Jared Hanna Missing Master Image

JARED HANNA-JERSEYVILLE IL: Private Conversations And Psychic Readings With His Mom:

This page is the Jared Hanna Psychic Work I did. These are the private conversations, Psychic/Mediumship readings and dreams which were approved by Pat New who is Jared Hanna’s mother to be shown to the public. Sadly Pat passed away before she could find peace with the whereabouts of her son Jared.

Hopefully someday someone will come across these conversations or my Psychic/Mediumship findings which Pat confirmed some of them and some of them she didn’t know? The Objective here is the hopes that someone will come forward with some information perhaps by reading our conversations about Jared and Solve some of the missing pieces that are told here.

7/21/2011 (DREAM) This dream happened before I was asked to work on his case by a friend of mine and it’s close to how it began. 

7/21/2011 I was driving down the road and my vehicle stalled, i found a abandoned vehicle, not a pickup truck. when i went to walk over to it to look inside i opened the door but there was a black veil and i couldn’t see who was inside, but i felt the person was dead.

Then people started coming around the vehicle. (**I feel this dream is about Jared so i posted it, also noted I wasn’t aware of the time of my dream that Jared was missing since July 2. I still believe that dream is for him**.)

7/25/2011 (Dream) I was in a room and 2 men had this one guy on his knees, then the mans face flashed to me. Weird looking face with long straight dark hair. The two men were going to wail the guy on his head and i felt scared in the dream for him, but for me in the dream that afterwards i would be buried.

That dream, I could feel the fear like I was going to be murdered, that is how real it seemed.

7/26/2011- Meditated on the dream of the night before and i received nothing.

8/8/2011 (Dream) My INTENTION AT BEDTIME WAS FOR JARED..I was jogging down a hill and jumping across rocks, not paying attention and some people were there as I confidently jumped perfectly on every stone. Near a road  there were some people standing there and i was there to search for a missing man. Jared was not mentioned in the dream.

I watched as a group of 6 people were heading up a small hill into the woods. Then i looked through the trees in the distance and saw a young girl with long hair standing there, she looked scared and backed off as a person on a horse went in front of her, as i watched them i didn’t get the feeling they were a search party as i thought more of a group of hikers, but i could be wrong.

I didn’t want to wait to go in the woods because i was there to find the missing man. One older gentleman near the road showed me a map and as i looked at the map he told me i was looking at the wrong part of the map. There was a dot that showed a point of interest on land but not too far from the water. There was a body of water below this area of land, i am not sure how far inward this was, but the man said to me something significant.

On the water and on the map there were fish symbols on there, one of them was a picture of a Gar. He never mentioned where or why he was showing me this map, NOR DID HE SAY HE WOULD BE IN THE WATER.

Below is the link to the map i was showed in my dream, this does not mean he is there..its just the map i was shown..also not sure of the scale..pond?? lake? river?


Psychic Dream Of Pond For Jared Hanna Master Image


11/7/2011 (Lunch Meditation) Black and White vision looked like a pickup truck, then a guy with a beard and long hair almost to his shoulders.

11/14/2011 (Evening Meditation) I asked in my meditation to tell me or show me where Jared is at this time: I heard a woman’s voice singing….”Need to learn to start lifting things up”.

When I heard this, right off I thought perhaps Jared is under something and if someone lifted something up and looked, they may find him?

1/15/2011 (lunch meditation) I asked is he on land or in water? I saw 2 baseball players falling on the ground, then I heard talk about a settlement, like between 2 people.

11/16/2011 (Lunch meditation) I asked for a name if anyone hurt jared? I faintly saw a guy I work with named Glen Johnson and in my thoughts i thought of him accepting an award. He is a very large overweight person, then i saw 4 pcs of a face trying to come together then broke apart again.

Maybe symbolism here with a man I know? Maybe Jared knew a man named Glen or a guy really overweight?

11/26/2011 (Bedtime Vision) I prayed for Jared Hanna and i saw a vision of a man with a gun and there was another man standing there.

(Vision 2) I continued praying for Jared after the first vision and then i saw this beautiful black woman crouched down near the ground and she was looking right at me. This lasted only seconds and I didn’t notice anything else as it left.

12/25/2011 As i was praying i heard my thoughts tell me two things one was Jared and another was Aliahna lemmon and i was wrong on the last girl. So was that my thoughts projecting??

it just came so fluently to me and i wasn’t even thinking this. Out of the clear blue I heard Jared is in Winchester Illinois which is less than one hour north of his hometown…but…was this misinformation?

Heather cannot put the connection to it. And i never even heard of this town until i googled it on the map and i don’t look at maps for Illinois that often. Its confusing because i trust my dreams more than i trust my hearing of information and I just wanted to point this out there to everyone…thanks.

DECEMBER 2011-Theresa saw a Ape standing near our bed, this was an open eye vision.

There is a connection to seeing this and Jared.

1/5/2012 Theresa saw a open eyed vision of a picture frame with an Apes head with horns on it.

5/14/2012 (Lunch Meditation) I saw a woman dancing in a cat suit, then the pussycat dolls were showed to me.

I was given a place that may be of interest, its a strip bar. I would have to dig and try to find the information of who sent it?

5/15/2012 (Lunch Meditation) I asked for a continuation of where Jared is from yesterday? I saw people dancing again, then a black image of a landscape. It was blurry and small.

10/18/2012 (Lunch meditation Vision) I saw a man hold a baby chick up in the air in front of him..faintly saw this…..then after a set of mans eyes.

10/22/2012 (Lunch meditation) I saw a faint Skeleton Head come in.

10/31/2012= Bedtime intention for Jared, this was my last dream.

I was with a older man and a woman in a small boat then i stepped out of it on some land and below me they looked down at my feet as i was standing on some screen type grating or small wire mesh. It was mixed in with brush as i was standing on it and they said there is a body under it.

I looked down but could see no body but it could of been under it. Then the scene changed and i was with them on a larger body of water and a bigger boat and i said where are we going?

