This is a study where a lot of people don’t or won’t bother with, but I believe you have to be diligent when going over your photos you take. Even the smallest details have shown me some of the most amazing images. Again as i have said before there are no perfect scenarios to taking photos of spirits, as this is something i have found that works for me over the years in my home and has produced for me amazing results.

These are not tricks of the eyes as some skeptics would say as there are others doing this same type work i am doing. They study them to a deeper level than most do and one day someone will come along and open the door to the truth about spirit photography and not caring whether the Scientific community accepts them or not.

It’s a fact of life that some people are more advanced in some things than others, we are not made the same in our Psychic developments, especially those who work with spirit in a more personal way than others.

I certainly don’t know if this is truly a image of Jesus but it does look like him and the mysteries and the strange and sometimes Esoteric experiences my wife and myself have witnessed over the years tells me that anything is possible in life.

The images are not reflections of myself or anything that is a known object or image that is in my home or other places. Images presented below are not added in to the photos by any means and exist 100% in those photos taken.

Some images were lightened or contrasted due to poor lighting and improper settings on the Olympus fe-230 point and shoot camera. All images seen are what i see and may not reflect what your eyes see or don’t see.

Jesus Looking Image At Cabinet Original Photo Master Image
Small Faded Head At Cabinet Master Image

I noticed a very faint face turned sideways

Jesus and the Cabinet merged again labeled and done
Spirit With Jesus Resemblance Master Image

Very clear image of a mans face with his eyes closed and a smaller being just to the right of his head.

Enhanced Jesus Resemblance Photo Master Image

When I look at this photo crop above I just think of Jesus with his eyes closed down, as I can see his long hair and his whole face. Next to his left cheek I see an animal type, freaky looking thing and if you look very close it looks like tiny horns on top of it’s head. All you see in that is it’s head.

Jesus Looking Head With Little Demon Master Image
man moved 32 degrees 1 of 1
Spirit Man With Eyes Shut Master Image