This page Experiencing Clairvoyance 2020 was created to show my Psychic seeing in 2020. This was a very down year for me for seeing the Psychic Visions.


1/23/2020 (Dream) I was sitting on a wall and I jumped up and saw snakes. I was freaked out that I was that close to them, then I saw this huge python and it ate something huge. 

I got into a car and 3 men in a vehicle drove up and they all fired bullets at me. I felt the hits, then I slumped over paralyzed. I tried to yell Shazam but couldn’t. I felt someone trying to pull me, then I woke up.

I came out of the dream and opened my eyes and saw an Owl in my bedroom up near the ceiling. It was with my Clairvoyance and the Owl was just up there clear as day flapping its wings, back and forth.


Clairvoyant Owl Master Image


2/8/2020 I was sleeping and when I woke up I was facing the bedroom wall and I saw a head move along the wall. Then on the wall I saw an outline of an Angel, and it lasted about 3 seconds.


Clairvoyant Angel Master Image