Building Destroyed Master Image


With my experiencing Clairvoyance 2022 there have been only a few occasions in my life where I was scared crazy! For most people just saying demons or Satan spills fear and most people do not want to talk about it. I don’t talk about it or even watch anything that shows them in my life, unless in my opinion it happens to rear its ugly head in my life. 

I firmly believe in demons from the time I heard the man’s voice in my dream tell me I would see Demons and Deities and then the photos I captured started coming and coming of the strange. I even had dreams of the most craziest stuff that upon waking up thought that had to be that.

I once stated that I was home watching a 20/20 segment on missing people and Devil Sacrifices and during the show I felt bad for a person who was murdered at the hands of sick people. My sadness grew as I sat and watched and the light near the tv caught on fire. That was enough for me to say, I am done with watching that shit.

I also firmly believe that demons insert themselves into people’s lives to do one thing, destroy any and all happiness in humanity. I believe in the Angels of God as I have personally been given tons of confirmations of the most beautiful of messages through the Angel Numbers.

I experienced for the first time in my life closed eye visions of demon looking images and I take this as a sign and a warning that they are in my life to make me unhappy and to destroy my Spirituality. That is not going to happen and this is why I post the truth on everything I have ever seen or experienced with the psychic realm and my every day life I live. 

2/14/2022 I am dozing off at my computer, but awake and I saw a Demon in my clairvoyance with wings. Then I saw a Demon face, They were Clairvoyant forms and I believe that my guides were showing me this to let me know they are around and trying to create havoc in my life. I feel I am to pay attention and to rid of them.



5/25/2022 We were staying at the Hilton Hotel and while I was in bed with my eyes closed I saw the blue swirls. Then I saw a cat and maybe 3 of them? Then I was shown like Ancient Backdrops of perhaps cities?



7/26/2022 (Bedtime Vision) I see a tv screen and it has a lot of static on it, I saw movements of people, not sure who?



9/11/2022 I saw a soup can in my Clairvoyance.



9/18/2022 I was awake with my eyes closed and my Clairvoyance activated and I saw a woman walking out in front of a building. Then I heard a man’s voice say “The bomb is here?”

Then the scene changed then to another Clairvoyant Vision as I saw a man setting up a long 4 foot type of weapon on the ground.

Go to Prophecy Dreams 2022  in this website and at the bottom, this whole tragic event took place just 2 days after my vision. A massive explosion took place in Chicago.


10/12/2022 I saw an area I was not familiar with and there was an object there, but too dark to see it. Then I asked in my thoughts to please make it clearer so I could see what it was? Then the vision zoomed up closer, but still it was to cloudy and dark to understand what it was?


10/29/2022 I was sitting in the chair early in the morning with my eyes closed and I was shown 12,120 in my Clairvoyance. I for the life of me do not know what that means?