Back in February of 2022 I had my eyes closed and for the very first time in my life, I saw a Demon image. At first I did not know what to make of that, but my inner being told me that they are around and to be careful.

Like many I do believe in them, just as I believe in the Angels of God as just as there is the light, I do believe there is the dark as well. I have also always believed in my life that certain times I am not meant to hang on to certain relationships or friendships, in that it would seem the negative does not want me to further myself in my Spirituality.

Some would say it’s all hogwash, but I believe in this fully that the closer one gets to the light, the dark does everything it can to pull one farther away. To maintain my privacy in this photo, I will just show my lower face, my hand holding my cellphone and my neck upper chest area.

In doing this those who can see the image more clearly, will see the bearded being, demon or whatever that is. I see it’s head clear as day, I see a horn on it’s head, a pointed nose and the beard on it’s face. The neck and the whole body below is also there as well.

Everyone sees different things and I know over the years to trust what I get and see and go with that. The photo was taken with me sitting on a bed about 9 feet away from a large mirror. When I enlarged the image I could see the being clear as day in front of me. What in my opinion does this all mean? I believe there are certain demons around me doing what they can to try to derail me off of my life path of Spirituality.

I will only show the cropped image, enlarged to see my lower face area and my chest area where the image showed. You can also see my hand and the Cell Phone which took the photo at the mirror and reflected back at me. I believe by isolating this to a smaller area, people should be able to see the strange image better.

The original image when shown on my cell phone is very small, but I enlarge everything and even when enlarged, it shows in my opinion a very clear image of what I see is a Demon looking thing with a beard. To enlarge an image that was small, it pixelated, but I can see this very clearly.


Demon Photo Master Image
Demon Or Troll Looking Image Taken Off Mirror Master Image
Demon Or Troll Looking Image Taken Off Mirror Master Image