I said ooh we are going Bass fishing and we are going to south pond…I have been there before, then another boat behind us kept going around in circles behind us.

Jared Hanna and boat dream Master Image

2/4/2013 (lunch meditation) I asked exactly where Jareds body is and I was shown a very blurry vision like of google earth and it took me over land and went down to a spot, again unclear to know.

6/20/2013 (Lunch meditation) I saw a house.

6/25/2013 (Lunch meditation) I saw a blurry house.

6/25/2013 I saw 2 kids playing on the ground and i heard Dearborn or Deboer? I asked for a exact location- street name business town.

Me- Dear Pat I was wondering if you read my post that Heather commented on awhile back about the map I was shown in my dream? she had confirmed to the point where she said the map it looked like where they found the truck as there were woods there in my dream and water behind but not sure by the map how far away the water was?

The interesting thing I point out is I had no idea what that area looked like or what the body of water is around there but on that map the older man showed me was a picture of a gar a fish not in the waters in my state.

I have never seen in person and I think in your waters where you are and there were symbols under it he mentioned some importance of that water to me in the dream but would not tell me he was there. I just had intention for your son and in the dream I knew I was looking for a missing man.

1/2, 7:18pm

Pat New- Yes the 4 year old has come up with some pretty interesting things. The first time she was where I work and we had the poster up and she was staring at it and she said “Daddy is laying in a ditch with bugs and worms crawling all over him.

Needless to say it floored us then she has pointed to a map and out of the blue said “daddy is here” of course we searched that area and found nothing. Then recently she was in bed crying and Heather went up to check on her and she said “I’m hungry but daddy said its time to go to bed and sleep”.

Then as recent as a couple days before Christmas she came up stairs to Heather and said “Aunt Heather you will find daddy before Christmas and his hand will be sticking up but you will have to dig the rest of him up. She has made comments about him being wrapped up.

Me- It’s funny how i have received some amazing stuff for certain people…and some I believe about Jared…but none depict…where he is? I had wondered if any of these bars he went to had a cellar to them…meaning maybe down stair bars?

1/4, 5:29pm

Pat New- I wondered also if there was a down stairs too

Me- I only say this as 2 dreams I had over the last months, one was a downstairs bar and trouble came to me really bad. I needed to get out of there as some guy named…I will have to check this out in my dream book and the other night I was at a bar and two men came to me looking for trouble and I wanted to leave when I did my vehicle was gone.


Me- Ok Pat just give this a chance I just last night mentioned to you my very gifted wife saw an ape standing next to our bed weeks ago. Now this would be a clairvoyant image of an ape, and now every night I have prayed for your son and asked God to help me with dreams and visions. Now my wife has been involved with things I have asked for as well.

Now get this, on the site I belong to that Heather is part of a woman on there just meditated and received all this info and mentioned a Bigfoot and a man in an ape suit doing this all for your son! If this isn’t confirmation I don’t know what is?

I am talking with her but I don’t want to give them what we discuss because it’s better for people to get the confirmations and then bring things up like the ape as this is big to me. I think it’s Very viable. You find the rubber ape hand, my wife sees the Ape image and now this Psychic sees an Ape suit.


Jared Hanna Search Party find Master Image


1/5, 8:18pm

Me- She sees a bigfoot but then says a man in an ape suit, I believe this so much that 2 people confirmed, my wife and this woman on the site. What are the odds since 2008 my wife has seen spirits and things in our bedroom every night and never has seen an image of an ape? I am willing to bet whoever wears this ape suit knows a lot!

Me- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:04 pm

This is what the person wrote about what she saw with the Ape.

I kept going way too deep with this meditation, and jerking out of it. Don’t know how much is for Jared as I am sure I lost my focus. He was the intent though. This also bothers me because it has a couple things I have read, and could be in my subconscious. Most of it though I have no idea where it came from, so I am posting it anyway. The names did not feel like they were involved, just hellos from someone who knows, might not even be real names.


Before completely clearing my mind, I saw either witchcraft or war craft (I think the first) typed four times in a list.

I see a dark blue pickup truck again.

Saw the dark shape of a big foot, the big toe was really big, and it was kind of in a rounded heart shape at the bottom.

I see a law enforcement officer from the back. I think Sheriff because he is wearing a hat. He has a solid build, and I can see the hair clipped close to his neck below his brown hat. He takes his hat off and tips it, like giving condolences.

I see blood on the wall of a house, near a sofa. Looks like fingers dragged down the wall. Paneling painted light blue, I think.

See a guy in his 20’s. Right eye is bigger than the left. Thin. Straight thick bangs. brown  hair.

Devon, substitute kid Chris.

Big pay off coming at the end of the month.

I see a stack of money, two to three inches thick. The top half inch is thumbed through and I see all ones.

Rest in peace Jill Tien(TN)spelling?

I see a wide red brick sidewalk, curved. There is a small retaining wall on one side. There are dried leaves on the ground near the wall, reminds me of a university.

Heard, Molly! Molly, please! in a firm voice. Then, Mom, he’s not here! Mom is short, dyed blond hair and glasses.

Any clue on Gina Shephard’s neighbor?

Marilyn Hall

I see the skyline of Chicago

At first I thought I saw a big foot,  then  I realized it was someone in an ape costume. They punched me in the face.

I saw Jared and a woman with long light brown hair, very thin, fine, hair, in a ponytail. She had glasses. They walked up to a podium at an event, and Jared reached for the microphone. I saw a little girl sitting in a chair at a table look back and say look, love from dad and grandma.

I saw some kind of recording equipment, I think. It was a dark rectangle with a circle in the center. The circle was either indented, or a different material. It made me think of recording equipment.

Saw circles going out from the center, like energy waves, or sonar or something.

1/6, 5:47am

Me- Ok…now every morning I just ask my wife what she sees at night and i told her what has been shown by the luckiest mom on the site…and what you found and her ape vision. This morning I asked her again and she said when she woke up they showed her just like a picture frame with the Apes head inside except the had devil horns which tells me he is bad. You are so welcome I firmly believe this is progress.

