April 4 2012- Fully awake and seeing a Dimensional Being!

I woke up around 4:00 am and looked up at the ceiling to the most amazing array of lights i had ever seen and theresa was in process of sitting up on the bed. During this approximate 12 seconds i was trying to key in on what was behind all the strobe lights going on and off at a extremely rapid pace and the lights dots that were lit bright all around it.

Theresa had walked right under it as i saw the being up almost as if it was in the ceiling in that rectangle shape. I could make out only parts of the head profile and the shoulders on it but as there was so much light flashing going on i could not make out what it was that was moving behind it all?

 When it was done i couldn’t believe what i had just witnessed and i waited for theresa to come out of the bathroom and i asked her if she saw that light show? She said no and it’s really amazing she didn’t but i have come to learn that the sightings are sometimes meant for her to see and rarely i get the chance to see something this amazing.


I woke up and as I looked at the ceiling I saw extremely fast strobe lighting just flashing fast. Along with that there were sparkle lights mixed in just all over the whole area up above. Now this all took place up on my bedroom ceiling in a approximate 2 X 3 foot rectangle shape.

Within that was an Unknown being that I could only make out the profile of the head and neck and shoulder. Understand with all the lights going on and off and the sparkles..it was hard to figure out what exactly is was?

When I saw this..my wife sat up on the bed and proceeded to walk under it and headed towards the bathroom. I had about 12 seconds in which i sat up and tried to figure out exactly what it was as it was moving behind all those lights? I don’t think it was human..but i cannot say def it was a ET.

When my wife came out of the bathroom i asked her if she saw it and she said no, and there have been quite a few times my wife has seen Ethereal ET’s in our bedroom so this isn’t anything new here. Kathleen Marden, niece of Betty and Barney Hill told me last year that it might be a exit or entry point of how they enter or exit our bedroom when they come.


It took me years to finally see something that very much resembled what I experienced back in 2012 and that was the flashing lights in my bedroom that was exactly like this x files episode with abductee Duane Barry. At exactly the 1:15 mark of the video that is exactly, what I witnessed in my bedroom with the being up in the ceiling.




Mary Rodwell is a professional counselor, hypnotherapist, ufology researcher and metaphysician. Mary is the founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) and is recognized internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and contact phenomenon. She is the Vice-President of Star Kids Project Ltd and an Advisory Committee member of Exopolitics.


Hello I am not sure if this will directly go to Mary or not if so thank you. Hello my name is Todd Sheldon and I spoke last year at Experiencers speak 1 with Travis Walton and other speakers last year in Maine on the experiences of my wife and myself. I have documented everything times dates etc of our experiences with Ethereal visitations mostly by my wife at night as we both are psychics. the photo is a original photo of one face I saw in my third eye in 2008.

If you blow up the photo in the center window you will see what looks like an Ethereal looking gray ET beings’s head there. I saw this one along with my wife at my home. again center window and you can see the head with eye and mouth open. Audrey Starborn saw my camera with this image on it and its so much cleaner on the camera monitor than on here.

could you please read the statement below and tell me if anyone has ever experienced anything like this with lights etc..during a visitation? I am and have always been 100% sincere with my experiences and am looking for no gain in what I do…just speak my truth…thank you.

Hello, curious to know if there were ever any Experiences with ET visitations from anyone’s testimonies that some here may of heard about regarding strobe lighting and sparkle lights together with a visitation?

I wont get into the visitations that my wife and i have experienced since 2008 as it would take too long, i am only interested in any case studies of this type of event happening. I woke up and as i looked at the ceiling i saw extremely fast strobe lighting just flashing fast, along with that there were sparkle lights mixed in within all that.

Now this all took place up on my bedroom ceiling in a 2 X 3 foot approx rectangle shape, and within that was a being that i could only make out the profile of the head and neck and shoulder…but understand with all the lights going on and off and the sparkles..it was hard to figure out what exactly is was?  When i saw this..my wife sat up on the bed and proceeded to walk under it and headed towards the bathroom.

I had about 12 seconds in which i sat up and tried to figure out exactly what it was as it was moving behind all those lights? I don’t think it was human..but i cannot say def it was a ET. When my wife came out of the bathroom i asked her if she saw it and she said no, and there have been quite a few times my wife has seen Ethereal ET’s in our bedroom so this isn’t anything new here.

I just wanted to throw this out there for those serious in this field as they may have some theories on this? Kathleen Marden told me last year that it might be a exit or entry point of how they enter or exit our bedroom when they come. take care and thank you.


