These are the Meditation Experiences 2009, I continued my Journey with Meditation and in doing that, learned so much more. There were still certain aspects of the things I experienced that I could not prove or understand why I was given the visions or hearing I had. Still 2009 was another year where my head and heart was full in on my Spiritual and Metaphysical learnings.

1/6/2009– I saw a angel or eagle but it was dim.  

2/4/2009– I saw blue swirls and faintly i saw a mountain with snow and a hole running through it, it was not very clear.

3/25/2009– I was with my best friend Tammy walking, and I saw the hill with the hole in the middle. It was a dam with the tunnel running through it as we went there in the early spring.  

2/13/2009– At the end of meditation I saw a black and white movie of 2 tractor trailer trucks in front of me on the highway. I was in the middle then the one in front of me swerved to the left land and came back in. The other was driving normal in the slow lane.  

3/05/2009 (lunch meditation) I heard the words “Smile, your smiles in the distance are your dreams”. 

3/5/2009– (Evening meditation) With eyes closed I saw morphing maybe a beings face it kept changing 65% clear, then I felt energy come over me.  

3/11/2009– I heard a voice say “There’s a jury of 2 of what you believe in” 

3/12/2009– I saw a face and a mailbox. 

4/29/2009– I am taking a crime class for mediumship, so i meditated at lunch at work. My thoughts said #32 and after that Billie Martin who was a baseball player and Coach.

5/4/2009– In class we found out that the killer had used a baseball bat in other crimes.  

5/17/2009– I thought about the missing person in the area of where I live, i saw a faint image of a dog standing in the water, maybe a lab. It was a quick image that came in then after it looked like a small image of a wind shield and something in the middle. It was small and i needed it bigger to really see it. The image was trying to form for about 6-7 seconds.  

5/20/2009– (lunch meditation) I was thinking about Simone Torres a character on All My Children and I heard “Give love and give love back” in my head.  

6/17/2009– (lunch meditation) I saw a full screen road map, then it turned upside down i couldn’t read it but i knew what it was.  



Female Rendition of Clairvoyant Vision master Image


6/19/2009 I saw one of the most clearest images I have ever seen as part of my Meditation Experiences 2009, in any awake vision. I was meditating in my dark room for a short period of time when i saw a teenage girl about 17 with red hair and freckles. She was sitting on a bed with her hands between her knees and she had her head slightly turned sideways from me. It was almost if she was life size in front of me, then I heard a man’s voice tell me, “Mary Beth she was doing something with sex“.

I studied up on trying to find anything that might of happened to this female in real life, but with no last name it was impossible. In my mind somehow I believed she had passed or died at some point? What a mystery and to this day from time to time I will go online to try to find anything on a female with red hair named “Mary Beth”