This Experiencing Clairvoyance 2008 page was created in that year because during the beginning stages of my Spiritual development, these were the Experiences that I had and documented.

6/7/2008– I closed my eyes and i saw a visual impression of a girl early 20’s she changed to 30’s, standing behind a counter she had long blonde hair.


6/24/2008– I closed my eyes and saw a man about 30 wearing glasses quickly then left.

6/28/2008 I started to doze off at my computer and while my eyes were closed I saw an Alien ET looking head and I jumped and opened my eyes.

6/29/2008 I layed down to take a nap and I saw a impression of a tree branch.

7/4/2008– I went to bed, closed my eyes and I saw like a photo negative, then it changed to many branches or like a window cracking in many directions.

7/5/2008 As i was lying in bed not long after i saw a man between the wall and the dresser hunched down. He looked at me and pointed for me to look in another direction, my eyes were closed.

7/6/2008 I went to bed closed my eyes and saw 2 forms not clear, then a light in my lower eyes. The bed pulsated a little bit. Theresa said she felt it too.

8/21/2008 I closed my eyes and multiple visions came in only about 60% clear, they looked like faces at different times.

8/25/2008 I closed my eyes and the purple color came from both sides and tried to form into something but didn’t.

8/28/2008 I thought i saw a bear then changed into a dog.

9/11/2008 The darkness changed in my eyes, I knew something was happening as forms like faces were coming in and going out. I thought i saw some visuals, theresa moved and got up i snapped out of it. In a bit i saw a few more forms as the darkness changed i felt that energy or spirit come over me again.

9/13/2008 I closed my eyes and experienced the darkness shift, i felt the body energy, saw a few forms, then nothing.

9/18/2008 I closed my eyes and my whole field of vision started to form a picture like a photo negative, it looked like my living room. Also looked like the sun room was there also, i opened my eyes, then closed then a lot of movement i saw like a flashlight was put in front of my outer lower eyes with my eyes closed. I could almost feel a energy around me or presence.

11/15/2008 I took a mediumship class with lionel owen a medium from overseas and that was the hardest scariest class i ever did. So much so it was nerve wracking….but when i got home i was in bed and my senses were sharpened as he told me.

I saw a man with a white face with two guys and he told me he was transparent. Then i saw a photo of a woman and 2 other women at a party and i asked if the the one holding the cup was the one who died. Then i lost touch.

12/25/2008 Tonight at bedtime i asked for E.T. Info? I saw a bunch of small screens and i was under the impression they used a truck, then it switched over to two men walking in with 2 large things laying on 2 hand trucks. I heard one guy say we won’t need the vehicle once we use these….what was that?

Then i heard that machine sounding noise outside my window this would be the second time, i got up and nobody was there the sound left..there is woods and a marsh in the back and no roads.

12/26/2008 I went to bed, the swirling started the energy came over my whole body and lasted. The swirling then created a opening which looked like a hole with cracks. It was like looking in outer space with the blackness and tiny dots. The swirling was blue. I asked if i could see whatever it was or hear but no response.

12/27/2008 At bedtime my eyes were open and I was seeing shadow wisp’s in the air, then very small forms. I closed my eyes and it started, the energy came, not as strong as the night before. It was almost like my eyes were seeing light in a room where my eyes were not focused. Then it got dark again, then light.

I could see that something tried to form, then in the middle something was there, not a face, It was only about 70% clear and was rotating around. It looked like a mechanical Bee or bug with wings. The image lasted about 15 seconds, then it faded.

I asked the E.T.’s “What do i have with them that I am to do?” I heard in a voice that distorts. “Because I don’t want to tell you” I thought was that me saying that in my thoughts?

12/28/2008 This could go in dreams and visions because the dream turned into a vision then happened. In the dream I was at work and this guy came up from behind me and poked me in the back of my bottom, hard. I turned around and got mad, and i asked him why did he do that?? He said because his mom and dad were sleeping. Then I punched him in the mouth, and then I then woke up.

I thought about this and closed my eyes and saw a image of a black sheep moving by my eyes with them closed. Then i saw a image like a white pen that spun like a hundred times fast and stopped dead and it was a sentence i could read in my eyes with them closed. It said “sheep are pleasant men are tough” this would signal my visions interacting with my dreams. Not long after this dream that person at work would get fired and he landed in jail.

3/6/2009 I had found out today that Terrence was in jail, the guy who was in my dream.

12/29/2008 At Bedtime I started seeing Image like my meditation images of a strange blob symbol. Then I had a couple beings come in, one looked like a Gill man, the other I don’t know?

Interesting previously in Ellicott City Maryland this year with Adele she stated the Gill people would bring me down to Atlantis and help me release my Ball and Chain keeping me from Opening up to my Potential. Interesting I would see this image of it. In the Photo below I would see it again in 2012

10 7 2012 meditation being


12/30/2008 I closed my eyes, some forms came in then i opened my eyes and saw them, then i closed them again. I saw a lighted image so detailed up close as to show how many hundreds of pixels or octagons that formed the picture very detailed with the pixels.