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My Meditating Experiences started meditating in December of 2007 after I decided it was best for me to change my life. My father had died in October and my world was just spinning out of control, nothing really horrible, just things in my life I couldn’t handle, especially losing my dad. Seeing and hearing and the calmness that it provides by doing this was a life changer for me. I started a timeline of January of 2008 and the findings that have occured in my life since then. 

I meditated almost every night when 2008 came, I think I didn’t do it like 25 days out of the whole year as I lived and breathed meditation in my home. I started with candle meditation, that was key just staring at the center of the flame, just concentrating on that. I blocked out all thoughts, doing that for like 1 month when it was time i put on a sleeping mask to block all light and I still use that now because when i meditate in light areas i cannot always see the movie clips i am shown.

I went into a dark closet when i didn’t use the mask and only had a speck of light in there so i could see if i had to get to the door. At first i did not protect myself, meaning surround myself with the white light as I always do now. the ones below were the first things I ever experienced, the second being the first time I saw something.

Then I heard someone, that was when I was hooked. You have to try to close your mind, I started at one spot in the darkness of my eyes and just do my best to knock out thoughts. If i am upset i don’t even bother, now over the last four months I am at the point where i have meditated for people in Germany, California, etc.

I can only ask and say exactly this. “My guides of Gods love and light, I love you so much may I please ask an intention for someone?” I ask it to be very crystal clear what you need to show me and hear what I need to hear?

I thank them ahead of time and I thank them if i don’t see anything afterwards if i am shown something and I go back to the person on my facebook and they confirm. I basically am set for the day in love and I tell my guides I love them so much and blow kisses to them. I believe because I am very personal with my guides and I really have no idea who they are, but the Meditating Experiences have really been one of the most amazing aspects of my life.

I ask to see them and I get nothing, I feel that this is why when I am very down and feel hurt they will always come to my rescue. If i am really in need I ask them a question and they show me, like once i was to go to a party I said “Do I stay home?” “Or go?” they showed me the front of my condo. THIS IS WHERE I AM GOING TO CAP MY WORDS..ONLY CAUSE I COULD NEVER PICTURE IN MY MIND AND MAKE UP THINGS. They say picture you walking along a stream I said “why?” I only see darkness, I abandoned that.

At first I just waited until I heard someone talking to me, or saw the pictures come, eventually the mini movies came. I feel you have to be devoted to show the guides as some of us call them. If You are serious, then watch the visions, then perhaps the hearing come and the confirms in your life when you ask them.

I asked “Please give me my path in life?” I did that but needed to learn the lessons of myself with my empathy gift. once that was learned I was free to start helping those who come to me and even while tested I was doing work, but failing at times because I needed to learn.

i want to say and I wont count dreaming either, it took me 4 years to receive things for myself, now I do ask at times but not all the time. I asked about that photo and was shown the ET, so at times they show me confirms. But in that they also show me things that they want me to know, unrelated to a question I ask.

It’s not easy, but I can close my eyes and even when the radio at work is blaring near me I can connect, sometimes it takes 5 mins, but mostly 15-18 mins. My meditation Experiences have been so vast in what I have seen and heard and in that I have learned so much about myself.



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