2/24, 11:28am

Pat New- your dream is familiar.. Where we are looking for Jared and have not been able to get really into is the very tall elephant grass that looks feathery on the top. Very difficult to walk through in the spring for the most part you cannot get through it. Knife is a weapon of interest also.

5/14, 5:31pm

Me- Pat I received two visions today about Jared…what to do with them sometimes is the hardest thing to know?? I asked where is he?  I saw a woman with a cat costume on…dancing with a guy…then I saw the pussycat dolls, they were a music group…so now….how do we discern that?  Well it may mean a strip bar? maybe with a cat name to it? I will check this out.

This is very draining I am checking now why the cat theme I am getting no strip clubs give any clues for that except Chicago.

Update, someone sent me information on a strip club that may be something in regards to my vision?

Unless it’s something else…do you know when find me will start??

10/3, 9:00pm

Pat New- we got a call at our sheriffs department from a girl who’s x husband called her and told her that he over heard a couple guys talking at a party and one of them said he and another guy beat Jared with a ball bat he came to their trailer looking for gas or a way to go get some and they were partying at the trailer drunk came out got into an argument with Jared and killed him.

We also had a report right after Jared went missing that someone saw two guys dragging a black garbage bag or something onto the property where we are finally getting to search we are taking police and cadaver dogs family and the search team is bringing 17 people it is the land to the south of where Jared went missing the trailer this guy was talking about is the last trailer on college road there are four of them in a row you can see them on google maps it’s when you first turn onto college off of Jolliff bridge road.

10/5, 7:47pm

Pat New- Jared has to be in that area we have searched everything around that property i feel we could of found him the first day had they let us on the property

Me- no kidding!!!! on the woods…omg…he could of been moved by now too…I remember a bit ago when I was told when meditating I heard a woman sing to me…THEY HAVE TO LEARN TO LIFT THINGS UP!”  I heard her said that to me.

Pat New- I remember that and we have moved things I never dreamed could be moved there is so much junk and crap dumped all over the woods and creek in that area I even found in the creek a syringe with fresh blood in it, it’s a sad area

10/16, 10:56pm

Pat New- Source states that Jared is deceased and his remains can be located at or near GPS coordinates 38 33’06.61”N 89 09’17.14”W. (NY)

Source states that Jared is deceased and his remains can be located at or near GPS coordinates 38 33’19.53”N 89 09’18.83”W. Further described as in or near water. (RR)

Pat New- these are the coordinates we went to on Jolliff Bridge Road

When we were checking on owl road on that one piece of property the owner’s son came and ran us off of it after his dad said that we could search it was not a friendly man at all and we haven’t been back in that area at all none of the coordinates matched that area. That was in the area of St Libory Illinois

We Just received an email from Chief deputy Etter from Clinton Co Sheriffs dept he wants me to come and get black bag and the items that were in it, they don’t think it is pertinent to the case I think they are quitting.

October 17, 2012

Me- That map I saw in my dream had water on it and the old man told me something was important about that on my map but he didn’t tell me Jared was in the water. I just know that dream and map was for him and I am going to start today again for Jared.

Will find me or has any of them seen how he is positioned on land?? Or water?

Pat New- all say he is deceased and most say near water but not in water.

Me-  I agree….other things I have been shown says land also…As soon as I get something in my dreams or visions I will report back.

Me- I can only say I prayed for Jared last night and this was my last dream of the morning once again it seems like when the older man when I first started dreaming about Jared he took me to a body of water and land.

Here we go again…and once I heard a woman tell me they have to learn to start lifting things up….and in this dream I was standing on something that the person said a body was under it still I will not give up….is there any bodies of water that kind of big boats go on besides the large river there where you all live?

10/31/2012= I was with an older man and a woman in a small boat then I stepped out of it on some land and below me they looked down at my feet as I was standing on some screen type grating or small wire mesh. It was mixed in with brush as i was standing on it and they said there is a body under it.

I looked down but could see no body but it could of been under it. Then I was with them on a larger body of water and a bigger boat and I said where are we going? I said ooh we are going Bass fishing and we are going to south pond…I have been there before, then another boat behind us kept going around in circles behind us.

November 2, 2012

Pat New- yes Kaskaskia River is right there and Carlyle Lake which is HUGE

Me- I will talk more later after work….this is good because it gives me more confidence in doing what I can do to help.

In the many talks about Jared Hanna Psychic Work with Pat, these comments below are really interesting.

Pat New- I am going to go Saturday night and talk to an old friend Saturday night.  Heather took the girls trick or treating there Wednesday night and Jenny his wife said that he has been having thing happen to him in the daytime.  He doesn’t believe in spirits or anything related to such.

Bill works in a mine and spends most of his time in the shaft alone. He said he wouldn’t know Jared if he were to walk up to him on the street the last time he saw him he was small.(Jared and their son Jason were friends in grade school and Jason died of a brain aneurysm a few years ago).

He once again told Heather he “didn’t believe in this crap”.  But he said that Jared came to him while he was in the shaft and told him “tell my mom I’m ok” well Jason didn’t and once again he came to him in the shaft and said “you didn’t tell mom i’m ok” Bill told him well what about your dad he said “NO” “MY MOM” and he was very adamant.

   Bill asked him where he was he said it was cold, wet, and dark. Bill had more to say, but he wanted to talk to me and not Heather so I am going to go talk to him.  He also said he was so upset he told a friend and had him to write it all down so he didn’t think he was going crazy

Me- Pat this is the real deal I believe, first off he is a non believer and for whatever reason Jared picked him I am not sure but might be in the path for this man to wake up in his own life and believe that things like this are for real and to have a skeptic say this…to me is big…The place where it is dark and wet and cold.

That spot i saw in my dream was under the ground behind metal wires or mesh of sorts…could he be in a manhole? or an off the side of the road many hole some pipe of sorts??? I can’t wait for you to speak with him…and i know this…spirits do come to people.

