This page Experiencing Clairvoyance 2016 was created to show my Psychic Seeing for that year. There was not many events with Clairvoyance that year, but I will note the few that I had.



4/26/2016 Last night I went to bed and closed my eyes and saw in a short vision a yard with the puffball Dandelions. What Does the Dandelion Flower Mean?
Healing from emotional pain and physical injury alike
Intelligence, especially in an emotional and spiritual sense
The warmth and power of the rising sun.
Surviving through all challenges and difficulties
Long lasting happiness and youthful joy
Getting your wish fulfilled
White (puffball): White is also symbolic of intelligence, as well as clarity, purity, cleansing, spirit/soul, space, and new beginnings.


7/29/2016 Woke up this morning and the thought came to my mind about asking for prophecies, which back in 2009 I asked for one just before bedtime and I was shown a vision. That vision became a storyline through Dreams, Visions, and meditations for intent to try and solve exactly what the first vision was all about and where it would lead to? One month later it became a prophecy and this story broke about the baby missing in Florida.

Now early this morning I asked that question again and was shown my boss at work and something stuck to his back. I thought it might be gum or a small sticker in the vision as he reached around to get it off so i will now put in a sealed envelope and bring it to work and show the envelope to him and say put a x with your pen across the back of it so nothing is tampered with.

I am hoping to see if indeed this vision i saw becomes a actual prophecy for us to see and allow him to open the envelope showing how it all came to pass. Cross thee fingers…if this works this time…I think I will continue trying to work with asking the Universe this more and see where it goes? I imagine it’s the same as talking to my guides and getting Psychic and Mediumship info for others like I have done for the past 2 years.

8/8/2016 So not long ago I posted here about how i asked for a prophecy at bedtime and I was shown in a vision my boss and there was something on his upper right back area. Then i saw him reach around real fast and he hit his upper back area on his right side.

Today I finally talked to him about it and I told him what happened and he said it really happened as he felt this bite and he reached over with his left hand and smacked his upper back and then he got bit again. He found out it was a Fire Ant and we all laughed and i told him it seems like he is my new victim now he like everyone says….”Instead of you seeing me get bit how about the winning lottery numbers?” LOL!!! That’s what they all say.

Fire Ant Master Image



9/16/2016 Ok this one got Theresa and I scratching our heads…I won’t give all the info of past visions she had just yet. Last night she is sleeping she wakes up and looks in the air and sees with her Clairvoyance about 10 men sitting at a big table having a discussion then they faced her. The vision vanished…a little later she sees as if she is in a theater as she is facing a bunch of people sitting in seats and from Theresa’s view she is facing and looking at everyone’s right side of their heads.

Then all of a sudden everyone in the theater is looking in Theresas direction, then the vision stopped, and last but not least she wakes up again after i went to the bathroom she looked up and saw a message in the air and of what she could read it said “I love you…I am Abraham’s mother.” We do not know any Abraham nor every met anyone by that name.

Video of Abraham Lincoln at the Theater when he was murdered CLICK- HERE