 Dear Todd,

Thank you for your email

See below***

On 27 May 2013, at 08:13, Todd Sheldon wrote:

Hello I am not sure if this will directly go to Mary or not if so thank you…Hello my name is Todd Sheldon and I spoke last year at Experiencers speak 1 with travis walton and other speakers last year in Maine on the experiences

of my wife and myself.

** I understand

I have documented everything times dates etc of our experiences with Ethereal visitations mostly by my wife at night as we both are psychics. the photo is a original photo of one face I saw in my third eye in 2008. If you blow up the photo in the center window you will see a Ethereal looking gray et looking beings’s head there.

I saw this one along with my wife at my home. again center window and you can see the head with eye and mouth open. Audrey Starborn saw my camera with this image on it and its so much cleaner on the camera monitor than on here. could you please read the statement below and tell me if anyone has ever experienced anything like this with lights etc..during a visitation? I am and have always been 100% sincere with my experiences and am looking for no gain in what I do…just speak my truth…thank you…

** I understand. Certainly the ‘visitors’ are banking themselves known in more and more ways.

Hello….curious to know if there were ever any Experiences with ET visitations from anyone’s testimonies that some here may of heard about regarding strobe lighting and sparkle lights together with a visitation?

** yes they have

I wont get into the visitations that my wife and i have experienced since 2008 as it would take too long, i am only interested in any case studies of this type of event happening. I woke up and as i looked at the ceiling i saw extremely fast strobe lighting just flashing fast, along with that there were sparkle lights mixed in within all that.

Now this all took place up on my bedroom ceiling in a 2 X 3 foot approx rectangle shape, and within that was a being that i could only make out the profile of the head and neck and shoulder…but understand with all the lights going on and off and the sparkles..it was hard to figure out what exactly is was?

** One of my cases said after the lights he saw a Mantid being.

When i saw this..my wife sat up on the bed and proceeded to walk under it and headed towards the bathroom. I had about 12 seconds in which i sat up and tried to figure out exactly what it was as it was moving behind all those lights?

I don’t think it was human..but i cannot say def it was a ET. When my wife came out of the bathroom i asked her if she saw it and she said no, and there have been quite a few times my wife has seen Ethereal ET’s in our bedroom so this isn’t anything new here.

I just wanted to throw this out there for those serious in this field as they may have some theories on this? Kathleen Marden told me last year that it might be a exit or entry point of how they enter or exit our bedroom when they come. take care and thank you.

** yes some houses/rooms may be portals or even the person themselves.

Best regards

Mary Rodwell

This was a conversation i had with a friend and what she thought of what we possibly have in our home.

Todd Sheldon
i saw a 2 foot by 3 foot rectangle like hole in my bedroom ceiling in 2012 with a being behind a array of fast moving strobe lights and sparkle lights for a good 12 seconds…while we do have Ethereal ET looking beings that have been here seen by my wife i would think that would be what i saw.

yes we have experienced a lot of activity with other things also we believe as dimensional…some have thought this being had either was exiting or entering when i saw it, cannot prove that though.
Todd Sheldon you were experiencing a vortex from a a different form the technology that we don’t have or equipped to know how to handle this is not far fetched ..what you were seeing was technology for our future to enable us to transport ..the technology is within our grasp ..we will be enhancing our thoughts and minds these our windows to our future are thoughts can produce these windows with accurate precision we can transport and envision what is necessary to project our thoughts.

Our brains can utilise this concept for transporting through these windows when we have achieved this method are lives will have turned a corner as we will be using part of the brain that hasn’t been used in a very long time we all have these skills but have been dormant for longer than necessary ..we will achieve the ability to work in this way again as we move into a higher vibration.

 We will all feel the pull of the universe as our vibrations rise and more spirituality becomes evident on the earth plane we will all feel this as we progress to the hear and now ..mother nature is already telling us that the changes are here and waiting for us to catch up with her the seasons are already changing in our midst.. evolution won’t stand still we our evolving so it’s necessary to acquire more knowledge its to our advantage to recognize that we are in the change of evolution.

Todd Sheldon
thank you Ann for that both my wife and i are both open psychically with different aspects of gifts and awareness. all i can say is when it started in 2008 i saw that gray in my minds eye and later forward my wife would start seeing them eyes wide open. i have waited since then to see something that intense with eyes open and it was worth the wait, the black fast strobing and the flashing sparkle lights was unlike anything I have ever seen for the twelve seconds as i tried to make out the being behind it..it was just incredible! and thank you for your kindness in replying.

Todd Sheldon we are been given insight into their world and how it evolves it all stems from the power of thought as our thoughts our living things and if we can harness this for the common good of all we move into the fifth dimension which the earth plane is striving to .. At present the hierarchy our pouring the violet ray into the earth plane to lift the vibrations ..slowly they are making us aware of this.