11/2, 12:40pm

Pat New- oh most definitely they do he said he had more to say but wanted to talk to me personally

Me- That is huge Remember sometimes on the other side it’s more important for them to say i love you than to find their body. I have heard it’s not the most important thing now that they are there I pray still he wants to be found. 🙂

Pat New- I know especially when he was adamant about tell my mom i’m ok he knew I always worried about him and he used to call me almost everyday

11/4, 2:03pm

Pat New- Well I went and talked to Bill he was so uplifted he said it was like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He told me that they didn’t “talk” but communicated on a different level, he said Jared was very angry with him because he hadn’t told me what he wanted him to say.

He told Bill that to tell mom that I am ok I am dead but I am ok. Jared said tell mom it was not robbery that those things were planted there and he knew that he said tell her they didn’t take what was special to him and he touched his neck (Jared wore a cross) and evidently he is still wearing it.

Tell mom I can’t tell her where I am at and Bill explained it the way he felt it from Jared like he was killed somewhere else then his body was moved and when they did that his spirit stayed where they murdered him and he can’t see his body so he doesn’t know where it is. All he knows is that it is cold, damp and dark where he is but no wet.

Bill is having a hard time understanding why him he hasn’t seen Jared since he was in diapers and I haven’t seen or spoke to him in about 20 years.  The only thing I can figure out Bill works in a rock mine and knows what it’s like and Bill was real adamant about us looking in the mine in that area.

Me- Pat this makes so much sense..and I am so sorry…that had to be so hard to hear this…..what does it mean those things were planted there? you mean the bag???…..looking in a mine or hole of sorts….if there is a cover over it…my drawing and not to say i know where he is…this mine might have a removable cover over it….that would make some sense as to why him as he would understand.

Pat New- yes the bag cell phone and wallet why not just throw them in a hole with him instead of planting them somewhere else…..yes we are thinking an air shaft there is a mine that runs all under where the truck was found. Also he told Bill he is not where the truck was

Me- the only thing I want to ask is…at first we thought it was wet or damp…not it is not either and it’s dry??

ok where his spirit is its dark and cold and damp not the body….that could be a mine….you will have to dig good and study or get help on any known mines in the whole area and then some…what a trial this has been for your family….. 🙁

Pat New- Bill said that a mine shaft stays the same temperature all year round if you throw an orange peel in there it will stay just like you threw it takes a long time to rot, if you urinate in the floor and leave it and come back the next day unless you go in front of the fans it too will still be there just like you left it. He said it isn’t wet but feels damp dark and cold, maybe the shaft is near water

Me- maybe like my dream…again not to say that is true…you saw my drawing right….I  believe there is a body under that metal wire mesh in the earth….the body of water could be small or could be large….

Pat New- no his body is where it is dark damp and cold but Jared doesn’t know where that it, he said tell mom i’m sorry but I don’t know I can’t tell you where it is at just how I feel

That is very true there may be a puddle down there and he is near it.

Me- yes I understand…..sounds like it could be a mine…after that dream i had…i am convinced at least to me…he is underground…and there is no way unless its not meant to be for me to know where he is..i am not going to give up as long as i keep getting stuff on him…

Pat New- his spirit seems to be able to move around if he made his way to Bill back in a rock mine in Alton Il which is almost 2 hours from where he went missing

I think your picture is correct and we need to look for something like that that they can lift up that’s why we never smelled anything or the buzzards didn’t circle either he is under ground and Bill said down there it won’t produce an odor but will decompose

Me- yes….maybe he couldn’t see where they took the remains because he just couldn’t at that time of transition….maybe too many things were going on with his spirit….yes I agree…it has moved around…so how is he stuck there??? these are the mysteries of how this all works.

remember one day I was meditating on Jared and I heard the woman tell me in my head….they need to learn to lift things up….i heard her so clear…this is all making sense now.

Pat New- he said because they moved his body his soul came out of it where it happened at and they dumped him some where else.  I think Jared was not dead when they moved the body but was in the process and his soul got left behind does that make any sense

Me- yes it does…he might of been so out of it….yes that makes sense……it was last November my hearing of this….

November 14 2011=Evening Meditation-I asked in my meditation to tell me or show me where Jared is at this time: I heard a woman’s voice singing….”Need to learn to start lifting things up”

Pat New- and we have been I just don’t think in the right spot

Me- Did you leave it with this guy that if Jared comes back he is to ask him some questions for you?

Pat New- yes I did tell him that I told him I hope since he gave me my message that Jared doesn’t quit coming to him

I think Jared was murdered out in that area somewhere I have not been to the dam area to check it out

Me- you know…Jared is not resting right now…he may want justice here and them bastards taking him away from his momma and his girls and family….sounds like he has a strong will spirit and hopefully this is not the last time he will show…but….there might come a day where he stops…God I hope he keeps going to him.

Pat New- I hope so too I guess Bill could say mom has been looking for your guitar and amp, but she can’t find it……

Me- yes……he has to know who killed him…unless he never saw it coming…or  he does not know their names.

Pat I had always thought that these 2 dreams were about Jared…but of course i cannot prove it.



Me- I know it was a truck…dreams are not always exact

Pat New- I pray every night Todd and I talk to Jared continuously.

Me- good….i believe he must hear you….and for some reason that guy in the mine is able to communicate..and somehow Jared knew this….he must keep up the communication..and for the amount of time you may or may not have…he must ask the critical questions as you may not get too many left to ask.

November 13, 2012

Pat New- Billy just came up here something happened again there were two guys with Jared and one guy was holding a dog back and the other guy was telling him to keep it quiet. There was another dog not making any noise and there was a dirt bike there and Bill said four wheeler and he said NO dirt bike and he could see a dirt bike with knobby tires.

Billy said he got the feeling its a place where they ride dirt bikes and we are all over it.  Also he kept saying the guy with the “BIGFOOT” hair a regular mans face but bushy almost to the shoulders hair he got the feeling Jared knows him, but isn’t afraid of him, but he doesn’t trust him.

