These are the Meditation Experiences 2012, which included more work done on missing people.

2/27/2012 I asked for a first name or a city or town that this missing woman katelyn Markham is in? 10 mins went by and I saw a black woman singing a song. At the time I had no idea who sung this but i knew the song.

The song was “Hello Stranger”

3/19/2012 I was meditating for a missing woman and i saw a rat carrying a heavy load over its head.

4/16/2012 I heard “The Hawk” and I saw 2 people on horses riding into a opening in the woods.


I always told people when I connected to Spirit for them to not ask a general question, and I gave them the reason why with this example here.

5/8/2012 My Facebook friend asked me to ask Spirit in Meditation “What man will come into her life and make her happy? At lunch time I asked Spirit that exact question and asked for his name?

I heard “Tony he plays music”

My friend flipped out as she told me that Tony is her brother in Law and plays music at the church! After we talked it hit her that Tony had promised her a job down the road and that must be what Spirit meant by making her happy.

5/24/2012 I was meditating for a runaway kelsey lane and I was shown a paper with the digestive system.

6/5/2012 I was meditating for missing girl Christina Ortiz and I heard “Human Airlines”.

6/12/2012– i asked to give me messages and I saw faint images, one blurry word in white secondly i saw a house, then a bear.

7/5/2012 I asked in Meditation what does God want me to do? In my Clairaudience I heard Glen Campbell and Tanya Tucker.

The only things I knew about Glen Campbell and Tanya Tucker were that they were together and I heard reports of Abuse within the marriage. I took the answer to my message as assisting abused people, to which to some degree I did.

Entertainer Glen Campbell Master Image

“Glen Campbell peforming at the 1984 fourth of July celebration” by JNEM Archives is licensed under CC BY 2.0

To view a copy of this license, visit

Credit for image goes to Gateway Arch National Park.

Younger Tanya Tucker Master Image

Image of a younger Tanya Tucker, long before she met singer Glen Campbell.

Image is Licensed under

7/10/2012 I asked god what do you want me to do? I saw a woman in a white nightgown walking and i saw coke on the floor.

9/4/2012 I was meditating for a facebook friend and i was shown a man with a suit and tie on.

10 7 2012 meditation being