These are the Meditation Experiences 2011 and one aspect that gave me a resounding confirm was a missing boy in Maine as I asked One Question and received an answer.

1/12/2011 I asked for confirmation of my future and some other things and I was shown 4 images they were brighter and clearer than normal. I saw two faces and two other images i cannot even say what they were or what they meant.  

1/23/2011 It was about 4 minutes in to my meditation and I saw what looked like a newspaper page with many sentences on it and a persons head, but it was blurry and I couldn’t read the words.

1/24/2011 I saw a blurry vision of what looked like a news article and it looked like it had words and was scrolling downward.

2/12/2011 I heard in my meditation, “Mr. Greenfield”.

4/11/2011 I saw a fuzzy image of a boy.

5/16/2011 I meditated on a young boy’s body they found in Maine and I asked who killed the young boy? I heard Ryan and Gerald and then I saw Archie Bunker and saw all the all in the family tv logo. This told me that it was a family member that killed the young boy.

Camden P. Hughes a young boy found dead in maine.

I don’t know the Ryan And Gerald Connection to this horrible death of this young boy, but it was a family member who killed Camden.

5/17/2011 I heard “We don’t have much money”.

5/23/2011 I was meditating for a missing woman named Bethany Anne Decker and I heard “The Oneils, that’s all their wood.” Then I saw a blurry Indian face.

6/12/2011 I asked to see where Bethany Anne Decker, the missing woman is now and I was shown a non clear building structure to the right of me.

6/27/2011 I was meditating on a young woman who was missing and I asked did she leave with someone? I saw people at a dinner table. One person pushed their plate of food.

8/17/2011 I asked if my friend knew her mom didn’t invite me to her party yet? I was shown a woman’s head on a page which scrolled down and i heard “is having a piece of the pie” there was a list of words on the page and i could not read it as it was blurry.

8/18/2011 I asked should I go to the party? Or should i stay home? I was shown the front of my home clearly and a page scrolling downwards.

8/19/2011 I asked if my friend cared about me going or is she laughing? I was shown a woman in her underwear.

 9/6/2011 I asked God what he wanted me to see or hear? 7 minutes in, I was shown a man and a woman close to each other.

9/11/2011 I asked God to support me in missing people and I saw a beings head.

11/14/2011 I was meditating for a missing man named Jared Hanna, and I asked to show me where he was at? And I heard a woman singing “have to learn to lifting things up”.

11/15/2011 I asked is a missing man in the water or on land? I saw two baseball players falling on the ground, then I heard settlement told to me.