young female from Chicopee Massachusetts that was missing, so i tried to meditate on this to see if Spirit would show me anything in relation to where she might be?

I went to my SUV at lunch in the parking lot at work and set my intention to Spirit to show me or share anything with me relating to this young females disappearance?

I saw a very clear quick image as I was seeing from above with this Clairvoyant image of a steep hill with a road near. I saw a few Telephone poles and water to the left.

If you stand on Plainfield St. in Springfield Massachusetts you can see telephone poles along it. The small track of land is next to the road and the Connecticut River is next to that.

On the other side of the river is the hill with trees that lead up to the top of a hill and on the other side is a steep hill and then the back of the Riverdale Shops. The media never showed exactly where they found the young female and only that she was behind the shopping center.


Clairvoyant Image For Missing Female Master Image

After I made this rendition of what I had seen in my closed eye Clairvoyance, I thought where could this area be? The only real waterway that was in that area was the Connecticut River that ran for miles and basically there are trees and a road that goes along it for miles.

This location could be anywhere? When they found the teen female they said she was behind the mall and I am not sure if it was up the hill in the woods or near the water?

This drawing is very close in detail to the area they found her at behind the mall in West Springfield Massachusetts. But to be honest unless Spirit gave me more to work with I don’t believe I ever would of pinpointed the area she was to be in.

I don’t believe to this day they ever found out what happened and either way another sad tragedy for a young person in this world.

Queen Ononiua link information click- HERE


Behind Riverdale Shops Master Image


Plainfield St. Springfield Massachusetts