11/15, 10:39pm

Pat New- Bill got again that it was early morning right before the sun came up that something happened to Jared and that where he went wasn’t far from the truck, but he never made it back to it.

5/7, 9:02pm

Me- I will get back to you soon…I meditated today..was shown letters..but only could see the letter L shown to me…I am going to spend the rest of the week at work meditating..and lets try again…I don’t ever want to get your hopes up…but lets just see what happens again…take care dear.

June 15, 2013

Pat New- If you mean my friend Billy that Jared went too in the rock quarry no he has had no more contact since he came and told me what Jared wanted him to tell me and that was ” TELL MY MOM I AM OK…..TELL HER IT WASN’T ROBBERY….HE PATTED HIS LEFT POCKET ON HIS SHORTS.”

Billy never actually saw him but it was more like a feeling and a vision and he said they never spoke but it was like he knew, and he was alone in the mine shaft and it scared the heck out of him. he also said that he didn’t tell me at first and he came back and said “YOU DIDN’T TELL MY MOM…Bill said what if I tell your dad I see him all the time and Jared said to him NO TELL MY MOM!!” Once Bill told me he was very at peace he even cried.

Me- ok I had to ask again 11/26/2011 i had two visions one a man with a gun and there was another man..then after that i saw this beautiful black woman near the ground and she looked right at me…

8/19, 6:48pm

Me- Hello Pat….would you allow me to put you on my next list of people for a psychic reading?? sometimes deceased family members show up…cannot guarantee Jared will..but it has been happening….let me know..it will take awhile to get to you..but i will do this for you.

Pat New- That would be great Todd thank you so much he has been in my thoughts so much today

Me- way cool!!! i have a few slots left..i have been doing free readings since spring..omg….it has been amazing….sometimes the spirit themselves will show themselves to me…and i hear them as well all the time…i will put you on the list right now…love you!!

3/5, 8:17pm

Me- Pat i am still receiving information…sometimes the connections are coming in fast and i almost miss them so i am doing my best to write down what i am hearing. It looks like i am going to continue this into next week as well…so far all this week i have received stuff…so as i said i will keep it going until the energy runs out…if that means all next week as well..i will do it…

Pat New- that is awesome, I will be waiting

3/5, 8:52pm

Me- Good please keep that up…i think that some of what i have been hearing is about him…but again some of the connections of what i hear is sometimes fast and hard to determine…i am going to at least ask you this…..do you have a case folder?

This is exactly what spirit told me…… “Put something in your case folder”

Pat New- as in what I have a brief case full of paper work since he went missing and heather also has a lot too.

Me-ok then….. “put something in your case folder” this is what i was told to tell you.

Pat New- ok I will think on this

3/5, 8:55pm

Me- Ok i will have you read this first..then we can begin…

Just so you know these images or movies or what i hear from spirit can be about past events, present events or future events.

From what i have learned thus far it can be information given

to me from a loved one in spirit either family or friend from your past. I have also been given information about people other than you. Family, friends, people you just may know?. Another aspect is i have been shown movies of people that are still living example someone’s sister. You may or may not understand what is told to you…sometimes

one never understands one of the messages and you may not get the answer for a week later..or even as one woman said 5 months later the event came to pass. Sometimes you have to ask family members if anything makes sense and sometimes a mother or aunt or grandmother may know the answer?

there are times when i am only picking up information from your Aura and the message is not coming from spirit at all. I have also found that if i get information shown or told to me…perhaps the previous message i gave to you or the following message I give may be all connected to one spirit and may of said a few things that will connect it to them. Sometimes i am shown and told stuff that have gone back 25 or more years.

when I tell you what i heard or saw..all i will need for you to just say yes i understand….or no i don’t understand…and don’t explain anything until i ask.

I do this work alone in my suv and just connect to spirit that way closing my eyes and putting a sleep mask over my eyes and just zone out. that is when i will receive the information over a span of 25 mins..sometimes i connect a bit during that time and some days i don’t connect at all especially if i am having a bad day. I will do this over the course of 3-4 days until i feel i received enough information to share with you.

Remember some of these messages could be about a friend of yours…a family member..so keep that in mind as deceased people that others knew of..gave me messages about others. Also i can only share with you what Spirit shows and tells me..like my last reading..she didn’t know about suffocation.

She had to ask her mom and found out her brother had died from being suffocated by the moms umbilical cord. Just remember most importantly…I can only pass on to you what i am being shown and told and i can only give a guess to what it may mean?

Me- I just want you to make sure you know that sometimes you may not understand something….or…sometimes i may get a word wrong in hearing…but i will tell you if i think that happened in some posts i post to you.

Pat the very first thing i heard was this…now know that sometimes like my last reading i heard something said and it was from someone alive….so this could be someone alive who said this..or someone deceased you may of known they said this to me…does this make any sense????     somebody’s calling themselves  “I’m the town tramp”

Me- just say yes….or no

Pat New- yes


Me- Was this someone alive who might of said this or someone who passed?

Pat New- passed

Me- ok…..we can go back to this after in case they come back with another message

ok the next one…see sometimes they give me a message and then they come back later…

Pat does this make any sense to you….I heard this told to me   – I heard “Fix it for a thousand 6…

Pat New- no

Me- ok you can keep that in mind for later…i thought it meant someone may need repairs for 1600 dollars…

Pat New- omg never thought of it that way yes!


Me- This could happen down the road….let’s hope not…just know this could happen to someone you know…….what does yes mean?

Pat New- yes I know what it means

Todd Sheldon- ok hold on that one for now…

This i heard…..now understand that sometimes I mishear a word…so it could be one…or the other..or something very close to…“kill the swindels” or “kill the “swindells”

Pat New- ok maybe he was being swindelled like out of money omg I may know what that is too.


Pat New- I can explain if you like Jared’s girls mom and her boyfriend was always taking money from jared they swindled him they had even beaten him up a couple of times.

Me- ooh…..man….i think i got stuff told to me about her…don’t say anything else stop.

