These are the Meditation Experiences 2019, some of which were really touching for me.

2/3/2019 I asked Spirit a question about a friend of mine and her daughter? I was shown me in a pickup truck going forward then I saw a female behind the pickup Truck. Then I went backwards in the Truck.

2/4/2019 My friend confirmed that her daughter did back up a pickup truck and slammed it into a tree.

2/24/2019 I have taken a much needed break from my Mediumship and Psychic stuff for awhile to gage where my life is at regarding what I was doing for many years regarding broken people. I had done other aspects with my gifts such as Spirit Photography, Missing Murdered people and Readings for individuals from different parts of the world as well.

I am now getting back to my roots and talking to my Guides and Angel’s and asking for full guidance in my life that will maximize my Spiritual Gifts and something that will make me happy. I was shown this in a Vision while meditating after my question, and I feel I am being told I have the power within like a lion to get this done. 


3/2/2019 I ask my guides today just b4 meditation what would you like me to do with my life now with my Spiritual gifts regarding others as supporting and guiding broken, abused, battered people over the years has burnt me out and mins later I fell out and had a dream of one of my female co workers. She totally confirmed my dream I had about her and I as it involves a friend of hers and the buildings and business themes I saw matched her friend and today just happens to be her friends Birthday. One element of a dog with me I feel is geared more towards me than her friend… Thank you Spirit for this wonderful confirm to just continue connecting for others as I have always done before.


3/22/2019 I asked Spirit for my friend at work if she should do training to travel or say no and stay put? I asked Spirit to show me the color Green if she should do the training and Blue for no training. I saw a dog shaking it’s head with a stuffed toy in it’s mouth. Then I saw a white looking being that appeared and showed the color Blue to me.

6/24/2019 I asked Spirit if a female friend of mine and I will ever be romantically involved? I was shown a purple key attached to a letter.

We never did get involved romantically but a woman that lived in another state who is attached Spiritually to the Color Violet ended up being the person that I would end up with. The letter meant long distance communication. The purple key represented the woman and us ending up together.


7/13/2019 My newest Amazing Gal Pal I met a few weeks ago and I are doing Psychic Exercises and we both send each other a word Telepathically in the evening and we both have to tell each other what it is. She got the very first one we did which was “Love” and even stated how it was used when i sent it to her.

Last night she thought of her dog and took this photo and sent me the thoughts and I told her in my Clairvoyance at bedtime I was shown a dog jumping on a couch. But even more interesting is that I saw the dog at 9:40 PM last night and she sent the message to me telepathically at 12:30 am this morning.

Psychic Exercises and a dog master image


8/4/2019 Just meditated and ever since I began this journey into Meditation I have seen this exact color as it forms sometimes into images or just swirls outwards. I give all my worries and love to the Universe and just thanked the higher realms for the love they give me always. I know I am very blessed as they will always hear me and help me when it’s needed.

Clairvoyance forms I see master image

8/21/2019 I was praying about someone and I had a Clairvoyant Vision of a woman or nurse holding a baby and it was dead. I asked the person if she ever lost a baby and she told me she did.