Linda Madere’s Son Christopher 12/14/2015

Christopher Master Image

The connection for Linda Madere was very interesting and sad at the same time. The time shown is how long it took me to receive the information from Spirit.

5:40 I saw a quick image of a black dog and I think there was something wrong with its eye.

7:25 I saw a plate of food being put down on a table with what looked like small green leaves around the top of the plate. I am really not sure what this dish was?

12:50 I see someone lying on the ground with a rope around their neck then I heard a man’s voice scream!

14:40 I see a man and woman or two people lying on their backs and a cover or something came up so I could see them and I don’t know what it was?

5:20 I heard someone say “Don’t yell at me!” “Don’t yell at me!”

9:38 A child is saying “Mommy are you ok?” and her eyes are being focused on.

Todd Sheldon- Ok Linda the very first thing that I saw a quick image of a dog and I think there was something wrong with it? maybe a illness? I thought it might of had something to do with the head or the eye? Does this make sense?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- ok, that my dear was the very first thing that came to me. Now the dog was shown to me as black or dark, is this true? I don’t know what kind of dog it was but just say yes or no to the color?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon-  Now this is where the next question will come in because I didn’t get anything else on it. So my next thing will be is the dog passed or alive still?

Linda Madere- Passed

Todd Sheldon- what was wrong with the dog? Was there a scraping done around the eye or a surgery?

Linda Madere- I had an Australian Sheppard, She had cancer. She was black with the brown markings. She did lose her eyesight also as she was almost 14, I thought she had arthritis she went down very quick. One night when I bent down to pet her I found a spot and knew right away the problem was cancer.

Linda Madere- No scraping done. Now do you want to tell me who has had something removed not passed??

 Todd Sheldon- no not yet

Todd Sheldon- I can actually feel so much sensitivity now for this dog and while I was not sure because the vision came in fast. That breed could of been what I saw and was brought to the eye for attention by Spirit. That is why I asked about the eye? but no surgery done right? or anything done around the eye area?

Linda Madere- K, no surgery done. She went down really bad. I thought she had arthritis but as soon as I felt the large lump on her side I knew what it was. She was blind though. Had lost her sight.

Todd Sheldon- ok then that is how spirit is showing me a eye issue as I saw something scraping the eye. So that is how spirit made me aware there was a eye issue going on, how long ago was this dear?

Linda Madere- Three years now.

Dog I saw With My Clairvoyance Master Image


Todd Sheldon- I saw a plate of food being put down with what looked like small green leaves that went around the whole diameter top of the plate. not sure what this dish was?

Linda Madere- No Wait a maybe. Yes

Todd Sheldon- Interesting, that was not long after the dog but the dish kind of like a pie maybe that had garnish like small leaves or something all around the whole plate.

Linda Madere-Yes

Todd Sheldon- LOL!!! was this something that was eaten recently? or someone made before?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- You just said oh my you know? before she passed? now did this pertain to the dog or a human? and do not explain anything else?

Linda Madere- Human

Todd Sheldon- Omg….ok hold ok…lets hold this thought for a second…may I ask something? was there a death that you knew of that was very tragic?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- what was this dish of food i saw…what was it? but only say that…

Linda Madere- Tray of sandwiches

Todd Sheldon- Ok where did these small greens or what I saw on the plate what was that?

Linda Madere- Just garnish to make it look good

Todd Sheldon- Did you ever know of anyone…that had a tragedy where a rope was used?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- Omg…..Linda….

Linda Madere- yes

Todd Sheldon- Was there one person involved or two??

Linda Madere- Two

Todd Sheldon- I could cry now….wow…I saw them both…God bless..

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- I will explain…

Linda Madere- k

Todd Sheldon- Do you know the whole story of what happened? just say yes or no?

Linda Madere- No

Todd Sheldon- Was this family?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- I see someone lying on the ground with a rope around their neck then I heard someone yelling!!! does this make sense to you?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- I see a man and possibly a woman lying on their backs and a cover or something came up so I could see them and I don’t know what it was? it looked like they were sleeping or dead, I was not sure the cover was a coffin lid or not? does this make sense? was it a man and woman?

Linda Madere- Man

Todd Sheldon- Ok so only one died?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- Ok you said two people were involved right? but only one died?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- Linda I heard someone say “Don’t yell at me” “Don’t yell at me” who would of said this do you know???

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- A child is saying “Mommy are you ok?” and her eyes are being focused on. I am not sure if she is crying or what?

Linda Madere- The food was a plate of sandwiches my ex daughter in laws mother brought me the day my son passed.

Todd Sheldon- Now I cannot prove because we didn’t get enough stuff on knowing your son passed, but its relevant to your sons passing. It may of been him coming through for you knowing you would know about that plate. I wish I could of gotten more of that, ok keep on going.

Linda Madere- I was told my son hung himself and the police report made no sense at all.

Todd Sheldon- Ooh it was your son?? well then my dear your son came through!

Linda Madere- I know that my son did not commit suicide.

Todd Sheldon- There was another involved here.

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- This is fact at least in my vision

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- I saw him lying on the ground with the rope around his neck? was that after he was cut down?

Linda Madere- Yes

Todd Sheldon- What is this about…don’t yell at me??? don’t yell at me?

Linda Madere- Him and his partner had gotten into an argument that night.

Linda Madere- As I know his partner was cheating on him. Partner left for the night. I was told the partners friend he was cheating with is the one that came back and did the deed. Have no proof but what I know and have been told.

Todd Sheldon- I saw and heard A child saying “Mommy are you ok?” and her eyes are being focused on.

Linda Madere- Probably my grandson at the funeral. He was very very close to my son.

Linda Madere- Thank you so very very much for doing this for me, Christmas is a hard time for me. Oh and the reason the dog came into play was I have heard him come in my bedroom.

Psychic Mediumship Communication

I saw a quick image of a black dog and i think there was something wrong with its eye.
I was told she had a Shepard dog that died of Cancer 3 years ago that was blind and had Cancer.

I saw a plate of food being put down on a table with what looked like small green leaves around the top of the plate. not sure what this dish was?
I was told “the food was a plate of sandwiches my ex daughter in laws mother brought me the day my son passed.”

I see someone lying on the ground with a rope around their neck….then I heard a yell.
I was told that her Son indeed had a rope around his neck lying on the floor after Police cut him down after he died.

I see 2 people lying on their backs and a cover or something came up so i could see them and i don’t know what it was?
This aspect of what Spirit showed me is very private and we both
believe is important to this family where others are involved as well.

I heard someone yell “Don’t yell at me” “Don’t yell at me”

I was told there was a big fight before the death of their son.

I saw and heard A child saying “Mommy are you ok?” and her eyes are being focused on.

I was told that their grandson loved the son who passed and certainly was this even at the funeral.