Pat New- probably also the 1600 is what it was going to cost to fix our blazer so we traded it lol

Me- I heard fix it for a thousand 6…..omg..too funny ok lets move on…

Me- Ok Pat….i don’t know who this is for…but spirit came in and told me this does this make sense for anyone you know? or knew? “Choose what you need to do to lose weight”

Pat New- lol wanna go 4 for 4?

Me- did that make any sense or no?

Pat New- yes we just joined the gym because my husband is over weight and is a very bad diabetic and I am on him constantly to lose weight and I just lost 10 lbs myself.


Pat New- He is thinking about the gastric surgery

Me- I want to go back the the person who came in and said I am the town tramp but lets wait still..

Ok…let me ask you this….i told you that spirit came in and said one of the most beautiful things i had ever heard doing this work…and i never heard any human ever say this either….so let me at least ask you this

Ok….now…only you can understand what this means to you?? i cannot…here it comes…

 “My Eternal flame has become my Maternal flame” then something about breakfast was mentioned afterwards.

i heard my eternal flame has become my maternal flame…

then after breakfast was mentioned but i didn’t get the whole thing said…

Pat New- mmmmi don’t know

Me- really think about this, “My Eternal flame has become my Maternal flame   somebody in spirit said this to me.

Maternal is usually between a mother and child…

Pat New- that’s what I was just going to say

Me- To me this is very powerful…..like someone is saying their love for their family member is forever….eternal….always lit….

Pat- I would get a call from Jared and he would say you know mom I could sure go for some of your breakfast ask him what and he would say anything. I think it was the fact that we would sit down eat and talk was very special times.

Me- wow!! well breakfast was mentioned right after…Pat i would bet…that your son said this beautiful quote to me for you……..i never in my life would ever say anything like that..or ever heard of this..

Pat New- I have that feeling also he and i were very close

Me- I saw a woman with glasses and long hair and she has people sitting in a room on chairs in a circle.

does this make sense? dead or alive??

Pat New- no

Me- interesting…..she had glasses…long hair…and i saw people sitting in a circle of chairs,i saw this  very clearly. I don’t know if this is a clue?? or just someone who died or something coming?

Pat New- I will have to think on that one most people i know have short hair lol

Me- ok explain the town tramp one?

Pat New- when i was a kid we had three neighbors that lived together brother Harold, sister Ollie and Meg, they drank ALOT and we would find them in the ditch outside our house one or the other stumbling drunk and my dad would get them up and walk them home and old Ollie May was always nasty and the town tramp always dragging a man home lol

Me- LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg….and she is deceased.

Pat New- she tried to get my dad more than once hanging onto to him etc we got a good laugh out of it yes they all three died many years ago

Pat New- It had to be Ollie she would always wave and say “hey honey how you doin”

Me- omg…that is awesome….

Pat New- Meg was sweet Harold was quiet Ollie was nasty

Me- when did she die?

Pat- oh wow probably the 60’s yes brings back memories and laughs

Me- Does this woman’s name make any sense?? this could be a clue to Jared i don’t know?? I thought of the name Krista.

Pat New- Jared’s best friend was Derek Allen, his mom was Krista the boys stayed back and forth at each others house and Derek took Jareds car and totaled it out in a field and hurt himself pretty bad.

Krista quit talking to me and they tried to sue me for medical bill they are big farmers and have own helicopter i always said what goes around comes around she walked out to get the mail across the highway was on the phone she worked at home and she was struck and killed by a van she loved jared and always wanted to trade me kids.


Me- omg!

Pat New- They never replaced jareds car and almost a year to the day Dereks dad Steve wrecked on his motorcycle and broke his neck and died. Grandpa caught himself on fire in his car and died later from injuries.

Me- Pat i will always ask spirit to please shout out their names to the person will know who comes in and i heard….”Krista”  damn….that was so clear..and see she is deceased as well…i am willing to bet the town tramp is ollie….from past experiences with my readings.

Me- “Sometimes my mom comes in and i have to go back to work now”. does this make sense?

Pat New- no not right of hand

Me- Ok….might be someone alive or dead…whos mom visited them while they worked or they were not doing their work when mom came in.

Pat New- unless when jared worked for the camper place i would pop in and see him while he worked on occasion.

It was the last one here that made me wonder, because it’s someone’s child mentioning their mom visiting them at work. Was this Jared who spoke this to me for Pat?

Me- wow……now the last one is really big if this confirms…ok this is what i was told. something about “a cross hanging on a sign” is this a clue?

Pat New- church? he always wore a cross around his neck.

Me- Interesting as I asked today “please tell me the closest road or street you are at?” and whether this is what he told me as a clue??? i heard “A cross hanging on a sign.”

Note: Was this about a cross that Pat said he wore around his neck? Maybe this was a railroad crossing sign? Or possibly a cross on a sign near a church?

pat if this is a clue….could this pan out?

Pat New- possibly we have a new story told to me about what happened to him

PAT NEW- 3/2/2015


13:25- somebody’s calling them self “I’m the town tramp”= YES

17:30- I heard “Fix it for a thousand 6…1600.= YES

18:15- “kill the swindels” or “kill the “swindells”= MAYBE

20:00- “Choose what you need to do to lose weight”= YES


05:40- “My Eternal flame has become my Maternal flame” then something about breakfast was mentioned afterwards=  MAYBE

12:20- I saw a woman with glasses and long hair and she has people sitting in a room on chairs in a circle= No


10:45- Did someone have a child with someone? something about the rent. did someone dump someone?=YES IT’S PRIVATE

11:00- “Put something in your case folder”= YES


8:40- I heard the name Krista told to me= YES

11:00- “sometimes my mom comes in and i have to go back to work now”= MAYBE

13:20- I heard something about “a cross hanging on a sign”= ?

I asked before the reading if jared would tell me where he is at the closest street or road he is at?

Me- Hello Pat today was strange….i heard one thing and then my father came in on your reading…LOL!!! my father is deceased and has never just barged in anyone’s reading….it was awesome…ok this is what i heard…today i asked specifically for jared only….this could sound cryptic but this is what i heard.

