This page, Experiencing Clairvoyance 2013 was created to show the Psychic seeing i experienced for that year.

5/5/2013 Bedtime I asked for a prophecy for a woman who is missing or not missing yet? I was shown a woman sitting at a long dinner table, brunette 30’s and pretty and she looked at me.

6/2/2013 Bedtime and i started praying and had the energy come over me bigtime then the visions started coming one after another. I opened my eyes and saw also. It stopped this was at 11:45 pm.

At 11:55 It started again the energy the visions again then eyes closed then open and saw a small partial image.

6/10/2013 Doctors office with eyes closed I saw a horse then a man walking between many people in white. I heard ” JESUS WALKING THROUGH SOLDIERS”.

7/11/2013 4:50 A.M. A random Clairvoyant vision I experienced around 4:50 AM this morning as I was shown two tall buildings that looked like the twin towers. Those were Around some other buildings and one of them exploded and collapsed.

This happened in New York city today as a building exploded and the building partially collapsed. Maybe this was my vision early this morning seeing the twin towers, giving me information that the location would be in New York City?


Clairvoyant vision of Building Exploding master image

An explosion caused by the improper use of an insecticide ripped through a beauty parlor in Chinatown on Thursday afternoon, causing a partial collapse of the building and a fire, and injuring eight occupants, three of them critically, the authorities said.

To read the story and see the images click- HERE

To watch the video of this and takes you directly to Youtube click- HERE 


7/23/2013 Whenever Spirit does a confirm for me its like i am the kid in the candy store! Today at work I meditated for a person who was murdered in Hartford Connecticut and body dumped in my area. So i set my intention and what i was shown was totally not what i had thought was coming and what i was shown previous about that murder.

I saw my wife’s son holding a baby in his arms and i heard his name and his wife’s name told to me. I texted him just a little while ago and he confirmed last night he was holding a baby in his arms and he said that hardly ever happens in his life. I hinted around the bigger message here with that and I just am stoked today as Spirit has never!!! given me a family member to see in a wide awake vision before. My wife’s son who is awesome…was the first one ever and i am so happy.


 8/11/2013 Random vision at bedtime- I saw people walking on an outside deck, then I saw a couple of people serving us too much food. Then a blonde woman wanted a bite of my hamburger and I reached out to give her a bite.




9/23/2013 Interesting find for my development today as i set my intention for a person and set the precise question to my guides. About 8 mins in i see a very clear vision of something i actually was appalled by seeing. This bothered me pretty bad today as to why i would be shown such a intense vision?

It would hit me later as there were 2 people standing about 14 feet from me when i meditated so i asked one of them and he confirmed totally what i saw. This was a first for me and as i surrounded myself with the white light i still must of picked up on this persons energy.


10/23/2013 I went to bed and prayed for some ill people I know and I opened my eyes and for a brief second I saw a Clairvoyant image of a rectangle. I kinda thought that this image looked like a cell phone?