The children that are coming back to the earth plane are coming with a heightened awareness of spirituality and psychic ability ..our space brothers connect with are aura and can tell what type of being we are whether we are relatively young or old souls and how much growth is necessary to learn ..they watch over us if you like to them we are still in nursery and learning still.

We should all try and connect with mother earth as we are as one ..I to have only seen our space brothers in my minds eye your wife is very lucky to see them the way she does .. I’ve seen some elementals this way also who looks after mother earth and the seasons ..will you please ask for them to explain their motive of why you witnessed what you saw I have been told that there more to come ..a vision ?

Todd Sheldon
Ann i love your insight into all this…I have sincerely and seriously documented every sighting and confirm to us here and its funny cause my wife is very spiritual and i am also..but not as much as she is..though i strive…I have hoped these visits are of the spiritual nature as none of the sightings have been harrowing.

Some have suggested they are doing healing work over my body as my wife has seen and watched them do this at times. It really is amazing Ann…we know they are here and they know we know…i must be honest in this…if they were solid entities that we were seeing…i have to admit i probably would be scared.

I meditate all the time and yes…though i have seen more with eyes closed…my wife has seen so much with her eyes open and yes she is very lucky and most of all she is so honest and humble about it. I have people who say they are Demons…some say they are not bad….you get a mixture of this and that..so its hard to really know who they are and what they want?

Ann this is the exact face i saw in my minds eye back in 2008…i think you should be able to see it…i saw it take up the whole space within my closed eyes and when i was guided to take this photo and saw it…i really couldn’t believe it…to see this on the camera is so much clearer than on this photo.

Wow definitely proof of our space brothers how lucky are you ..the healing which is taking place they are getting you ready to fulfill your promise to the world of spirit ..before you left to come to the earth plane this was part of your destiny to acquire knowledge of our space brothers ..will you trust your inner strength and Judgement on these matters ..you are getting ready for the next step.

Your meditation is necessary and ask to connect to your higher self I’m seeing gold and remain calm when you witness what they have to show you your connection will be stronger over time ask for references to be given to what you need to know ..they are around your wife also emanating energy to influence her to the light which is in pure form ..I feel quartz crystals are necessary which will enhance your energies.

Todd Sheldon
Ann…i will be sincere again in saying…this…i have been nothing but in wonderment of first why??? us? Now there are many things i could say here in experiences but don’t want to cramp up the page with it…but i just don’t honestly know what is going on? with what you say…i have heard some others say the same thing…i really sometimes feel there is a importance to all this for i would not be trying my hardest to keep trying to do good for humanity in my own small way.

I spoke of my experiences at Experiencers Speak with some people in the UFO genre and got to speak on our experiences and show a lot of my images i have received over time with my digital camera. I have learned its not to prove to the world anything with this…one had told me its for my wife an i to know something very big is going on…and i also stated back then..i will do my best to only report and document what happened and never add anything that does not exist within our experiences.

Joe not sure if that comment was for me or Ann?? Most people don’t take the little guys serious…either they are disciples of the famous ufo people or they bash them to no end. I am a nobody in the grand scheme of things….but…it has led me to try to be better in who I am.

Ann i will post this…i will have to find it…its a recorded message a Visionary woman from Maryland who looked at the very first photo of a spirit head that came to me in my bedroom window but i was called first to take a photo there and he showed up…and what she said was really and honestly the start of things to come….i will find it and post it here…just so you can hear what she said about the ET’s…no not everyone will believe it…that is ok…but it has changed my life.

Friend believes it is a Vortex

Todd Sheldon
i saw a 2 foot by 3 foot rectangle like hole in my bedroom ceiling in 2012 with a being behind a array of fast moving strobe lights and sparkle lights for a good 12 seconds…while we do have Ethereal ET looking beings that have been here seen by my wife i would think that would be what i saw. yes we have experienced a lot of activity with other things also we believe as dimensional…some have thought this being had either was exiting..or entering when i saw it..,cannot prove that though.

Ann Murphy
Todd Sheldon you were experiencing a vortex from a a different form the technology that we don’t have or equipped to know how to handle this is not far fetched ..what you were seeing was technology for our future to enable us to transport ..the technology is within our grasp ..we will be enhancing our thoughts and minds these our windows to our future are thoughts can produce these windows with accurate precision we can transport and envision what is necessary to project our thoughts

Our brains can utilise this concept for transporting through these windows when we have achieved this method are lives will have turned a corner as we will be using part of the brain that hasn’t been used in a very long time we all have these skills but have been dormant for longer than necessary.

