Door To The Unknown Master Image

It was now January of 2008 and I started meditating using a candle flame, basically to learn to focus and think about my wandering thoughts. Once I stopped doing the candle flame meditations, I created a meditation room in my large walk in closet.

I sat in my chair, closed my eyes and lowered my head and stilled my mind to the point where I heard nothing and I was totally relaxed. In April of 2008 my father would come back again and the event that took place was astounding to us and confirmed the next dream you can read below.

4/30/2008 (Dream) I was standing next to a woman and my father showed up, I asked her if she could see the man standing there and was he really there? She said “The man with the blue shirt on?” She told me he really was there with me.

5/13/2008 (Confirmed) After I left for work my wife woke up and it was getting light outside and she saw a man standing in the doorway of our bedroom. It was my father and she called out “Frank”, but he just stood there looking in and wearing a beautiful blue shirt.

The door to the unknown was really opening and I would continue into 2008 meditating almost every night like a child with a new toy, but during this year I would find out that I was not surrounding myself with protections during these meditations.

I actually called in Spirits and Entities from just about everywhere it seemed, and our home became very active, especially at night. My wife would see Spirits all the time near the bed or in the bedroom and this year was a major learning experience for both of us. For the most part we enjoyed the experiences as I documented heavily each one. 

I had once been told that when the student needs a Teacher to learn from they will come. My first Spiritual Teacher Was Elaine Kuzmeskus from Suffield Connecticut. She was a talented and kind person and gave me a reading just days prior to my father’s passing and she told me that my work would be held up by a white net. 

I had no idea what that meant at the time until I was with my father when he passed and I looked up and when he died I noticed the top of the curtain around his bed had a white netting. That was the confirm that Elaine had shared with me previous.

Elaine is a Spiritualist Medium and has taught at Lily Dale in New York state and also taught Psychology and Parapsychology at various colleges in New England. Along with Elaine she invited a Spirit Artist Rita Berkowitz who has impressed large audiences throughout the world by drawing portraits of loved ones from the higher side of life. She is the Author of Empowering Your Life With Angels and co-Author of the Complete Idiot’s Guide To Communicating With Spirits.

Rita has both studied and taught at the Arthur Findlay Collex in Essex England as well as lectured and demonstrated in colleges, new age centers and Spiritualist churches in the United States and Canada. When I met Rita she was teaching a class on Transfiguration and that was amazing at Elaine’s home in Connecticut.

6/5/2008 I traveled with my friend to Ellicott City Maryland to Meet Adele and received ans amazing Spiritual Reading. Later we gathered to do a circle in Adele’s cellar. I was looking at an Angel and I started to tear up a little. During the circle I got nervous and my breathing got a little difficult, probably due to nerves.

Also during our time with our eyes closed in my thoughts I had thought of the color Golden Brown, but didn’t want to say anything. See that was the problem I believe that would go on to haunt me in the future, DOUBT! which hinders people in fully trusting Spirit. Later a woman near me said what I was thinking which was about ArchAngel Uriel, as he shows himself as a Golden Brown Color.

Adele Channeled Chief Rainmaker who said I would discover Atlantis and the Gill people would bring me down to release my Ball & Chain that is holding me back, then I would open up like a flower.

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I remembered from 2008 when I was told about the Gill People and then in 2012 I actually saw what looked like that in a Meditation Vision. Was that part of the prediction told to me back then?