“I’ve never seen a footprint”  does this make any sense to you and does not have to be jared either?

I asked him to show me where he is…and i heard I’ve never seen a footprint….does that mean anything other than him??? or could it mean water?

Pat New- wow todd I don’t know?

Me- Pat, Heather confirmed my dream this morning. .initials JE on a hatchet and i saw two bodies in a dirt hole We don’t know if he showed me this but the initials on the hatchet matched so interesting?

Me- remember Pat…these can be about dead people…alive people…maybe even again clues from Jared himself…..like names….if you hear a name and don’t understand it….it may be some kinda clue to who he was with?? Can’t say for sure..but ok here goes…

Do you know a female named “Jessie”   I heard the name Jessie told to me and that was it? just say yes or no

 Pat New- no

Me- ok….we shall go on, I heard that very clearly…do you know a Lindsey?

Me- Do you know a Lindsey? something about a ball when she comes up? that is exactly what i heard

Pat New- no not that I can think of

Me- ok here is another odd one……….i thought of a dog maybe…i don’t know?? who is “Talos” or a word sounds close to that

Pat New- i have no idea my niece’s last name in Wisconsin is Tello

Me- after that i heard this……..not sure who told me this…..so far things are a mystery for today’s reading….this is what i heard………..heard something about an “alcohol party” i don’t know if talos has anything to do with that…or jared that night?

Pat New- mmm we have heard stories of a couple of parties that night out there where he went missing.

Reading visions and hearing:


05:40- “My Eternal flame has become my Maternal flame” then something about breakfast was mentioned afterwards.

12:20- I saw a woman with glasses and long hair and she has people sitting in a room on chairs in a circle.


10:45- did someone have a child with someone? something about the rent. did someone dump someone?

11:00- “put something in your case folder”


08:40- I heard the name Krista told to me

11:00- “sometimes my mom comes in and i have to go back to work now”.

13:20- I heard something about “a cross hanging on a sign”

I asked before the reading if jared would tell me where he is at the closest street or road he is at?

Monday 3-9-2015

07:00 “Ive never seen a footprint”

13.20 i saw my father.. sitting down and moved his hair to the side.

Tuesday- asking if dream I had was about jared.

11:00- “Gray Alien” then i saw a scrolling from the ground and something was shown but i could not tell maybe a alien?


09:20- do you know a female named “jessie”

12:30- do you know a Lindsey? something about a ball when she comes up?

14:00- who is “Talos”

16:20 heard something about a “alcohol party”

Todd Sheldon- remember dreams are not always exact…even my prophecy ones are a little different…..i looked down and a corpse half skeleton was in a shallow grave…and at the end of the feet there was another hole with another body in it. I crouched down and picked up a very dirty hatchet…and i saw those initials on it….JE <3 _ _    i thought it was KH but i cannot be definite……..then i woke up…but the heart was so red on the handle.

Pat New- only person i can think of is Kayden Hanna his daughter she had a lot of dreams in the beginning and one night Heather heard her crying and she went up stairs to her and she said she was hungry but daddy told her she needed to go to sleep.

Me- I asked my wife to ask spirit where he was and to your knowledge at any time?? did anyone ever find 55 dollars in a field?   my wife read   “found 55 dollars in a field”

Me- Heather said someone did find a wallet near the creek..

Me- Got a few things today…go over it later..some strange stuff..saw a female…then later saw two fighting on the ground.

Me- I am going over what i heard and saw today….but…my wife said she will do this for a few nights…and i must tell you…she loves her guides and Angels….and she asked about Jared and mentioned to them about helping her and getting info from Jared himself on where he is cause his family needs to know… and though i cannot definitely know this was him….this is another message she saw early this morning….. “I’m ok in my place”

Me-ok…lets start…remember pat…..some of the stuff may not be about jared…could be a family member who passed….or someone who is alive??

Someone mentioned something about  “Equal Trust” does this make any sense???

Pat New- unless it has to do with my retirements I have left to the kids equally.

Me- I saw a woman with long straight brown hair and glasses complaining or just looked mad about something big time and looked like she was in the woods or near the woods, maybe holding a guitar? not wicked sure on the guitar?? this was strange….and she was not happy….someone wanted me to see this…

Pat New- well jareds guitar is missing yes he picked it up on Friday before he went missing and it’s no where to be found we believe he had it with him.

Pat New- you didn’t see the color of the guitar

i don’t know anyone with long brown hair my best friend did when she was younger she passed away about 8 years ago

Pat New- oh wow my 4th grade teacher Miss Pedigo did and she was always angry and played the guitar beautifully.


Me- ok that may be her….

Pat New- wore long skirts long hair glasses and hairy legs

Me- that’s it dear……she was sitting in a circle….with people like in a class…..she must of came back again and showed me the guitar as well…. that is it!!!

Pat New- sounds like it

Me- yes….it makes sense…the long hair and glasses woman came in twice…she was mad and had a guitar….you got it…..thank god…wow she came in huh?? when did she pass?? sitting in a class in a circle…makes sense with students….ok….next one..

Pat New- maybe about 15 years ago i think.

Me- I saw two women fighting on the ground.

PAT NEW- 3/2/2015 Psychic Reading:


13:25- somebody’s calling themself “I’m the town tramp”

17:30- I heard “Fix it for a thousand 6…1600.

18:15- “kill the swindels” or “kill the “swindells”

20:00- “Choose what you need to do to lose weight”


05:40- “My Eternal flame has become my Maternal flame” then something about breakfast was mentioned afterwards.

12:20- I saw a woman with glasses and long hair and she has people sitting in a room on chairs in a circle.


10:45- did someone have a child with someone? something about the rent. did someone dump someone?

11:00- “put something in your case folder”


08:40- I heard the name Krista told to me

11:00- “sometimes my mom comes in and i have to go back to work now”.

13:20- I heard something about “a cross hanging on a sign”

I asked before the reading if jared would tell me where he is at the closest street or road he is at?

