This page, Experiencing Clairvoyance 2010 was created showing my Clairvoyant Experiences, some of these experiences may be listed in other areas of this website.

1/15/2010 I saw a dinosaur crashing into a body of water, then a waterfall. The vision was a little blurry.


1/12/2010 Light started in my eyes, i saw dots like stars in front of me, with me eyes closed.

3/14/2010 I took a nap and was shown 4 weird faces in a vision after i woke up, they were not human looking.

4/28/2010- I went to bed after talking with a facebook friend about our E.T. visitation experiences. I was alone and the bedroom was dark, the light started in my eyes as my eyes were closed. I explained this previously as closing my eyes in the dark and it was like someone was shining a small light into my eyes.

I saw some white forms in my Mind’s eye, then a head with a high collar appeared for a split second. I couldn’t imagine who this was as he had no hair? I also saw a juncture of caves with red lights on the ceiling of each cave.




Strange Alien looking Image Master Image

5/23/2010 I was sleeping in a back seat of a vehicle coming back from a paranormal event. I saw a vision of a man’s face with a 6 in front of it. Then a spider running along the floor.

6/12/2010 I saw the light start in my eyes, then i saw a quick vision of 3 women sitting at a bar. I felt the energy over my whole body.

8/3/2010 I went to bed and talked to spirit, then i saw some dim faces changing like 7 of them.

10/30/2010 I woke up, went to the bathroom and when i went back to bed closed my eyes and saw a vision of a blueprint. I was staring at the vision with  my eyes closed for about 10 seconds it was pretty clear.

12/7/2010 I went to bed and after about 15 minutes the light started in my eyes i saw a little bit of clouds going outward, then i saw a blurry vision of something…but couldn’t tell what it was.

12/29/2010 I was lying in bed and had prayed for some missing people in the world, i had asked for a vision regarding this and nothing happened.  Then in my thoughts i heard relax and just let it flow.  Seconds later the light started to appear in my eyes with my eyes closed and some images appeared, almost to the point where i could tell what it was but not enough to do so. Then after showing me two images it left and the light stopped.

12/30/2010 I woke up in the early hours to go to the bathroom when i got back in bed i was talking with theresa and a few minutes afterwards i saw what looked like writings from china or japan.

12/30/2010 I quickly saw a woman in a visions with short hair and kinda blonde. Then i heard a voice say melody mitchell or Meldee or Melody Mitchell.