This page was created for the Lawrence Mcintosh Intuitive work that I done when I lived in Connecticut. When I have dreams like this, I knew in my gut to start searching online and wait and see if something relates.

Lawrence Mcintosh missing from Windsor Locks Ct. Is my dream related to his disappearance?

12/19/2013 (Dream) I was driving my vehicle and parked in deep water and almost stalled out, but i got it started and drove up this steep hill in a neighborhood. Two men were looking at me as i past them as if to say he is not from around here.

The scene changed and i was at a gathering place like a bar or restaurant and I was watching this one guy with a mustache and dark curly hair, I knew he had some disability with his mental state and i knew i needed to make sure i was watching him and making sure he was ok.

The man in my dream certainly did not look like Lawrence Mcintosh did when I would see his missing poster online later on, but I still felt the mental state comparisons were there. Sometimes dreams are not exact, but the themes can be very close. Also I would regularly visit a restaurant near where they found his vehicle in a parking lot.

I was looking in the window as he was sitting inside with some people all around and then he was outside. On the next street over he was with a guy now and they both ran to this light blue pickup truck. A guy near me said “He is getting in the pickup truck” and I said “I knew it! The pickup drove away with the man inside it and they both were gone.

WINDSOR LOCKS — Police are searching for a 52-year-old man who has been missing since Tuesday evening.

Lawrence McIntosh left his home in Windsor Locks at approximately 6:30 p.m. to pick up some items for a New Year’s Eve gathering and did not return home, police said.

His vehicle was found Thursday afternoon in East Windsor, police said.

Police believe McIntosh may wish to harm himself. A Silver Alert was issued for McIntosh on Wednesday, police said.

McIntosh is described as being 5-foot-10, about 245 lbs. with short brown hair and brown eyes, police said. He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a gray jacket and white sneakers.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to contact the Windsor Locks police at 860-627-1461.


Note: I believe that there are times that a question can be asked to Spirit and the answers we receive back may not be for the questions we asked? Sometimes something will be shown or told that psychically connects to the person, but does not mean it has anything to do if a crime has been done.

2/11/2014 (Lunch Meditation) I saw 5 sketches and I heard a voice say “Points the finger at him.”

2/17/2014 (Lunch Meditation) I asked where is Lawrence Mcintosh? I was shown a house or it was my condo and a neighbors condo? With that I saw 2 garages, then I was kissing up some woman.

2/18/2014 (Lunch Meditation) I heard “A woman named Veronica” then after “A woman named Susan.”

3/15/2014- I went to bed and prayed for Lawrence and i had a dream but cannot know if its related to his disappearance or not?

3/15/2014 (Dream) I came upon a group of people outside and they were talking about the missing man and first thing i thought was the man in my area. I wondered if he was in the river? as some people suggested and the woman said they found him at………………………

This means when i woke up i could not remember what she told me? Then the scene changed and I was in a car up in the air about 20 feet getting ready to land and i did safely.

3/17/2014- Lunchtime meditation- I saw a vision of a home, very small vision.

3/18/2014 (Lunchtime Clairvoyant image) as  I was shown a pickup truck diving head first into a body of water.

Then I asked for more about Lawrence and i was shown a black man wearing a blue shirt and what could of been a vest? His hair was very tight to his head and his jaw was not round to his face but a little more sharper.

This person may or may not have any involvement with that missing person this is just a likeness to someone i saw in my Psychic vision today when i asked about Lawrence and where he was. This could also be a random Spirit making his presence known to me and is not related to this case at all?

This person I saw may also be someone Lawrence worked with or a friend or associate, that had nothing to do with him being missing? Sometimes things are picked up Psychically that just confirms ties to someone.

Clairvoyant Vision Likeness For Lawrence Mcintosh Case? Master Image

5/25/2014- I closed my eyes and asked where Lawrence’s physical body alive or deceased is at this time? I saw with my Clairvoyance a young elementary school girl climbing down the steps of a School bus.

Photo & information about Lawrence click- HERE

Lawrence Mcintosh Missing Master Image