Monday 3-9-2015

07:00 “I’ve never seen a footprint”

13.20 i saw my father.. sitting down and moved his hair to the side.

Tuesday- asking if dream I had was about jared.

11:00- “Gray Alien” then i saw a scrolling from the ground and something was shown but i could not tell maybe a alien?


09:20- do you know a female named “jessie”

12:30- do you know a Lindsey? something about a ball when she comes up?

14:00- who is “Talos”

16:20 heard something about an “alcohol party”


Theresa- “found 55 dollars in a field and “I’m ok in my place”

12:25- someone mentioned something about “Equal Trust”

14:20- I saw a woman with long straight brown hair and glasses complaining or just looked mad about something bigtime and looked like she was in the woods or near the woods, maybe holding a guitar?

17:20- I saw two women fighting on the ground.

Me- I asked today specifically….for jared stuff…i asked spirit to please allow this….so i asked…its ok……i asked jared to please…tell me where your remains are located give me a street sign with a name of a road or street that you are closest too….tell me what happened….and who was your killer?? and Pat….i got some info…not earth shattering..but son of a gun…i got some things…

The first thing someone told me was this….   “There definitely was a confrontation”

the next thing is how in the heck to you figure this out unless he was killed by someone he knew?? here it is…

 “One doesn’t drink the other one does”

I asked who killed him?

I asked for a street sign….i got shown a street sign…with a word…..but it was this……and i believe its back to the railroad again… I saw a sign with a word on it…. “Loco”

unless there is a street with that name on it…or partial.

ok even if i was just shown a partial….could be something…..but it could be locomotive…as well.

Pat New- that’s true trains run through that area constantly its all tracks

Me- I saw a animal that was getting ready to pounce on another one.

Sometimes i see animals as humans….to show me someone getting ready to attack someone…that was the very last thing i saw…… seems a lot of people are getting trains..and railroad tracks over time…

PAT NEW- 3/2/2015


13:25- somebody’s calling themself “I’m the town tramp”

17:30- I heard “Fix it for a thousand 6…1600.

18:15- “kill the swindels” or “kill the “swindells”

20:00- “Choose what you need to do to lose weight”


05:40- “My Eternal flame has become my Maternal flame” then something about breakfast was mentioned afterwards.

12:20- I saw a woman with glasses and long hair and she has people sitting in a room on chairs in a circle.


10:45- did someone have a child with someone? something about the rent. did someone dump someone?

11:00- “put something in your case folder”


08:40- I heard the name Krista told to me

11:00- “sometimes my mom comes in and i have to go back to work now”.

13:20- I heard something about “a cross hanging on a sign”

I asked before the reading if jared would tell me where he is at the closest street or road he is at?

Monday 3-9-2015

07:00 “Ive never seen a footprint”

13.20 i saw my father.. sitting down and moved his hair to the side.

Tuesday- asking if dream I had was about jared.

11:00- “Gray Alien” then i saw a scrolling from the ground and something was shown but i could not tell maybe a alien?


09:20- do you know a female named “jessie”

12:30- do you know a Lindsey? something about a ball when she comes up?

14:00- who is “Talos”

16:20 heard something about a “alcohol party”


Theresa- “found 55 dollars in a field and “I’m ok in my place”

12:25- someone mentioned something about “Equal Trust”

14:20- I saw a woman with long straight brown hair and glasses complaining or just looked mad about something bigtime and looked like she was in the woods or near the woods, maybe holding a guitar?

– I saw a animal that was getting ready to pounce on another one.

17:20- I saw two women fighting on the ground.

Tuesday 3-17-2015- I asked specifically for Jared whereabouts? and what happened? and who killed him?

9:42- “There definitely was a confrontation”

13:20- “One doesn’t drink the other one does”

14:40- I saw a sign with a word on it…. “Loco”

20:00- i saw a animal getting ready to attack another.

could be….i was surprised today….i got what i asked for..and its like someone is trying to help….first time i got a sign..with a word on it……that is rare….

Tuesday 3-17-2015- I asked specifically for Jared whereabouts? and what happened? and who killed him?

Me- That should be about it for now until i do my missing persons study. .i need to get to the next person. .thank you

Pat New- ok great  thank you so much

Me- ok pat here is what i got recently….if anything makes sense let me know?

Me- Today i asked your exact question and saw a older black man walking. Quick vision..so there is a black connection i believe is close to jared somehow.

I asked last night about your question…about the map

I heard this told to me…

“Arguing all night”, then i saw a woman in a dress walking through the woods..  then i heard a name told to me…”Roxanne”   what all that has to do with that photo is beyond me? but it relates to jared somehow….i will keep trying….


I am in bed and i asked “What name of a street or road is the closest in location to where Jared’s remains are?

I saw a black man wearing a cap maybe in his 50’s or 60’s but hard to get a def age and i heard him say “We beat the Pirates”.

He was putting each hand on his thighs like in a wait position. I got the sense that i wanted him to put out his hand in a closed fist so i could hold it and honor him because he was good.

now….could that man of been a baseball player from a long time ago? maybe his name could be the name of the street or road that is closest to the location of jared’s body?? i will investigate this now…

Pat New- Funny you should mention Blackman and baseball, Josh and I were going through pictures today and this was Jared’s favorite ball player Ozzie Smith but he is still alive.

Me- The problem is sometimes…..i get clues..and i trust everything…i get about jared….but….like that dead girl…it was something about her first job doing that work…but i cannot prove it had anything to do what killed her?? so sometimes i think i am getting stuff…about jared….that are important…but not always things that state where his body is, but some of it can be?

I posted this for the Public just in case maybe someone out there can figure out any of these clues and maybe this can lead to finding Jared.  Anyone that has any information or wants to share some info about any of my readings to Jared’s mother can contact me at todds15@hotmail.com thank you.

Dream Of Jared Hanna Intention Master Image

Very sad that Pat would pass on at the end of 2020 before she had a chance to find her missing son. I believe they already reunited on the other side. Thank you Pat New for giving me the opportunity to take the time to assist you in any way I could.