We will achieve the ability to work in this way again as we move into a higher vibration and we will all feel the pull of the universe as our vibrations rise and more spirituality becomes evident on the earth plane we will all feel this as we progress to the hear and now ..mother nature is already telling us that the changes are here and waiting for us to catch up with her the seasons are already changing in our midst.. evolution won’t stand still we our evolving so it’s necessary to acquire more knowledge its to our advantage to recognise that we are in the change of evolution.

Todd Sheldon
thank you Ann for that both my wife and i are both open psychically with different aspects of gifts and awareness. all i can say is when it started in 2008 i saw that gray in my minds eye and later forward my wife would start seeing them eyes wide open.

i have waited since then to see something that intense with eyes open and it was worth the wait..the black fast strobing and the flashing sparkle lights was unlike anything i have ever seen for the twelve seconds as i tried to make out the being behind it..it was just incredible! and thank you for your kindness in replying.

Ann Murphy
Todd Sheldon we are been given insight into their world and how it evolves it all stems from the power of thought as our thoughts our living things and if we can harness this for the common good of all we move into the fifth dimension which the earth plane is striving to .. At present the hierarchy our pouring the violet ray into the earth plane to lift the vibrations ..slowly they are making us aware of this ..the children that are coming back to the earth plane are coming with a heightened awareness of spirituality and psychic ability.

Our space brothers connect with are aura and can tell what type of being we are whether we are relatively young or old souls and how much growth is necessary to learn ..they watch over us if you like to them we are still in nursery and learning still ..we should all try and connect with mother earth as we are as one.

I to have only seen our space brothers in my minds eye your wife is very lucky to see them the way she does .. I’ve seen some elementals this way also who looks after mother earth and the seasons ..will you please ask for them to explain their motive of why you witnessed what you saw I have been told that there more to come ..a vision ?

Todd Sheldon
Ann i love your insight into all this…i have sincerely and seriously documented every sighting and confirm to us here and its funny cause my wife is very spiritual and i am also..but not as much as she is..though i strive…I have hoped these visits are of the spiritual nature as none of the sightings have been harrowing. Some have suggested they are doing healing work over my body as my wife has seen and watched them do this at times.

It really is amazing Ann…we know they are here and they know we know…i must be honest in this…if they were solid entities that we were seeing…i have to admit i probably would be scared…i meditate all the time and yes…though i have seen more with eyes closed…my wife has seen so much with her eyes open and yes she is very lucky and most of all she is so honest and humble about it.

I have people who say they are Demons…some say they are not bad….you get a mixture of this and that..so its hard to really know who they are and what they want? Ann this is the exact face i saw in my minds eye back in 2008…i think you should be able to see it…i saw it take up the whole space within my closed eyes and when i was guided to take this photo and saw it…i really couldn’t believe it…to see this on the camera is so much clearer than on this photo.

Ann Murphy
Wow definitely proof of our space brothers how lucky are you ..the healing which is taking place they are getting you ready to fulfill your promise to the world of spirit ..before you left to come to the earth plane this was part of your destiny to acquire knowledge of our space brothers ..will you trust your inner strength and judgement on these matters.

You are getting ready for the next step ..your meditation is necessary and ask to connect to your higher self I’m seeing gold and remain calm when you witness what they have to show you your connection will be stronger over time ask for references to be given to what you need to know ..they are around your wife also emanating energy to influence her to the light which is in pure form ..I feel quartz crystals are necessary which will enhance your energies.

Todd Sheldon
Ann…i will be sincere again in saying…this…i have been nothing but in wonderment of first why??? us? Now there are many things i could say here in experiences but don’t want to cramp up the page with it…but i just don’t honestly know what is going on? with what you say…i have heard some others say the same thing…i really sometimes feel there is a importance to all this for i would not be trying my hardest to keep trying to do good for humanity in my own small way.

I spoke of my experiences at Experiencers Speak with some people in the UFO genre and got to speak on our experiences and show a lot of my images i have received over time with my digital camera. I have learned its not to prove to the world anything with this…one had told me its for my wife an i to know something very big is going on…and i also stated back then..i will do my best to only report and document what happened and never add anything that does not exist within our experiences.

Joe not sure if that comment was for me or Ann?? Most people dont take the little guys serious…either they are disciples of the famous ufo people or they bash them to no end..I am a nobody in the grand scheme of things….but…it has led me to try to be better in who i am.

Ann i will post this…i will have to find it…its a recorded message a Visionary woman from maryland who looked at the very first photo of a spirit head that came to me in my bedroom window but i was called first to take a photo there and he showed up…and what she said was really and honestly the start of things to come….i will find it and post it here…just so you can hear what she said..about the ET’s…no not everyone will believe it…that is ok…but it has changed my life.