Missing And Murdered People- My Psychic Work


Jared Hanna Missing Master Image


5/24/2013 Still working this Missing person case for a Private Detective and man is Spirit making me do the work on this one. In the midst of getting visions and this morning a man in Spirit told me what the first letter of a possible closest road to where we believe her remains are on or up a mountain. Doing this work is not easy…or for me…they are not making it an easy one. Psychic readings are so much easier than doing this type of work because there is that person who confirms right off.

5/13/2013 For my own study of my Mediumship i had asked in 2009 for a prophecy to my guides and what i would be shown was to me the beginning stages of my visions and clairaudience for missing persons. It would be a whole month of meditation and dreams that would give me clues to eventually come out in the news about a missing baby in florida.

I was hooked as i couldn’t believe the stuff i was given before it happened. Last night i had done and asked the same question but said could you help me help find a missing person or someone who will go missing? I was shown a brunette woman short hair straight down to her neck maybe 30’s? She was sitting at a long table eating with a bunch if people then she looked right at me. I certainly would never say its easy doing this work cause its puzzle pcs and more puzzle pcs of psychic info and its so real.

Nobody in the world is exactly alike and I feel that the level of my ability in this area may be different than  other Psychics out there doing this work. This is how it all worked for me and my truths and limitations involved in doing Psychic work with Missing and Murdered People. My dreams can be exact or they can be more about symbolism and what I experience in doing this has been at times Puzzle pieces. My visions can be exact or again Symbolism and I trust what I am shown, but again if  I have nobody to confirm what I am being shown to me, its almost like seeing nothing at all.

I believe also that some psychics see or hear something and it can be translated wrongly and give out misinformation which can be very damaging. I have gotten into the habit of sharing what I see and hear and allow the person on the receiving end of the information confirm or not what is being told to them. If you can find a person who can confirm your information that you receive Psychically or by Mediumship then that will go a long way in trying to solve a case I believe.

Here are some cases I have worked on with Families or just friends or myself just trying to develop more in this area. Some of these took many months as you will read in detail all the information that I received Psychically or by Mediumship and some of them due to time restraints.

I had stopped or had to move on with my life for other reasons. Everything stated below is 100% fact as was given to me with the Psychic Realm and some of it even confirmed by a person who knew one of the victims, or even a end result when a person was found deceased.

Here are some experiences and exactly what i felt or seen during these times i was dreaming or meditating on the missing. There are also times where i just stopped because i wasn’t receiving any more information on the person who i was meditating on. This happens for whatever reason??

Maybe its only what i am to know on that person. When there is intention at bedtime with my prayers i send out to certain missing people a dream may happen sometime during the night that i feel might relate to this missing person or the theme matches my intention..so i will record this dream for the proper person that i feel its about and just go forward.

To this date I have not personally ever found a Body or solved a crime in my development but I have learned that There are aspects of my abilities that have brought forth confirms on some of these cases.

Some of those confirms were by people who knew the victims either friends or directly from Family. I was once told by a Spiritual Teacher of mine that she believed that it’s not always meant to be in finding a missing person as the way life and death and the world is setup it’s just not always meant to be.

I also believe that doing the missing and murdered with psychics and Mediums depends also on just how good the person who is doing the work. Some people are more gifted than others on lots of things in life and this is no different. It’s a area of my gifts that I would love to continue more with and solve a case for a family.

Note**** These dreams and visions may not be a accurate depiction of what may of happened to any of these missing people…these are dreams and visions…some of the events happened precisely as I have experienced.

Springfield Massachusetts Murder Dream Rubin OrtizClick Here

Bethany Anne Decker of Virginia- Click Here

Dream of a body and the Hailey Dunn case- Click Here 

Camden P. Hughes- I asked my Spirit Guides 1 Question?- Click Here

Christina Bussell Intuitive Work- Click Here

Jared Hanna Intuitive Work For The Family- Click Here

Katelyn Markham Intuitive Work- Click Here


Lawrence Mcintosh Intuitive Work- Click Here

Long Island Serial Killer Intuitive Work- Click Here


Missing Chicopee Massachusetts Female 2010- Click Here

Shannon Lee Dedrick Missing Baby Found Alive In Florida- Click Here