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It’s been quite awhile since my meditation break and now I am back to meditating again and see how I am guided and the experiences I receive during these meditations.

The meditation experiences 2023 will be done with my eyes completely shut, so I can see more clearly within the darkness of my closed eyes. The experiences that I have will be documented below the Chart.





5/2/2023 THE TOWER

I was shown a tall building around other buildings, I thought at first it was a large steeple, but it could of been a tower? The Clairvoyant vision was faded, and seconds later I saw a side profile of a face. If this was the tower vision like I had in a dream some years back it could represent?

The Tower is the 16th trump or Major Arcana card in most Italian-suited tarot decks. It has been used in Tarot cards since the 15th century as well as in divination since the mid-19th century.
Depiction: The image of the Tower card is powerful, depicting a solid tower being struck by lightning, and fire crawling out from the small windows at its top.
Meaning: The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforseen change.
Tower seen in meditation master image